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Minor Project (CSE) GuideLines Note: No submissions entertained after deadline will be

Phase-1: Week July30, 2013-Aug 5, 2013

Group Size allowed: Maximum 3 Inter-batch grouping is not allowed
Submit your domain and group members information respective lab instructor during lab hours only. Domain List: Geography, Finance, Science, History, Medical, Agriculture, Education, Rural development, Society, Traffic Control, Go Green, Technologies to be used: HTML,CSS, Javascript, jquery, ajax and PHP Database: SQL. to the

Phase2: Synopsis Guidelines

Submit synopsis for the dynamic web application of the chosen domain. Synopsis should be able to cover following content:

1. Analyze at least five diverse nature websites in the chosen domain per person. 2. Identify and enlist the common features, unique features and the weaknesses of these websites.

3. Define your web application, Purpose and Goals and Why your website is required or why anyone should use your website not other existing web sites? 4. Create features summary document: This is the key document in any web application project. This document will enlist the tentative summary list of the applications features, all of the functionalities and technical specification that your web application will accomplish. 5. Propose your idea to include the algorithms studied in fundamental of algorithms, data structure course in any of the above mentioned domains.

Technical requirements of proposed web application:

Your designed web application will be single page web application and use data sets either from the data set repositories or you have to crawl data from one(or many) websites of your chosen area (choose your final topic according to this, later no change in chosen web application topic) .

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