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Planning Humbly James 4:13-17 September 2-6, 2013 Monday Read James 4:13 The people to whom James is referring to in this verse are deliberate and self-confident planners. They decide where they will go, when they will go, how long they will say and are sure of the outcome: to make money. Why do we need to keep our plans submissive to Gods will? What are good aspects of planning? How can placing too much trust and hope in our planning become a negative thing? Tuesday Read James 4:14 In essence, James is asking: How can you, being the kind of creatures that you are, presume to dictate the course of future events? The fragility of human life and the consequent uncertainty of all humans plans is the main point of this verse. How can pride in our future plans deceive and destroy people? Why should our short life span give us an urgency to do what God plans for us to do? Wednesday Read James 4:15 James urges the confident and presumptuous merchants to add a key qualifier to their planning: If it is the Lords will. What attitude does God want us to have about the future? Why? How are you encouraged to know that God controls your future? Thursday Read James 4:16 Boasting here is not itself a negative activity or attitude. The question James wants to ask is What is it that you are boasting in? Why is humility harder to practice than pride? Who do you know who demonstrates a spirit of humility? What have you learned from that person? Friday Read James 4:17 James has urged us to take the Lord into consideration when we make our plans and to fail to do this is to sin. Why is God not satisfied that we simply know to do good? Does your prayer life of confession include sins that you have committed (things you have actually done) and sins that you have omitted (things you should have done but did not)?

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