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Environmental Science Syllabus 2013


PHONE NUMBER 706 485 9971 Ext 1105 ROOM NUMBER: 409
The Environmental Science curriculum is designed to extend student investigations that began in grades K-8. This curriculum is extensively performance, lab and field based. It integrates the study of many components of our environment, including the human impact on our planet. Instruction should focus on student data collection and analysis. Some concepts are global; in those cases, interpretation of global data sets from scientific sources is strongly recommended. It would be appropriate to utilize resources on the Internet for global data sets and interactive models. Chemistry, physics, mathematical, and technological concepts should be integrated throughout the course. Whenever possible, careers related to environmental science should be emphasized.


Flow of energy & cycling of matter Interconnection of all life The stability and change in an ecosystem Conservation and resource allocation Evaluation of human activity and technology Records investigations clearly and accurately Uses scientific tools Organizes/interprets graphs, tables and charts Writes clearly

Uses proper units Analyzes scientific data via calculations and inference Uses models Asks quality questions Uses technology Uses safety techniques Recognizes the importance of explaining data with precision and accuracy

** For more information: dards-Approved2006.pdf MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 3-Ring Binder - 2 Pencil and/or Pens (Blue or Black) Textbook GRADABLE CONTENT: GRADE DETERMINATION Grading Scale: The following grade equivalences are used for all classes school wide: 90-100 equals A 80-89 equals B 70-79 equals C Below 70 equals F The following grading distribution is utilized through all classes in the science department: Classwork = 10% Homework = 5% 35% of Class Grade Labs = 20% Quizzes = 15% 65% of Class Grade Tests = 50%

TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE Unit # 0 1 2 SEV1 SEV2 SEV3 SEV1 SEV3 SEV4 SEV5 SEV1 SEV3 SEV4 SEV5 SEV1 SEV3 SEV4 SEV5 SEV4 SEV5 a, b, d, e a- d a-e a, d, e e f a-f d, b a a, b, f a-e c a a-f a-c, e a, c-f e GPS # Standard Scientific Processes Ecosystems: species, interactions, biosphere, adaption, Biodiversity and Populations Finding Balance: conservation, resource allocation, water, air Finding Balance II: resource allocation, conservation atmosphere, land, &mineral Pollution and Energy Sources Course Review and Final Exam (December 16th and 17th) Textbook Resources Chapter 1, 2 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10 Timeline 1 Week (Aug 8-Aug 16) 4 Weeks (Aug 19-Sep 6) 3 weeks (Sep 9-Sep 27) 3 weeks (Sep 30- Oct 25) 3 weeks (Oct 28- Nov 15) 2 weeks (Nov 18- Dec 6) 1 week (Dec 9-Dec 17)

3, 11, 12

13, 14, 15, 16

17, 18, 19


All students will be expected to follow all guidelines stated in the PCHS student handbook. Respect the teacher, other students, and yourself Each individual student is responsible for learning the standards. Please be prepared for class with writing utensils and paper/notebooks. Turn all assignments in on time. If assignments are not turned in, a zero will be placed in the grade-book until completed by the student. Late work is subject to grade penalties for tardiness. Water with a sealable top is the only food or drink permitted in class, absolutely no food or drink is permitted during lab activities. Electronic devices should only be used when permission by the teacher is given to the class. Students are responsible for meeting with the instructor for make-up work, preferably before scheduled absences if possible. Instructional focus (IF) periods are schedules into each day in order to offer students extra remediation opportunities. The Science department also offers after-school tutorials from 3:00 pm 4:00 pm. Additional tutorials will occasionally be held throughout the semester, and they can also be scheduled request via the student, or parent/guardian Stay Connected: There are numerous ways for students and parents/guardians to stay in touch about their grades and what is occurring in the class. Using the main school website, parents/guardians may log on to the parent portal to stay current on student progress. Of course sending an email using the address provided on the syllabus is an excellent way to stay in contact with the teacher, which will be answered promptly. I am currently developing a webpage site using that may be used to find information about the class. The webpage should be online no later that September 1st and will be updated every 1-2 week.

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