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Scientific Method

7th Grade Science

Scientific Method
A set of steps used to solve a problem

Steps to the Scientific Method

State the problem Gather data Form hypothesis Test or experiment Record and analyze data State conclusion Repeat work Share results

Steps of Scientific Method

1-state the problem---write as a question 2-gather data (information)---data can be quantative (numbers) or qualitative (expressed info). Make observations using your senses; 5 senses are: 1-vision (visual) seeing, 2-hearing (auditory) ears, 3- taste (mouth- tongue w/taste buds), 4- touch (tactile), 5- smell (olfactory)

When you observe you make inferences or come to conclusions based on your observations 3-Form a hypothesis---a hypothesis is a testable statement. Write as a full sentence and define what you think will happen

4-test hypothesis or perform experimentfollow steps and write them down Independent variable- the factor you can change. EX; how many times you water a plant Dependent variable-factor or the outcome measured. EX; height of plant

Constants-things that stay the same. EX; amount of sun, use same plants, same soil. Control-used to test experiment to get a normal range. Used as a comparison.

5-record and analyze data---to record is to log or journal your observations by writing or using video entries. Analyze data is to collect the data and then draw a conclusion

6-State the conclusion---statement based on what you observed. Should be written as; I accept my hypothesis because. Or I reject my hypothesis because 7-Repeat experiment---make sure results are valid 8-Share results or data---make results known. Use graphs or written material.

Scientific method to problem solve

1-state problem- why are the plants droopy? 2-Gather data-research plants, identify the type of plant and learn about its environment, use observation skills

3-Form hypothesis-Fig plants grow best when they are watered once per week 4-Perform test-follow the steps 5-Record and analyze data-collect information about the experiment

6-state conclusion-I agree with my hypothesis because or I disagree with my hypothesis because 7-Repeat work-do the experiment again and compare results 8-Share results-use graphs and visual representations to show what you came up with

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