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JLPT Resources


JLPT N3 Vocab List

This is not a cumulative list. (It doesn't contain the vocab needed by JLPT N4 and below).
Kanji Hiragana
Ah!,Oh! love greeting,salutation love,affection sign,signal ice cream to love companion,partner,company unfortunately,Sorry, but.... (electric) iron out lamplight,light (in general),brightness room,time to spare,emptiness obvious,evident,clear to give up,to abandon to get tired of,to lose interest in,to have enough handshake


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devil,demon,evil spirit to dawn,to become daylight tomorrow to give into custody,to entrust,to deposit sweat,perspiration to give,to present,to award warm,mild vicinity,nearby to be hit,to be successful,to be equivalent to here and there to handle,to deal with,to treat gathering,meeting,assembly,collection to hit,to apply a patch (1) trace,tracks,mark,sign,(2) remains,ruins,(3) scar (1) trace,tracks,(2) remains,ruins,(3) scar hole to bathe,to bask in the sun,to shower oil not very (used as adverb),not much error


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defect,flaw,blemish,weak point storm,tempest new,fresh,novel all,every to express,to show,to reveal to show,to indicate,to display embodiment,materialization (1) to appear,to come in sight,to become visible,(2) to express oneself (conj,exp,int) Thank you to be,to have a certain...,some... or,possibly album bubble,foam,froth,head on beer to join together,to be opposite,to face,to unite helpless,pity,sorrow,grief plan,suffix meaning draft memorization,learning by heart stability,equilibrium information,guidance,leading

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to that extent,to that degree not very,not much,remainder,rest stomach good good,nice,pleasant,ok TODO same as ? committee member to say unexpected,surprising going going breath,tone force,vigor,energy,spirit living thing,animal how many?,how old? how much?,how many? must not do,bad,wrong,not good doctor,physician intention,purpose will,volition

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maintenance,preservation consciousness,senses strangeness,abnormality,disorder chair spring,fountain where,which,who ago,since,before,previous board,plank greatness (sl) to embrace,to hug,to harbour,to entertain tease,prank,trick,practical joke expression of gratitude before meals to receive,to take food or drink (hum) pain,ache,sore,grief,distress to come,to arrive market,fair place,situation,position,location moment,time all at once (the) market (as a concept)

JLPT Resources

best,first,number one sometime,someday,one day a house,a home,a family,a household a species,a kind,a variety a moment,an instant whole life,a lifetime,all through life much more,still more,all the more (1) one object,one body,(2) what on earth?,really?,(3) generally (1) coincidence,agreement,(2) conformity (at) any time,always,at all times,never (neg) general,liberal,universal,ordinary,average (1) on the other hand,(2) meanwhile,(3) only,simple,in turn forever,for good,eternally,as long as one likes,indefinitely always,usually,every time,never (with neg. verb) removal,migration,movement cousin (male) rice-plant dozing,nodding off command,decree,life,destiny

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violation (of law),transgression,infringement,breach clothes living room (western style) before long,even now at any time,soon no,the noes since,henceforth (1) request,commission,dispatch,(2) dependence,trust getting nervous,irritation welcome medical care,medical treatment rock,crag celebration,festival to congratulate,to celebrate so to speak the so-called,so to speak ink printing impression retire

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quotation,citation whisky upper,outer,surface fish gargle,rinse mouth (hon) to visit,to ask,to inquire to receive,to get,to accept,to take to move,to shift rabbit,hare,cony cattle,cow to lose,to part with afterwards,since then,in the future lie,falsehood,incorrect fact,inappropriate to doubt,to distrust,to be suspicious of,to suspect inside universe,cosmos,space to attack,to defeat,to destroy to remove,to transfer,to infect to sue (a person),to resort to,to appeal to to groan,to moan

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to snatch away (1) horse,(2) promoted bishop (shogi) delicious birth,birth-place plum,plum-tree,lowest (of a three-tier ranking system) to betray,to turn traitor to,to double-cross noisy,loud,fussy happy,glad,pleasant to be sold rumour,report,gossip,common talk fortune,luck fortune,luck operation,motion,driving motion,exercise handle,grip eternity,perpetuity,immortality,permanence eternity,perpetuity,immortality influence,effect business,trade,management satellite

JLPT Resources

nutrition,nourishment smiling face to draw,to paint,to sketch,to depict,to describe feed,bait (n) energy (de: Energie) to get,to gain,to win to get,to gain,to win circle,money postponement,adjournment acting,performance assistance,aid,support engine speech,address musical performance diffidence,restraint,reserve honourable old age,old person,the old,the aged to overtake,to catch up (with) king,ruler,sovereign,monarch to chase,to run after


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king prince to respond,to satisfy,to accept,to comply with,to apply for crossing to finish very,much,greatly to cover,to hide,to conceal,to wrap,to disguise (1) overcoat,(2) over rich family,distinguished family hill,height,knoll,rising ground open sea interior,inner part to send,to give to,to award to,to confer on to occur,to happen very young,childish to obtain,to reap,to pay,to supply,to accept grandfather,male senior-citizen chattering,talk,idle talk pollution,contamination perhaps


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to fear,to be afraid of terrible,dreadful mutual,reciprocal,each other calm,gentle,quiet man to fall behind,to be inferior to stomach ogre,demon,it (i.e., in a game of tag) band (e.g. conduction, valence) lunch,noon office to be drowned,to indulge in (fam) you (sing),presence (of a high personage) Congratulations!,an auspicious occasion!

memories,recollections,reminiscence mainly,primarily unintentional,spontaneous parents swimming


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about,roughly,as a rule,approximately to exert,to cause,to exercise to be (animate),to be,to exist to lower,to let go down to take down,to launch,to drop the end sound,note favour,obligation,debt of gratitude warmth temperature passable counter for chapters (of a book) car card,curd meeting,assembly,party,association,club counter for occurrences injury,harm,evil influence,damage member,the membership picture foreign,abroad,overseas


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account,finance,accountant settlement,solution,resolution meeting,assembly diplomacy start,commencement,beginning explanation,interpretation outing,going out betterment,improvement pleasant,agreeable,comfortable recovery (from illness),improvement,rehabilitation,restoration to keep,to raise,to feed to exchange,to interchange,to substitute,to replace to exchange,to interchange,to substitute,to replace aroma,fragrance,scent,smell painter,artist to hold or carry under or in the arms price,value,cost chemistry to shine,to glitter,to sparkle official,duty,person in charge


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to take (e.g. time, money, etc),to hang to suffer from key to restrict,to limit,to confine to draw,to paint,to sketch,to depict,to describe furniture learning,scholarship,erudition,knowledge forehead,brow resolution,resignation,readiness,preparedness certainty,reliability,soundness scholar study,learning to hide,to conceal magnification,enlargement affirmation,confirmation scholarship,study,learning to hide,to be hidden,to conceal oneself,to disappear shade,shadow,other side shade,shadow,other side to be lacking


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addition and subtraction,allowance for the past,bygone days,the previous basket,cage to surround,to encircle conflagration,fire loan,lending pastry housework,domestic chores wise,clever,smart singer number,figure to earn income,to labor to count mold,model,style,shape,data-type shoulder solid,hard (esp. metal, stone),unpolished writing persons,this and that,here and there,everywhere sword,saber,knife,engraving tool to talk,to tell,to recite win,victory


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value,worth,merit feel disappointed,be dejected,lose heart energy,liveliness term (school) shape,form,posture,suitability action,activity conjugation,practical use to be sad,to mourn for,to regret (not) always,(not) necessarily,(not) all,(not) entirely considerably,fairly,quite (1) gold,(2) gold general (shogi) (abbr) rich man possible,practicable,feasible share,stock,stump (of tree) to suffer to mind,to care about,to be concerned about patience,endurance,perseverance (1) first volume,(2) superior quality,(3) governmental god thunder


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hair (head) (school) subject,curriculum,course may,might,perhaps,may be,possibly (abbr) Tuesday sky hilt (of a sword),haft (of a dagger),handgrip to cut (hair),to mow (grass),to harvest they (usually male) river river,stream skin,hide,leather,fur,pelt,bark,shell leather poor,pitiable,pathetic lovely,sweet can,tin perception,intuition,the sixth sense thinking,thought,ideas,intention sense,sensation audience,spectator(s) environment,circumstance


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welcome,reception sightseeing observation,survey feeling,sense,impression thanks,gratitude a patient calculation,counting,consideration emotion(s),feeling(s),sentiment to feel,to sense,to experience admiration,Well done! concern,interest to concern,to be related (1) complete,completion,(2) perfection,accomplishment perfection,completeness being deeply moved,excitement,impression,deep emotion supervision,control,superintendence control,management (e.g. of a business) completion,conclusion relation,connection,relevance member of the Diet, congress or parliament


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memory,recollection,remembrance temperature machine,mechanism Diet,congress,parliament period,term organ,mechanism,facility,engine enterprise,undertaking to be effective humour,temper,mood climate bank,coast,shore birthplace article,news story,report,account engineer,technician reporter wound,injury,hurt,cut expectation,anticipation,hope returning home precious,valuable chairman


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precisely,accurately tight,close,intense to notice,to recognize,to become aware of to be pleased with,to suit entry,filling in of forms commemoration,memory function,faculty pitiful,a pity contribution,donation hope,wish,aspiration foundation,basis,standard settlement,conclusion,regulation,rule -like,-looking,-looked strange,queer,curious duty,obligation,responsibility question,problem,doubt,guess reverse,opposite captain camp nine


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exclass, grade, rank,school class, grade globe,sphere,ball holiday,day off,furlough rest,break,recess,intermission sudden,precipitous,radical absorption,suction,attraction relief,aid,rescue rapid (e.g. progress)

salary,wages skillful,handy text book game,match,contest manners supply,provision teacher (classroom) teaching,instruction,professor emphasis,stress,stressed point commonness,community


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cooperation,association,collaboration,joint be afraid,dread,dismay,terror cooperation,collaboration herculean strength,mountain carrier-guide permission,approval court lady,lady in waiting huge,gigantic,enormous to hate,to dislike,to loathe fog,mist cloth,piece,cut,chop (1) to cut well,to be sharp,(2) to break (off) (abbr) kilo-,kilogram,kilometre,10^3 record,minutes,document argument,discussion,dispute (1) gold,(2) gold general (shogi) (abbr) (1) silver,silver coin,silver paint No Smoking! amount of money safe,vault,treasury,provider of funds prohibition,ban


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money,cash metal present day tension,mental strain,nervousness muscle,sinew monetary circulation,credit situation (abbr) Friday nine sentence (male) (vulg) to eat (by) chance,unexpectedly,suddenly odour,scent,smell,stench chain to rot,to go bad a habit (often a bad habit),peculiarity pipe,tube concrete,tangible,material (hon) to give,to confer down-train (going away from Tokyo) pain,agony


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sound asleep,fast asleep distinction,differentiation,classification class,group,team,set association,union to put together cloudiness,cloudy weather,shadow grade,rank,about living,livelihood,subsistence,circumstances classic(s) to live,to get along (1) glass,(2) grass gland,grand,(electrical) ground cream to repeat,to do something over again Christmas to go mad,to get out of order group painful,difficult to suffer,to groan,to be worried year end,sunset,nightfall,end


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troubles,hardships to append,to sum up,to add (up) knowing very well,detailed,full,accurate to join in,to accede to,to increase,to gain in (influence) native Japanese reading of a Chinese character army,force,troops army,troops practice,training under,below,beneath plan respect,honour management,administration plan,project,schedule,scheme,program condition,state,business (condition) experience tendency,trend,inclination warning,advice calculation,reckoning notice,bulletin criminal case,(police) detective


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(fine) art,the arts contract,compact,agreement go by the way,via case game injury (to animate object),hurt drama,play theatre,playhouse make-up (cosmetic) stinginess,miser,miserliness result,consequence defect,fault,deficiency after all,eventually determination,resolution absence,non-attendance decision,determination faults,defect,weakness Monday conclusion smoke,fumes


JLPT Resources

ticket,coupon,bond,certificate prefecture eaves quarrel,(drunken) brawl,failure opinion,point of view limit,bound cash,ready money,mercenary,self-interested language health,sound,wholesome inspection (e.g. customs, factory),examination present,up to now,nowadays,modern times,current reality phenomenon present condition,existing state,status quo construction,establishment nowadays,modern times,present-day construction,architecture be found,aim,estimate,guess,approx consideration,examination,investigation,study,scrutiny actual spot,scene,scene of the crime


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constitution right,privilege afterwards,since then,in the future language,word love,tender passion thick (as of color, liquid),dense,strong lover,sweetheart good luck,fortune lecture,address effect,effectiveness,efficacy,result coin high price wonderful,gorgeous,splendor,pomp,extravagance success,passing (e.g. exam),eligibility exchange,interchange,reciprocity aviation,flying scene,spectacle sum total,total amount attack,strike,offensive,criticism,censure contribution,services


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advertisement company,friendship,association,society,acquaintance the latter factory,plant,mill,workshop organization,composition high speed,high gear action,conduct,behaviour,mobilization robbery,burglary happiness,blessedness fairness,impartial,justice candidacy consideration,taking into account to exceed,to cross over,to cross coach code,cord,chord ice,hail to freeze,to be frozen over,to congeal goal misunderstanding language study


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breath,respiration home town,birthplace,old village,historic village quite,very national language blackboard subjugation,conquest national,people,citizen grain,cereal,corn here hip break-down,failure,accident,out of order individual,private person,personal,private to go over (e.g. with audience) state,country,nation National Diet,parliament,congress national or state border bone fracture parcel,package thing,matter,fact,circumstances to differ,to vary,to disagree


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proverb,maxim to refuse,to decline,to dismiss flour,meal,powder this liking,taste,choice to like,to prefer (1) a (photo)copy,(2) blurb on a book jacket dust,dirt wheat I beg your pardon,excuse me hut,cabin,shed,(animal) pen these time,about,toward,approximately (time) to kill to fall down,to fall over now,this time,lately from now on,hereafter confusion,congestion so,like this,in this way difficulty,distress


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today,this day hello,good day (daytime greeting, id) computer engagement,betrothal disorder,chaos,confusion,mayhem difference,variation (1) service,support system,(2) goods or services without charge on the occasion of,circumstances highest,supreme,the most property,fortune,assets last,final,closing in the middle of least,lowest,worst talent,ability trial,judgement ingredients,material happiness,blessedness (1) autograph,(2) sign,(3) sine border,boundary,mental state to go against,to oppose,to disobey,to defy


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helping,serving work,operation,manufacturing,fatigue duty last (year),yesterday work,opus,performance,production produce (e.g. agricultural),crops cherry blossom,cherry tree alcohol,sake to shout,to cry (1) to avoid (physical contact ),(2) to ward off,to avert to be blocked,to choke,to be obstructed to point,to put up umbrella,to play seat (1) to invite,to ask,(2) to tempt,to lure,to induce (1) token,label,(2) ticket,(3) charm author,writer,novelist,artist composition,setting (of music) roughly,in round numbers feeling refreshed,feeling relieved,neat,trimmed well,now,then desert


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discrimination,distinction,differentiation manners,etiquette,propriety varied,various to awaken to wake,to wake up (1) left and right,(2) influence,control,domination plate,dish furthermore,again,after all,more and more,moreover to leave,to go away monkey uproar,disturbance participation reference,consultation approval,agreement,support,favour oxygen walk,stroll four family name,lineage,birth poem,verse of poetry happiness,good fortune,luck,blessing


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jeans jet aeroplane immediately,readily,directly moreover,furthermore,nevertheless,and yet to scold equation,formula,ceremony earnestly,immediately,exactly time,season,period payment,allowance frequently,repeatedly,incessantly,eagerly stimulus,impetus,incentive resources event,affair,incident instant,time,moment suicide fact,truth,reality expenditure,expenses circumstances,consideration,conditions,situation,reaso ns poet


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by oneself,personally to sink,to feel depressed nature,spontaneous thought,idea tongue (1) order,precedence,(2) circumstances,(3) immediate(ly) situation,present state of affairs to abide (by the rules),to obey,to follow,to accompany therefore,consequently,in accordance with preparation intimate,close (e.g. friend) seven quality,nature (of person) unemployment experiment implementation,materialization,realization practice,performance,execution (e.g. program),realization practical,actual condition,status quo enforcement,enact,put into practice,carry out,operation


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fixedly,firmly,patiently,quietly indeed,truly,surely as a matter of fact,by the way disappointment,despair branch store (office) leadership,guidance,coaching automatic,self-motion thing,article,goods,dignity,article (goods),counter for meal courses rule,control,direction play,drama often,again and again,frequently lawn payment to pay death,mortality funds,capital sisters sisters to finish,to close,to do something completely Damn it!


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pride,boast business,office work to denote,to show,to point out,to indicate (1) to comprise,to account for,to make up (of),(2) to hold,to occupy under,below,beneath frost well,well then debt,loan,liabilities to talk,to chat,to chatter hindrance,intrusion week sandbank 10,ten gun surroundings,circumference,environs harvest,crop,ingathering week,weekly religion importance,stress,serious consideration finding employment,inauguration


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juice,soft drink,deuce amendment,correction,revision,modification congestion (e.g. traffic),delay,stagnation serious,important,grave,weighty resident,housing group,mass concentration,focusing the mind income,receipts,revenue citizens,inhabitants,residents,population important,momentous,essential,principal,major repairing,mending doctrine,rule,principle lodging surgical operation Prime Minister means,way,measure claim,request,insistence,assertion graduate from,come from attendance,presence departure


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publication capital city housewife,mistress chief,main,principal,major demand,request variety,kind,type order,turn moment,second,instant favourable,doing well,O.K.,all right turn (in line),order of things preparation,arrangements,provision,reserve use,application,employment,utilization

(1) chapter,section,(2) medal prize,award (1) first volume,(2) superior quality,(3) governmental obstacle,impediment (fault),damage scholarship passenger proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)


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state of affairs,situation,circumstances conditions,terms noon,mid-day honesty,integrity,frankness common sense daughter,young lady,virgin,maiden,little girl just a minute,small quantity symptoms,condition to produce,to yield,to result from,to arise,to be generated invitation condition,situation,circumstances,state improvement,advance,progress jest,joke consent,acceptance,assent,admitting superiority,first class,very good collision,conflict trader,shopkeeper,merchant recognition,acknowledgement,approval,consent,agree ment boys,juveniles


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trade,business,commerce,transaction,occupation consumption,expenditure commodity,article of commerce,goods,stock,merchandise fire fighting,fire department information,(military) intelligence proof,verification queen employment occupation,business meal dining table commodity,foodstuff plant,vegetation food,foodstuff appetite (for food) food provisions,rations study woman,girl helper,helpmeet,assistant,tutor


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slowly,little by little,gradually,steadily,quietly signature books actress processing,dealing with,treatment,disposition,disposal documents,official papers notice buttocks,bottom (1) mark,(2) symbol,(3) evidence castle going on to university nerve,sensitivity seriousness,earnestness (religious) faith,belief,creed traffic lights,signal,semaphore artificial,manmade,human work,human skill,artificiality serious medical examination race (of people) to believe,to place trust in


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(human) life (i.e. conception to death) relative fresh heart the body height (of body),stature discretion,prudence worry,concern,anxiety,care refereeing,trial,judgement,umpire,referee character,personality,person,man,personage,talented man progress,development close friend,buddy confidence,dependence,credit,faith reliance,trust,confidence mentality mankind,humanity nest,rookery,breeding place,beehive,cobweb figure (e.g. Fig 1),drawing,picture,illustration (1) water level,(2) level,standard recommendation


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switch extremely sleep number,figure numeral,figure (Western) soup the end of,powder figure,shape,appearance skiing (1) to open,to become empty,(2) to be less crowded to rescue from,to help out of to surpass,to outstrip,to excel skate(s),skating terrible,dreadful,terrific,amazing,great anything of,not one bit to pass,to spend,to go through,to tide over muscle,string,line to advance,to promote,to hasten to recommend,to advise,to encourage,to offer (wine) star


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style stand headache consecutively,throughout,a lot lovely,dreamy,beautiful,great already,too late that is,namely,i.e. wonderful,splendid,magnificent speech all,the whole,entirely,in general,wholly to be finished horn sorry,excuse me to change,to be of use,to reach to thereupon,hereupon pointed,sharp height,stature (logical) true,regular (1) draft (beer),(2) raw,unprocessed


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sex,gender cause,reason,fault

character,personality accurate,punctuality,exactness,authenticity,veracity century,era claim,demand,application,request tax,duty clean restriction,restraint,limitation success,hit production,manufacture due form,official,formality mind,soul,heart,spirit,intention adult at the most,at best,to the utmost,as much (far) as possible results,record manufacture,production luxury,extravagance growth,grow to adulthood


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system,institution,organization youth,young man manufactured goods,finished goods government,administration raw food life,existence sorting,arrangement,adjustment,regulation cough coal duty,responsibility oil,petroleum,kerosene world,society theory positive,active,proactive plan,design absolute,unconditional,absoluteness set equipment,device,facilities,installation destruction,extinction economising,saving


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certainly,without fail to condemn,to blame,to criticize looking after,help,aid,assistance good,goodness,right,virtue all,whole,entire,complete,overall,pan all members (unanimity),all hands,the whole crew major subject,special study country-wide,nation-wide,whole country,national the other day,a few days ago the former (1) player (in game),(2) team advance,drive,progress (1) wholly,entirely,completely,(2) not at all (with neg. verb) a center whole,entirety,whatever (is the matter) selection,choice so elephant noise increase,addition


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operation,management,processing cleaning,sweeping imagination,guess succession,inheritance consultation,discussion equipment,installation,apparatus suitable,fair,tolerable,proper speed,velocity,rate bottom,sole bottom,sole so (conj),accordingly,now,then,thereupon (1) organization,(2) structure,construction,(3) tissue,(4) system and to pour (into),to irrigate,to pay,to fill,to feed (e.g. a fire) to raise (child),to be brought up,to grow (up) all,altogether,entirely,be just like,the splitting image of face of the earth sleeve to furnish,to provide for,to equip,to install the,that


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eventually,sooner or later,of the previously mentioned without change,as it is (i.e. now) side,edge,third person sofa,couch crude,rough,plain,humble it,that each,every,either,respectively,severally but (still),and yet,nevertheless,even so,notwithstanding

or,or else loss,disadvantage damage,injury,loss respect,esteem,reverence,honour existence,being respect,esteem,regard rice field other (esp. places and things) pair,couple,set



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title,subject,theme,topic physical education,gymnastics,athletics temperature (body) convention,tournament,mass meeting,rally atmosphere price,payment,cost,charge tedium,boredom stay,sojourn ambassador considerable,great,important,significant,a big deal target,object (of worship, study, etc),subject (of taxation, etc) cabinet minister to face,to confront,to oppose great war,great battle usually,generally attitude,manner president,chief executive majority,mostly,generally representative,representation,delegation,type,example, model


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most part,greater part,majority typewriter awful,dreadful,terrible,very arrest,apprehension,capture (1) dyer,(2) diagram,(3) (railway) schedule,(4) diamond sun,solar flatness,level,smooth,calm,plain representation,agency,proxy,deputy,agent continent to throw down,to beat,to bring down,to blow down (hand) towel

mutual,reciprocal treasure so,therefore house,home,husband however to ascertain more or less,somewhat,a little,some to help,to save,to rescue


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free of charge,mere,only free of charge,mere,sole,only,usual,common battle,fight,struggle,conflict to fight,to battle,to combat to strike,to clap,to dust,to beat at once,immediately,directly,in person to stand up standpoint,position,situation to pass,to lapse to reach,to get to free of charge,mere,sole,only,usual,common but,because,even,also,too full,in plenty,ample length,height simile,metaphor,allegory valley another person,unrelated person,outsider,stranger (1) seed,(2) material,(3) cause,source handbreadth,bundle counter for occurrences


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travel,trip,journey often,repeatedly,frequently perhaps,probably ball,sphere,coin globe,sphere,ball bullet,shot,shell even number,couple,man and wife,friend casually,unexpectedly,accidentally,by chance intolerable,unbearable,unendurable to be silent useless,no good,hopeless trial,test to attempt,to test news,tidings,information,correspondence,letter to rely on,to have recourse to,to depend on someone,somebody step,stair,flight of steps,grade,rank,level unit,denomination,credit (in school) word,vocabulary,(usually) single-character word youth,young man


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simplicity birth dance organization,association (in) charge mere,simple,sheer simply,merely,only,solely earth (social) position,status area,region cheese team wisdom,wit,sagacity,sense,intelligence,advice basement,underground difference,discrepancy (phrase) sure,no mistaking it,for certain lately,recently,nowadays the earth district,section,sector lateness,late coming


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prefectural governor knowledge,information father intelligence,brains horizon area,locality,district,region,the coast tea chance,opportunity perfectly,properly,exactly inside,middle,among annotation,explanatory note centre,central,center,middle middle school,junior high school (1) used,second-hand,old suspension,stoppage,discontinuance,interruption parking (e.g. car) lunch,midday meal center,core,heart,pivot,emphasis,balance notice,attention,observation order,request


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long time period investigation,examination,inquiry,survey tune,tone,key top,summit,peak (1) please do for me (preceded by -te),(2) reception,being given,get (bank) savings direct,immediate,personal,firsthand author,writer finally,at last passage through,passing commuting to school passage,passing to run to,to lead to,to communicate,to understand correspondence,communication,news,signal to be caught,to be arrested to seize,to catch,to grasp tiredness,fatigue moon,month association,socializing,fellowship in succession,one by one


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to settle in (place),to take (seat, position),to study (under teacher) to pour (into),to irrigate,to pay to attach,to join,to add,to append earth,soil sequel,continuation bundle,package,parcel,bale (1) service,duty,business,responsibility,task,(2) Buddhist religious services (1) service,duty,(2) Buddhist religious services to tie,to fasten,to connect,to transfer (phone call) always,constantly wings in short,in brief,in other words crime,fault,indiscretion to pack,to shorten,to work out (details) to pile up rainy season,rain during the rainy season painful,heart-breaking



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outflow,coming (going) out,graduate (of) meeting,rendezvous,encounter to meet by chance,to come across,to happen to encounter proposal,proposition,suggestion fixed term electrical resistance,resistance,opposition presentation,submission,filing degree,amount,grade,standard,of the order of (following a number) bus or tram stop date,go on a date enemy,rival incident,affair,happening,event to fit,to suit pertinent,appropriate,adequate,relevance moderate applying to be able to,to be ready,to occur

if at all possible


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sleight of hand,conjuring trick,magic,juggling therefore iron philosophy help,helper,assistant thoroughness,completeness railroad all night,all night vigil,sleepless night chance of going out,opportunity (to succeed),moment of departure,beginning of work time,labour but,however (abbr) demo,demonstration type,pattern,archetypal weather electron tent tradition,convention nature,spontaneity counter for occurrences


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question,query party (political) tower,pagoda child,servant,foolishness examination paper,examination script identity,sameness,similarity copper coin at that time,in those days verb simultaneous(ly),concurrent,same time,synchronous by all means,at any cost,no matter what arrival morals voting,poll identical,equal to,same (kind),like coworker,colleague,associate road,highway 10,ten to let pass,to overlook,to continue in accordance with ~,following ~,~ Street,~ Avenue


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to pass,to pass through city (1) time,hour,(2) occasion,moment to unfasten poison,toxicant pride,triumph,prosperity reading bachelorhood,single,unmarried,celibate feature,characteristic peculiarity,uniqueness,characteristic independence (e.g. Ind. Day),self-support to come untied,to come apart somewhere,anywhere however,while,even if by the way,even if,no matter what mountain-climbing town,city,municipal,urban months and years books old people,the aged


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to close (e.g. book, eyes),to shut just (now, at the moment, etc.) plot of land,lot,soil abruptly,suddenly,unexpectedly,all at once top to reach anyhow,at any rate,anyway,somehow or other,generally speaking,in any case to skip over,to omit to jump out,to rush out,to fly out to fasten,to turn off,to detain friend,companion,pal sharing with,participate in Saturday tiger drive,trip by car,driving (1) truck,(2) (running) track drama playing cards (lit: trump) to take up,to pick up,to disqualify,to confiscate,to deprive


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great effort,exertion,endeavour,effort well,now,let me see,which (of three or more) dress to come off,to be taken off,to be removed mud ton unexpected,offensive,What a thing to say!,No way! what,what kind of how,how much tunnel name,reputation subject,contents,matter,substance,detail,import straight,mischief,ordinary,common relation,relationship to drain,to float,to shed (blood, tears),to cruise (e.g. taxi) very,considerably,easily middle,half,semi,halfway,partly company,fellow,colleague,associate scene,view,prospect,outlook to view,to gaze at



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stream,current to stream,to flow,to run (ink),to be washed away without because riddle,puzzle,enigma consent,assent,understanding et cetera,etc.,and the like seven what what something nothing saucepan,pot (1) draft (beer),(2) raw,unprocessed to be idle,to neglect wave tear to be worried,to be troubled to change,to be of use,to reach to to become


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rope,hemp Why?,What for? by all means,everything somehow,anyhow,one way or another to suit,to match,to become,to be like odour,scent,smell,stench poor (at),weak (in),dislike (of) to grasp,to seize,to mould sushi sun,sunshine,day ordinary,regular,everyday,usual Sunday sunlight daytime,broad daylight smile sweetly,smile,grin Japan Japan hospitalization entry to school or university,matriculation entrance,admission,entering sign of life


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human being,man,person to extract,to omit,to surpass,to draw out,to unplug to come out,to fall out,to be omitted cloth to get wet value,price,cost,worth,merit root value,price,cost desire,wish,request to desire,to wish,to request (1) mouse,rat,(2) dark gray,slate color price,cost zeal,enthusiasm tropics nuts!,enthusiasm,zeal,mania year months and years whole year,always,everyday age,era,period,date age,years


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field being skilled in,nicely,properly farmer,farm family agriculture farmers,peasants ability,faculty

eaves to leave (behind, over),to bequeath,to save,to reserve remnant,residue,remaining,left-over to place on (something),to take on board,to give a ride to remove,to exclude,to except wish,desire,(a) hope to desire,to wish for,to see,to command (a view of) afterwards,since then,in the future (1) knock,(2) fungo (baseball) throat to lengthen,to stretch,to reach out,to grow (beard) to stretch,to extend,to make progress,to grow (beard, body height) to state,to express,to mention


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to arise,to ascend,to go up carefree,at leisure place,field (physics)

percent wear,put on (sword) ash rainy season,rain during the rainy season violin hiking delivery,distribution (1) pipe,tube,(2) channels, official or otherwise actor,actress,player,performer pilot grave,tomb fool,idiot,trivial matter,folly doctorate,PhD to measure,to weigh,to survey to wear,to put on (lower body) (1) to breathe,(2) to tell (lies),(3) to vomit,to disgorge


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clapping hands,applause enormous,vast explosion,detonation,eruption museum violent,vehement,intense scissors (personal) bankruptcy end (e.g. of street),edge,tip,margin,point origin,beginning path,pass (in games) to unfasten,to remove passport flag skin naked,nude field 20 years old,20th year work,labor bag,bug discovery,detection,finding


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issue (publications) departure of a vehicle to punish,to penalize development,growth with a clash (thud),with a bang,plump,flop development,growth announcement,publication invention to discuss,to talk together to part,divide,separate to separate,to set free to be separated from,to leave,to go away,to be a long way off counter for birds,counter for rabbits width,breadth mother to omit,to eliminate,to curtail,to economize scene,setting (e.g. of novel) abdomen,belly,stomach field,plain,prairie,tundra,moor,wilderness needle,hand (e.g. clock)


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to stick,to paste

bun,van (caravan),VAN (value-added network) extent,scope,sphere,range opposition,resistance crime handsome judgement,decision offender,criminal sale,selling,marketing light beer damage comparison to run somebody over (with vehicle),to knock someone down picnic tragedy aviation knee,lap emergency,extraordinary,unusual


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beautiful person (woman) forehead,brow be surprised,be amazed,be frightened,astonishment date,dating inevitable death,desperation,frantic,inevitable result exactly,neatly,sharp (1) to pull,to draw,to stretch,to drag,(2) to pull the ball (baseball) negation,denial,repudiation video single word crowd of people equal alone,unmarried one by one,each,one at a time criticism,judgement,comment criticism,review,commentary secret,secrecy delicate,subtle (1) string,cord,(2) pimp cost,expense


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table (e.g. Tab 1),chart,list second (60th min) valuation,estimation,assessment,evaluation expression,presentation,representation (math) facial expression equality (a),impartiality,evenness fame,reputation,popularity,arrant surface,outside,face,appearance to spread (out),to extend,to stretch,to reach to,to get around thing,article,goods,dignity,article (goods),counter for meal courses bottle way,means pin un,non,negative prefix un,non,negative prefix nothing,naught,nil,zero dividing,part anxiety,uneasiness,insecurity,suspense scenery


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married couple,husband and wife flute,pipe wrong,bad,improper,unjustifiable,inadvisable weapon,arms,ordinance garments to hold in the mouth,to bear in mind bag,sack unhappiness,sorrow,misfortune,disaster,accident,death tune,tone,knot,knob,point safety,peace,quietness mystery,curiosity discomfort,disability,inconvenience,destitution wife,Mrs,madam woman,female injustice,unfairness to defend (against),to protect,to prevent insufficiency,shortage,deficiency,lack,dearth stage (theatre) twins,a twin again,once more,a second time


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usually,habitually,ordinarily,always a means, e.g. of living to hit,to strike prices of commodities,prices (in general) material,substance physics writing brush suddenly,casually,accidentally,incidentally,unexpectedl y,unintentionally ship,boat,watercraft,shipping,vessel,steamship portion,section,part complaint,discontent,dissatisfaction dissatisfaction,displeasure,discontent,complaints,unhap piness plus plan disadvantage,handicap,unfavorable,drawback (1) to wave,to shake,to swing,(2) to sprinkle,(3) to cast (actor),to allocate (work) to shiver,to shake,to quake a brake to touch,to be touched,to touch on a subject,to feel,to violate (law, copyright, etc.),to perceive,t


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bath professional dividing,part,segment sentence atmosphere (e.g. musical),mood,ambience analysis civilization,culture field,sphere,realm,division,branch wall,fence equilibrium,balance,average,mean peace,harmony (not) particularly,nothing to abate,to decrease,to diminish,to shorten to decrease (in size or number),to diminish,to abate Belt for western clothes goblin,ghost,apparition,bugbear (n) paint (nl: pek) study,diligence,discount,reduction change,modification,alteration bench


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box lunch side Act (law: the X Act) pole,rod,stick risk,venture,adventure direction,course,way report,information gem,jewel broadcast,broadcasting abundance,wealth,plenty,bounty method,manner,way,means,technique persons,this and that,here and there,everywhere call,visit to bark,to bay,to howl,to bellow,to roar,to cry boy rowing boat (1) platform,(2) home ball,bowl other (esp. places and things) other place,the rest


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pride dust guarantee,security,assurance,pledge,warranty preservation,conservation,storage,maintenance degree,extent,bounds,limit footpath,walkway,sidewalk Buddha,merciful person,Buddhist image,the dead bone flame cheek (of face) cheek (of face) almost,roughly,approximately to smile to praise,to admire,to speak well moat truth,reality truth,reality the person himself genuine article absent-minded,block-head,dim,faint,vague


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space,room,time,pause (female) you might say market mike lost (stray) child to entrust to another,to leave to curtain,bunting,act (in play) defeat,loss,losing (a game) grandchild by no means correctly,surely diligent,serious,honest to increase,to grow first (of all),to start with,about,almost,hardly (with neg. verb) poor,needy proprietor,manager,barowner,master (e.g. arts, science) increasingly,more and more again,and yet,still,more,besides


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(1) town,(2) street,road mistake (1) pine tree,(2) highest (of a three-tier ranking system) deep red,flushed (of face) straight (ahead),direct,upright really,truly,entirely,completely festival,feast to study (in depth),to learn,to take lessons in mimicry,imitation,behavior,pretense to invite Mama beans,peas to protect,to obey,to guard,to abide (by the rules) circle,full (month),perfection,purity,suffix for ship names circle,money round,circular,spherical quite,entirely,completely to turn,to revolve circumference,surroundings,circulation by some chance,by some possibility,if by any chance,10E4:1 odds


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satisfaction body,main part,oneself,sword fruit,nut,seed,content,good result seeing one off,farewell,escort friend,ally,supporter splendid,magnificent,beautiful,admirable miss (mistake, error, failure),Miss to be full,to rise (tide),to mature,to expire

to recognize,to appreciate,to approve,to admit,to notice all,everyone,everybody enquiry,expression of sympathy,expression of concern present,souvenir capital strange,unusual day after tomorrow future (life, tense) charm,fascination,glamour to see,to watch milk


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nothing,naught,nil,zero facing,opposite,across the street,other side meeting,person sent to pick up an arrival to face to turn towards,to point disregard,ignore cavity,tooth decay,decayed tooth,caries rather,better,instead to tie,to bind,to link futility,uselessness daze,(in a) trance,ecstasy,delirium,engrossment breast,chest free,no charge sprout clear up,clarify,define to order,to command,to appoint master,expert order,command,decree,directive,(software) instruction trouble,bother,annoyance (sl) meals,food


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rarely (with neg. verb),seldom memorandum face,mug,surface,facial features,mask,face guard,side or facet,corner,page cotton,padding license,permit,licence,certificate trouble,difficulty,care,attention member to apply for,to make an application apology,excuse blanket to burn purpose,goal,aim,objective,intention mark,objective,target Thursday letter (of alphabet),character letter (of alphabet),character if to raise,to lift up,to flatter to use,to make use of


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of course,certainly,naturally most,extremely quite right,plausible,natural,but then,although (1) origin,original,(2) former basis prime to restore,to put back,to return to be grounded on,to be based on,to be due to,to originate from to seek,to request,to demand,to want,to wish for,to search for,to pursue (pleasure),to hunt (a job), person sounds tale,story,legend things,everything pattern,figure,design to receive phrase,complaint before long,soon,at length use,service,role,position approximately,about,some


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meaning,reason,circumstances,can be deduced,situation part,assigning (allotment of) parts,role,duties rent trouble,burden,care,bother inn,lodging to employ,to hire roof also,as I thought,still,in spite of,absolutely,of course to tear,to violate,to defeat,to smash,to destroy to retire a little,partially,somewhat,a short time,a while only,sole,unique courage,bravery,valour,nerve,boldness validity,availability,effectiveness superiority,excellence overall victory,championship friendship,fellowship friend able,capable,efficient,skill mail,postal service


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evening humor advantageous,better,profitable,lucrative floor pleasant,happy export to turn over,to assign,to hand over abundant,wealthy,plentiful,rich slowly,at ease importation,import,introduction to permit,to allow,to approve evening,night dawn,daybreak way,manner,kind to get drunk,to become intoxicated easy,simple,plain season,weather,cheerfulness request,demand,requisition care,precaution,guarding,caution aspect,state,appearance


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in a word,after all,the point is ..,in short .. element gist,main point day of the week Europe expectation,assume will happen,forecast to cross (e.g. arms),to traverse estimate,budget to cease,to abolish,to resign,to give up prediction,estimation yacht midnight,dead of night society,the world,the times extra,excess,surplus forecast,prediction prevention,precaution,protection against reading bride,daughter-in-law surplus,composure,margin,room,time,allowance,scope, rope twist,ply


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according to (a) joy,(a) delight,rapture,pleasure,gratification,rejoicing,congratul ations,felicitations (hon) good,OK,all right,fine,very well,will do,may,can well,properly,suitably,best regards,please remember me four ,for (10 days),next (year) lighter,rider,writer comfort,ease paddle,racket profits,gains,(political, economic) interest understanding,comprehension six (used in legal documents) clever,shrewd,bright,sharp,wise,intelligent divorce ideal rate,ratio,proportion,percentage splendid,fine,handsome,elegant,imposing,prominent,le gal,legitimate studying abroad fashionable,fad,in vogue,prevailing


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quantity,amount,volume,portion (of food) change,money exchange fee,charge,fare instance,example,case expression of gratitude manners,courtesy,etiquette calm,composure,coolness,serenity queue,line,row train (ordinary) report,paper practice association (of ideas),suggestion serial,consecutive,continuity,continuing the aged,old person manual labor,toil,work locket,rocket to argue,to discuss,to debate controversy,dispute thesis,essay,treatise,paper ring,hoop,circle


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wine selfishness,egoism,wilfulness,disobedience,whim parting,separation,farewell side to divide,to separate on purpose only,merely,a little,small quantity cotton,padding topic,subject laugh,laughter,smile to divide,to cut,to break,to halve abuse,insult,slander,evil speaking we bay,gulf,inlet


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