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Controlling the Tongue ~ James 3:2b-6 August 19-23, 2013

Monday Read James 3:2; Proverbs 18:6-7 Everyone one us has had an instance when words have come out of our mouth before they are carefully considered. James says if someone can control his/her tongue, he/she can control the entire body. In what ways do our speech patterns reflect our discipline? How can emotions greatly impact our loss of control of our tongue? To whom do you need to seek forgiveness from and/or send an apology to for the way you have used words without control? Tuesday Read James 3:3 James introduces the first of several illustrations about the tongue. Our words have an enormous impact on our spiritual condition and direction. What does James compare words to in this verse? Notice the contrast of how a small little bit can control an enormous animal. Words may seem like a small thing to some people but it greatly impacts all of us. How have your words impacted you positively or negatively? Wednesday Read James 3:4 James second illustration has the same point as the first illustration small things (i.e. rudders) can direct very large things (i.e. ships). What small events or circumstances have caused a large reaction in your life? How can we prepare for a healthy response when small things through us off track? Thursday Read James 3:5 James gives us the application of the illustrations in regards to the tongue a small thing that yields incredible power, one little spark then grows into a raging fire. James shows the destructive power that our small words can have. When were you hurt by someones words? What affect does your best friends words have in your life to encourage you or bring you down? How does Gods words affect you? Friday Read James 3:6; Matthew 5:11, 5:18-19 James shows how our words can corrupt our entire body. What was a time in your life when your words or someone elses words corrupted or stained the group of people you were with? How will you intentionally protect yourself from this corruption? One option may be to keep a prayer journal and reflect on your words both said and prayed during the day. A persons heart that is far from God will reflect this in his/her speech. Ask those closest to you what your speech reveals about your intimacy with God.

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