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Your patient, a 44-year-old unemployed man who lives with his 80-year-old mother, has recently been diagnosed with active TB. He has been started on treatment and given specific instructions about his medications. What strategies would you initiate to be sure that he takes his medications correctly? What strategies would you use to ensure that his mother is not infected? How would your care differ if the patient lived alone or were homeless?

2. You

are working on a surgical unit. Your patient is a 67-year-old woman who has had surgery to repair a fractured hip that occurred following a fall associated with heavy alcohol use. She has been a heavy smoker for over 35 years and is reluctant to move in bed because of pain. What are the potential postoperative pulmonary complications? What assessment criteria would you use to assess her respiratory status? What interventions would you implement to prevent pulmonary complications in this patient? What changes, if any, would you implement if she had a history of deep vein thrombosis?

3. Your

patient has experienced blunt chest trauma following a motor vehicle crash. A chest tube has been inserted to treat a pneumothorax. The chest drainage system has drained 400 mL of light-red fluid during the first 6 hours following the tubes insertion. The patient is unable to recall how he was injured or what has happened to him over the last 24 hours. The patient is experiencing pain requiring opioids and is asking that the chest tube be removed to enable him to walk to the bathroom. What additional informati

Case 2: A 56 year old obese man presents to the clinic with persistent elevated blood pressure. He has had hypertension for almost a year . Despite attempt of lifestyle management his bllod pressure continue to rise. He was started on a regimen of antihypertensive medication a month ago. He has returned to the clinic today for follow-up visit.His blood pressure is higher than the initial visit, What might explain his continued elevated Blood pressure?What other history and physical examination data should you obtain?What diseases may worsen hypertension?What psychosocial factors affects compliance with or adherence to treatment regimen?

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