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Form 6.

3: Course Outline with Assessment Ideas and Activities

Course Title: _______Career Development by Becky Esterby_____________________________________________ Module Number and Name: _________Module 1 Interests and Goals___________________________________________ Competency/Outcome/Objective Assessment Ideas 1 examine and articulate Interest inventory interests and discussion 2 identify 2 careers that match interests 3 list 2 goals necessary to achieve 1 career 4 list 1 potential road block for each goal 5 list end date for goal to be achieved Print out from website Form Absorb Presentation on taking the inventory Reading from lists of careers and interests Listen to presentation on goal setting Listen to presentation on goal setting Listen to presentation on goal setting Do Take the inventory Connect This is an original work with decision activities Matching careers and Reflect on interests interests and match careers List the goals Connections will be made with personal interests and career(s) List road block Brainstorming the future problems List end dates Challenging themselves to put a date on a goal- makes it more likely to be achieved

Form Form

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Course Title: __________Career Development__________________________________________ Module Number and Name: ________Module 2 Budget____________________________________________ Competency/Outcome/Objective 1 list and examine likely lifestyle and spending 2 examine 1 career choice for potential earning 3 develop a personal budget Assessment Ideas Discussion and record on form Website (specific) search Absorb Reading and presentation Read Do Form for spending Select 1 career and begin to look at earning Work through budget section of website Connect Develop spreadsheet for spending Start to research and develop understanding of lifestyle choices Develop spreadsheet on website including potential earning in career choice combined with spending and lifestyle

Examine saved info Readings and on website (will presentation have administrative access to saved material)

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Course Title: _____Career Development_______________________________________________ Module Number and Name: ______Module 3 Identify Schools or careers______________________________________________ Competency/Outcome/Objective 1 using a specific website, match interests and goals with colleges and/or careers 2 compare and contrast schools or careers Assessment Ideas Saved on website (will have administrative access to saved material) Saved on website (will have administrative access to saved material) Absorb Presentation on use of website using screenshots in powerpoint or slideshare Read Do Match interests and colleges on website Connect Will research which college would best suit needs Will research reasons for which college would best suit needs

Comparison on website

3 4 see form 10 on chunking exercise

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Course Title: ________Career Development____________________________________________ Module Number and Name: _____________Module 4 Making Choices_______________________________________ Competency/Outcome/Objective Assessment Ideas 1 identify strength of match with Website (will have career choice and college administrative access to saved material) 2 examine financial implications Website Absorb Read Do Match careers and schools from website Review cost of school Connect Research and discover if a certain school has the program of interest Research cost of education and decide how that fits into current lifestyle/savings Consider climate, size of city, distance from family/friends, difficulty of enrollment Learner will make choices and comparisons based on research


3 consider location/placement



Review location of school

4 rank 3 colleges/careers based on above findings



Make rank list

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Course Title: _________Career Development___________________________________________ Module Number and Name: ___Module 5 Action Plans_________________________________________________ Competency/Outcome/Objective Assessment Ideas 1 define measureable activity wiki required to achieve goals 2 define time line to achieve measureable activity 3 write measureable activity as an action plan wiki wiki Absorb Listen to examples of measureable activities Listen to examples Listen to examples and readings Do Discuss activities Choose end date and time line Write action plan Connect Share with classmates in wiki Share and discuss with classmates in wiki Wiki acts as a journal for future review and reflection of action plans to make adjustments and celebrate successes

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

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