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Instructor: Ms. Rovelli E-Mail: Phone Number: (440)516-0866 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year!

My name is Ms. Rovelli and I will be your Pre-Calculus teacher this year. I have a Bachelors Degree in Secondary Education with a concentration in Mathematics and a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Castleton State College in Castleton, Vermont. I moved to the Cleveland area last year from a small town in upstate New York for my first year at New Day Academy. As I enter my second year as the high school math teacher, I have a new perspective on things and am very excited about implementing new technology into the curriculum, especially the graphing calculators. My goal is to maximize our productivity in the pursuit of excellence toward your Math education to prepare you for the ACT and college level math classes.

Course Description
The fundamental purpose of this course is to formulize and extend the mathematics you learned in grades 9-11. Students will develop a meaning for mathematical concepts, make sense of problem situations, look for patterns in numerical and geometric situations, understand algebraic strategies and use them appropriately and efficiently. Students are expected to be active participants in developing mathematical understanding and to engage in mathematical discourse (verbal discussion and/or written communication of ideas).

1.) Texas Instrument TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus Edition Graphing Calculator. You are required to purchase a graphing calculator, as it will be a very important part of learning in our class this year. I will teach you how to use the calculator to be more successful on your ACTs and in college mathematics/science courses. 2.) Binders. You are required to purchase a durable 1.5 inch three ring binder. You will keep all notes and assignments in your binder which will be graded twice per quarter. 3.) Loose leaf paper. You will need paper for notes, homework and class work. 4.) Pencils. Math was meant to be done in pencil, so you can correct mistakes when they are made and this makes your work legible. Points will be deducted from your grade for work done in pen.

Grading Policy
1.) Tests- 30% - You will have a test following each unit. You will be informed of material on the test and given appropriate time to study. Projects may also count toward your test grade at the teachers discretion. 2.) Quizzes- 30% - Quizzes will be shorter than tests and cover less material. Do Nows and some homework assignments may be counted toward your quiz grade. 3.) Homework- 15% - Homework will be graded based on completeness and effort. We will go over all homework assignments in class the day they are due. If you do not have the homework the day that it is due, you will need to complete a Missing Work sheet in place of your work. When you turn in the assignment, I will deduct 10% of the total points awarded for each day the assignment is past due. 4.) Class Work- 15% - Class work will be graded based on correctness. You will be informed in advance when class work will be collected for a grade. 5.) Binders- 10% - As mentioned above, binders will be graded twice each quarter. Binders will be graded on organization, contents and quality of your notes.

Classroom Rules
1.) Be on Time. Class starts when the bell rings which means you should be sitting quietly in your seat when the bell rings. 2.) Be Prepared. You should always come to class with your binder, calculator, pencil, and any assignments that are due. When you are unprepared it takes away from instructional time.

3.) Be Considerate. Think of your fellow students, teachers, the class next door and anyone else we encounter in our daily routines. Then think of yourself and how you would like others to be considerate of you. 4.) No talking while others are talking. Please do not interrupt others. If you have a comment or question please raise your hand and wait until you are called on. 5.) No Cheating. Cheating is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If you are found cheating, you will receive a zero on the assignment and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

Other Important Information

Making Up Missed Work- Absentees will have the opportunity to make up any missed work. All notes will be posted regularly on the Pre-Calculus page at If YOU are absent, then YOU are responsible for getting the assignments you missed from the While You Were Out folder. (Your assignment is due the day after you return to school unless otherwise planned with me). If you miss a test or a quiz, you will be given one week to coordinate a time with me to make it up. If it is not made up within one week, you will receive a zero. Student Behavior- Students will be informed of and are to follow school and classroom rules at all times. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken for those who do not follow school and/or classroom rules. Extra Help- I will be available for extra help by arrangement with individuals. You are encouraged to come in as often as necessary. If you owe work or do not understand recent material, you should come see me promptly. Students- The above policies and procedures are designed to maximize our productivity in the pursuit of excellence toward your math education. You will be notified of any changes in these policies. By signing below, you indicate that you have read, understand, and agree to follow the policies and procedures outlined on this sheet. Parent/Guardian- Please sign below as evidence that you have read this sheet. Feel free to provide me with any pertinent information regarding your child. I may contact you by phone and/or send home reports so that you can be best informed of your students progress. You are encouraged to visit our class website ( to see what your child is learning in Math, as well as Progress Book, which will be updated regularly with your childs progress. Please feel free to contact me at the phone number or e-mail listed above with any comments, questions or concerns regarding your child.

Thank you,

Meggan Rovelli

Students Signature: ________________________________________________Date:_______________

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________Date:_______________

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