Refraction Through A Lens

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Convex lens
Known as

Converging lens

Can be Thought as

A set of prisms and a slab

Focal length Main features Optical centre Principal axis Focal point and length

Is positive
Depends on

Refractive index Radius of curvature

Unit m-1 (D)

Object situated

It increases if lens is placed in medium other than air.

At infinity


At F Real, inverted and highly diminished

Used in

Burning lens

Beyond 2F


Between F and 2F Real, inverted and diminished

Used in


At 2F


At 2f Real, inverted and same size

Used in

Terrestrial telescope and photocopy machine

Between F and 2F


Beyond 2F Real, inverted and magnified

Used in


At F


At infinity Real, inverted and highly magnified

Used in

Spectrometer and in flash light

Between F and O


On the same side of the object Virtual, erect and highly magnified

Used in

Magnifying glass


Concave lens
Known as

Diverging lens

Can be Thought as

A set of prisms and a slab

Focal length Main features Optical centre Principal axis Focal point and length

Is negative
Depends on

Refractive index Radius of curvature

Unit m-1 (D)

Object situated

At infinity


At F Virtual, erect and highly diminished

Used in

Galilean telescope

Anywhere between infinity and O


Between F and O Virtual, erect and diminished

Used in

In spectacles for correcting short sightedness

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