Drug Study

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Definition Uses: *Tx for anaphylatic shock *Vasoconstrictor *Increase glycogenolysis and the release of glucose from the liver *Affects adrenergic responses *Can stop epistaxis *Drug commonly used for inital tx of cardiac arrest *Should not be used I/T if heart is still beating *Stimulates heart contractions and blood flow to vital organs *Most often refridgerated and away form light Definition *Stimulastes the myocardium *Used in cpr, shock therapy, and acute renal failure *Monitor BP closely, monitor for arrhythmias, dyspnea, anxiety, excitabilty, and nausea *Administered by a ccarefully monitored CRI(constant rate infusion) Definition *Corrects metabolic acidosis *alkalizing agent Useful In: *shock *seve D+ *cardiac dz *hyperkalemia *cardiac arrest present for more than 10 minutes


Dopamine Term

Sodium Bicarbonate



Definition *0.54mg/ml most common *lasts 60-90min Used For: *increasing HR *anticholinergic(parasympathetic nervous system) *helps prevent bradycardia *can be used a an antidote for some posionings Other Uses: *part of pre-ops *PVC(premature ventricular contractions) - Give it IV until PVC's stop

-decreases gut motility, stomach acidity, airway secretions *dilates pupils and bronchii Term Definition AKA: robinul *anticholinergic *lasts 120-180min *doesn't cross the BBB *sight hounds, lean animals, sick animals *good for c-sections *helps prevent bradycardia *increases heart rate Other Uses: *part of pre-ops *PVC(premature ventricular contractions) - Give it IV until PVC's stop -decreases gut motility, stomach acidity, airway secretions *dilates pupils and bronchii Definition Used for: *hypocalcemia *inject slowly to avoid any extravscular injection which could cause: inflammation necrosis and sloughing *use with caution in nephrocalcinosis *increase toxicity risk if used with digitalis Definition Used For: *hypoclacemia *hyperkalemai *ventricular asystole In Emergencies: *strengthens the heart after a stand still *can help start contractions - given in L ventricle of heart calicum dilutes into blood Definition Used in emergencies for: *treating ventricular arrythmias *dosage 2mg/kg Some Other Uses: *Tpoically : spray,gel,drops



Calcium Chloride Term

Calcium Gluconate



*Locally: block never pain *toxic at high doses *deriviative of cocaine *metabolized by the liver Definition AKA:Dopram *Respitory stimulant *Given IV once *used in : depressed anesthetic respiration Neonates: given sublingual,umbilical vein *also counteracts the effects of xylazine Definition *Long acting steroidal drug >48hrs *inhibits phospholipase *anti-inflammatory *gluccorticoid *useful in shock and cns trauma *helps with acites, edema Definition *reconstitued *intermediate acting steroidal drug *lasts 12-36 hrs *inhibits phospholipase *anti-inflammatory -asthma, allergic disorders *immunosupressant *Useful in : *shock, spinal trauma, intracranial trauma Definition Most Common polyphagia PU/PD panting weakness bilateral alopecia Other Effects gi ulcerations(w/nsaids) anorexia d+ melena diabetes


Doxapram Term

Dexmethasone Injectable Term

Prednisolone sodium succinate


Steroid potential side effects

mood changes decreases - thyroid hormone, protein synthesis, wound healing


General Notes On Steroids

Definition they will affect blood values ( high glucose) Not recommended during * healing phases of fractures *young animals *pregnant CAUTION in *CHF, DIABETES, RENAL DZ Definition AKA valium Anticonvulsant (1st choice for active seizures) Induction drug - when combine with ketamine Other Uses : appetite stimulant (cats) behavior modification urethral obstructions Poisiongs: *chocolate *nicotime *amphetamine *strychnine *salicylate


diazepam Injectable


Definition controls seizures once they've been stopped long acting barbituate (6-8 hrs) controlled substance psychotherapeutic (used with aggresion)

Phenobarbitol Injectable Term Definition short acting barbituate (30min-2hrs) Anticonvulsatn(2nd choice if valium doesnt work) Anesthetic CAUTION!!!! **NARROW margin of safety!!!


* Double the anesthetic dose and it acts as euthanasia solution Definition AKA: Narcan narcotic antidote (reversible agent for narcotic toxicity) useful in shock therapy increases : cardiac output, atrerial BP decreases : hemoconcentration, metabolic acidosis, ocd disorders helps prevent hypoglycemia Definition AKA: Yobine alpha 2 blocking agent used in xylazine, romifidine overdoses




Yohimbine Term Definition AKA: torbugesic, torbutol useful as an analgesic for mild to moderate pain lasts 1-2 hrs better for visceral pain (dogs) better for skin/declaw (cats) antitussive antiemtic Definition has anti coagulating properties useful for : arterial thromboembolism, DIC ( disseminated intravascular coagulation), burn victims do not use in pt's w/ coagulation disorders montior pt's closey for bleeding thrombocytopenia Definition AKA: lasix,salix,disal used for pulmonary edema(CHF), ascites,diuresis, hypercalcemia, cerebral edema, epistaxis,oliguira






Don Not use in: anuira, progressive kidney dz Pt should monitored for : low wbc,d+,v+,pu/pd,leukopenia,hypkalemia,hypo atremia,dehydration prolonged used can lead to low potassium levels



Definition helps draw water into renal tubles help to prevent and tx oliguria used in acute glaucoma(shrinks vitroues humor of eye) management of acute cerebral edema due to trauma caution in intracranial bleeding - increase cerebral blood flow do not use in dehyrdated pt's monitor fluid and elctrolite imbalances nausea, v+, dizzyness Definition Effects: cns Improves *short term memory and concentration *cardiovascular *increases BP due to vasoconstriction *helps increase water reabsorption in kidneys Definition Uses: * during irregular heart rrhytm *atrial/ventricular fibrilation *ventricular tachycardia




Amiodarnone VF

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