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A Guide to Learning German Vocabulary What does learning vocabulary mean?

It means Learning what the German word means in English Learning to spell the word If its a noun, learning whether it goes with der, die or das Look Say Cover Write Check You can use these five simple steps to help you to learn any word: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Look Say Cover Write Check Look at the word carefully Say the word out loud Cover the word with a piece of paper See if you can write the word from memory Check that youve written the word correctly. If not, do steps 1-5 again.

Little and often: Dont try to learn loads of words all at once it wont work! Instead, choose a few words to learn after every German lesson. Be selective: Learn the most useful words first words you can use in different situations. We call these high frequency words. Experiment: Try out different ways of learning: see which one works best for you. For example, you could: Stick notes around the house with English and German on to remind you what hard to remember words mean. Get a friend to test you using your vocabulary lists. Teach some German to a friend or relative.

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