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Glenn Clift, UNISON Steward at NESCOT College, attended the annual UNISON National Seminar for FE and 6th Form Colleges on the 5th and 6th April 2013 in Birmingham as a delegate from Surrey County Branch. This newsletter is a summary of the key issues that were discussed.

UNISON FE members vote for national pay deal 2012/13

UNISON members voted to accept the following national pay recommendation for 2012 / 2013. However there is no obligation on Colleges to implement the increase. Contact UNISON if your college is refusing to pay. A consolidated 200 increase for staff on salaries below 15,000 a year A consolidated 0.7% increase for staff on pay points above 15,000 a year A new 7.30 minimum hourly rate of pay

In January 2013 the Trade Union side submitted the national pay claim for 2013 / 2014. UNISON and the other Unions have called for a 5% consolidated increase in all salaries and allowances with a 750 underpinning for the lowest paid. UNISON is also calling on all Colleges to apply to the Living Wage foundation to become fully accredited Living Wage employers THE LIVING WAGE CAMPAIGN The Living Wage campaign led by UNISON, together with the National Union of Students (NUS) and Labour Students, has already lifted more than 1,000 College workers out of poverty pay and on to a Living Wage. In some Colleges workers such as nursery nurses, cleaners, catering and care workers have received an increase of up to 1 an hour as a result of the campaign. If you want to take up a campaign in your college contact us now. Email or call 0208 541 9091 1

UNISON members fighting the cuts

FIGHTING CUTS IN STAFFING AND COURSES A UNISON Freedom of Information survey has highlighted the devastating impact of the funding cuts. This has gained coverage in the national media, including the Mirror. The survey found that since 2010 over 5% of the College workforce had been cut and over 60% of Colleges had closed courses. UNISON has produced a range of campaigning and negotiating materials to support Branches dealing with College cuts. A UNISON guide to College funding is also available to help College Stewards argue for the alternatives to cuts. If your college is making cuts and you want to fight back with UNISON contact us now. PRIVATISATION UNISON is supporting Branches and Regions fighting outsourcing and shared services. A national agreement has been negotiated on employment protection with the Association of Colleges. UNISON is also working closely with UCU at a local level to defend jobs, terms and conditions and recognition in the face of plans by some Colleges to transfer their staff into new College owned companies. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Association of Colleges (AoC) unilaterally withdrew from the national sick leave agreement in December 2012. The AoC have presented no credible evidence of a problem with sickness absence in Colleges. In fact the AoCs own survey of Colleges showed that the number of days lost to sickness is falling. UNISON and the other College Unions have agreed to resist any attempt by Colleges to use the AoCs decision as justification to cut sick pay. Where any College attempts to cut sick pay, Unions will campaign together and, if necessary, are prepared to take co-ordinated industrial action. UNISON is also producing a range of campaign materials to support Branches and Stewards defending sick pay. For more information contact the UNISON branch. FURTHER EDUCATION FEES UNISON is working with Labour, the NUS and UCU to campaign against the governments plans to bring in full fees for many adult students in England. Some concessions have already been won: students on access to higher education courses will have their FE loans written off if they go on to complete a degree. UNISON wants to see the whole FE fees policy dropped but in the meantime are focusing on the unfairness of requiring adult apprentices to pay to work.

SIXTH FORM COLLEGES In 2012, staff in sixth form Colleges had a pay freeze imposed for a second successive year. The Sixth Form College Forum refused to make any pay offer to staff as they claimed that in the current financial climate that it would not be possible to pay any increase to staff this year. However, they did agree to honour previous agreements to increase London weighting and fringe area allowances. UNISON consulted members in Colleges to ask if they wished to take industrial action to oppose the imposition of a pay freeze. However, a majority of members in the consultation were against balloting for industrial action. Whilst UNISON accepts that many Colleges are in difficult financial circumstances, UNISON believes that another year's pay freeze is unsustainable if Colleges are to recruit and retain key staff. Campaigning for a decent pay increase in 2013 will be a priority for the FE and Sixth Form College Committee. Colleges have suffered severe funding cuts as a result of Government cuts to 16-19 student funding and growing competition from unplanned growth in sixth form provision in academies. The sixth form sector has therefore debated transferring all Colleges to Academy status in order to benefit from the preferential funding arrangements. At present no decision has been made on this, but if the Government imposes further cuts, UNISON believes the future of the sector in its current form must be in doubt. EQUALITY UNISON and three other College Unions worked closely with the Association of Colleges to produce guidance for Equality in Further Education. The policy establishes clear guidance regarding Equality and outlines key principles, structures and monitoring arrangements for the Colleges to adhere to. A GUILD FOR THE LEARNING AND SKILLS SECTOR In July 2012 the intention to form a FE Guild was announced and the Development Phase prospectus issued. In October 2012 an independent Review Panel on Professionalism in Further Education, led by Lord Lingfield, endorsed the concept. On the 21 st November 2012 the development and consultation phase started. The FE Guild is on target to commence operations from August 2013.
FE Guild Top Level Aims: To ensure the best possible learner experience and outcomes To enhance the reputation of the sector To articulate and provide best practice in relation to workforce the gold standard Make the sector an attractive place to work

FE Guild Overall Remit: Formulate a framework for qualifications and standards Define the definition of professionalism Ensure best practice in teaching, learning and assessment skills Develop expert practitioners and coaches and promote effective networks Facilitate research Updating of vocational skills and subject knowledge including dual professionalism Promote learning through technology Create a bank of good practice and learning resources


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Please tick your earnings before stoppages Weekly Pay Up to 38.47 38.48-96.16 96.17-153.84 153.85-211.53 211.54-269.23 269.24-326.92 326.93-384.61 384.62-480.76 480.77-576.92 576.93-673.08 673.08+ Annual Pay Up to 2,000 2,001-5,000 5,001-8,000 8,001-11,000 11,001-14,000 14,001-17,000 17,001-20,000 20,001-25,000 25,001-30,000 30,001-35,000 Over 35,000 Band ()A ()B ()C ()D ()E ()F ()G ()H ()I ()J ()K Per Week 0.30 0.81 1.22 1.52 1.81 2.24 2.65 3.23 3.98 4.68 5.19 Per Month 1.30 3.50 5.30 6.60 7.85 9.70 11.50 14.00 17.25 20.30 22.50

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