Photo Reading

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Learning Strategies Corporation

(over, please)
Do you forget things you read
last week...even things you
read last night?
How would you like to immediately
read faster and remember more?
Dear Friend,
You may be asking yourself, Why would I want to read faster?
Well, if youre like most people, you probably have a pile of
reading you just cant get to. PhotoReading will teach you how to
polish off the whole minutes instead of hours. So, you can
person. (Thatsonereasongoodreadersearn2-1/2times
the income of poor readers!)
politics, gardening, antiques, accounting, geophysics,
philosophy, calculusyou name it! Improve your job
skills or your life skills.
more time for other pursuits.
printed material.
of the time (hooray!).
You can always slow down to enjoy a personal letter, a special poem,
highway, you will be driving the Ferrari of Reading: PhotoReading. It
is simply the best.
Now, you can BLAST through information
three times faster than you can right now.
It is time to step out of the reading dark ages and absorb
information virtually at the speed of light with the amazing
PhotoReading whole mind system. This super fast learning technology
activates your natural ability to quickly and easily absorb information.
PhotoReading is fast...faster than speed reading. And it is easy!
Whether its books, magazines, or even business and technical
information, you can absorb information as fast as you can turn
the pages.
Be More Knowledgeable Improve Your Job Skills
Ease Your Workload Earn More Money
and use the PhotoReading whole mind system. You dont have to
day youll PhotoRead at 25,000 words a minute like myself and others.
25,000 words a minute? Youve got to be kidding?
It works! You will actually mentally photograph the printed page
as fast as you can turn the pages. Literally hundreds of thousands of
people have done it before you.
If they could, you can. As a beginning PhotoReader, you can get
through information three times faster than you can now. From there,
the skys the limit.
WARNING: this is not speed reading
Speed reading is merely regular reading hastened up. You are taught
to move your eyeballs faster.
With PhotoReading you learn to use your brain differently. After
all, they say the human brain is more powerful than the most powerful
computer on earth. If that is the case, then it has to be able to read
reads. With PhotoReading you tap into the greater abilities of
your brain.
Speed reading is like looking at brick after brick after brick and
like seeing the entire building right away, and then looking at the
bricks when you need the details.
It is different, but it works, because it is based on how the brain
likes to process information.
No wonder PhotoReading is the
best-selling reading course in America today!
You may have seen me on television, PhotoReading books as fast as I
could turn the pages and then answering questions with uncanny
accuracy. Everything is absolutely for real. I can PhotoRead at
25,000 words a minute. And you can, too. All you need is a little
motivation, and you can be zipping through books as fast as you can
turn the pages.
You dont have to be an Einstein just willing!
The PhotoReading courses have a 96% success rate, because almost
get stuck, call or email one of our coaches. The service is FREE.
One coach is Patrick ONeil.Hesbeenwithusfor15years.Another
can help you, because they are seasoned PhotoReaders.
to academic to technical.
Whether you want sharper thinking, increased productivity, more
income, better grades, or more enjoyment out of life, PhotoReading can
help you.
Will you make more money? You might. We have stacks of stories
from people who have received superb performance reviews and
Will you have less stress? Yup. PhotoReading takes the stress
out of reading. Thats a given.
of PhotoReading.
have piles of testimonials that say so.
Even if you are now a slow reader with low comprehension, you can
see a dramatic improvement with PhotoReading right away.
Learn from the Audio Program or in a Seminar
The most convenient way to learn PhotoReading is through the
If you prefer a seminar, we come to dozens of cities around the
world. For dates and times, check the schedule included with this
Or, you can do both!
Life is precious. Make the most of it.
If reading bogs you down, get PhotoReading. If you want to plow
through information, get PhotoReading. Want more knowledge, improved
job skills, more money, get PhotoReading. Enough stress. Do something
about it. The rest of your life will be better.
And, please remember that if for any reason you arent happy with
andyearsofexpertise.Itisaboutasrisk free as you can imagine.
For your personal best,
P.S. If you are still reading the old fashioned way, try PhotoReading
today. You will soon blast through books at least three times
faster than you can now. Guaranteedoryourmoneyback.Call
toll-free1-866-292-1861todayororder online and mention
P.P.S. Weve been serving people like you for over two decades, which
says we know how to deliver results, as does the hundreds of
thousands of happy, successful PhotoReaders around the world.
You see, PhotoReading works. Find out for yourself and
call today.
Learning Strategies Corporation is licensed by the Minnesota Department of Education/Higher Education Services Offce as a Private School to teach PhotoReading.
"PhotoReading" is a trademark of Learning Strategies Corporation. 2006
Learning Strategies Corporation
Innovating ways for you to experience your full potential
2000 Plymouth Road
Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA
Call Toll-Free 1-866-292-1861
1-952-767-9800 Fax 1-952-475-2373
Be sure to mention your Customer Code E910V-1
Order securely online at
Call the Better Business Bureau (800-646-6222) for a Reliability Report when concerned about a company from which you may do business.
Most people struggle down the information
superhighway with the same horse-and-buggy
reading skills you learned in elementary school.
One word at a time. Line by line. Saying each
word in your mind. Hoping something sticks,
according to author Paul R. Scheele.
Others use the Ferrari-style of reading called
PhotoReading. It blasts printed materials to the
brain at phenomenal rates, a page a second. It is a
wild concept. You actually mentally photograph
the page at 25,000 words a minute.
Scheele, an international expert in human
performance, developed this breakthrough for
reading, which is easy for anyone to apply. As
a matter of fact, a beginning PhotoReader can
absolutely process and understand printed
material three times faster than you can right
nowthats the starting point!
Prevent Information Overload
Information bombards you from your mail box
to your email box, from your home to your
offce, and few people can keep up. Can you?
You may get by with your elementary school
way of reading, but to thrive with todays
deluge of information, you absolutely have to
do something different. Otherwise you will be
passed by someone who can keep up.
PhotoReading helps by balancing effective
reading techniques proven in university studies
with Scheeles breakthrough process. This com-
bination allows you to handle your reading in
Use Your Whole Mind for High Achievement
self improvement
the time you have with
the comprehension you need.
Use PhotoReading on all types
of material including books,
magazines, trade journals, technical reports, web pages, email,
electronic fles, novels, and newspapers. And on all subjects
from gardening to geophysics, philosophy to college calculus,
computer manuals to detailed instructions.
It simply makes printed material faster to process and easier
to use. Three times faster.
quickly become
more skilled and
for business or
your personal life
reading breakthrough permits
speeds of 25,000 words a minute!

Learning Strategies 1-866-292-1861

success stories
The customer wants me to
know everything
I spend a good deal of my
time reading computer industry
publications to keep current with
new information, not to mention the
reams of technical manuals for new
products that are constantly being released to
the market.
One customer requested that I take a look at one of
their systems I had never seen. I had no experience
whatsoever with the software. They wanted me to
give it a try anyway, so I asked them for manuals and
a brief description of the problem. After dropping
2000 pages of documentation in my lap, they chuckled
and jokingly said 'have it done in 30 minutes.' I
PhotoRead the documentation in 20 minutes, spent
10 minutes with the software program, and fxed the
problem on the spot! PhotoReading gives me the edge
to stay a step ahead in an industry that's overfowing
with information.
Kirk Klobe, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Confdently go back to school
or learn a new industry
I went back to college after
30 years and graduated with
highest honorsall due to Photo-
Reading. It taught me how to
learn anything more easily, and it
helped build my confdence to a degree I had never
experienced before.
Dr. Carol Reiners, Parkersburg, Iowa
Improve sports performance
I used the fascinating Direct
Learning part of PhotoReading
that can be used to improve skills.
I PhotoRead a golf instructional
book 18 times over six days and
improved my game by 23%! All
total I spent 90 minutes PhotoReading. Ive never
played so well.
John Doorbar, Landenberg, Germany
Improve your grades in school,
and increase confdence
I researched and wrote a report
in two hours and received a 92%.
PhotoReading is opening me to books
and subjects I ordinarily would
not read, because I now have the
confdence to understand and use the material. It is a
far cry better than the old method.
Chelsa Brown, Sunderland, Maryland
What benefts can I expect from PhotoReading?
Of course, each person is different and experiences different results,
but here are just a few of the many benefts PhotoReaders enjoy:
Accelerate learning, improve memory, and heighten concentration
to improve the quality of your day.
Improve the ability to think conceptually.
Discover new perspectives and approaches. Step outside familiar ways
of approaching a situation and habitual ways of thinking.
Acquire skills and behaviors.
PhotoReading books on
tennis, negotiation, chess,
sales, time management,
painting, rock climbing, self-
improvement, etc., prepares
your mind and body to
express those skills directly as
new behaviors.
Propel yourself to higher
personal performance.
Your confdence and self-
esteem will soar, inspiring
others to more greatness.
Enhance the use of your
intuition. Society encourages
your logical and analytical
abilities. PhotoReading acti-
vates your creative, holistic,
and intuitive abilities creating
more choices, more power,
and more fun.
Leaders today grasp new ideas quickly, read voraciously across many
important topics, and need to stay current with the latest advances in their
felds. The PhotoReading Whole Mind System shows me how to do it all.
Ken Blanchard, Ph.D. co-author of the eight-million selling One Minute Manager
If time is money and reading takes time, then I heartedly recommend saving
money and time with this brilliant guide. For those of us in the fast lane, the
PhotoReading Whole Mind System isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. Harvey
Mackay, author of Swim with the Sharks and Beware of the Naked Man
PhotoReading is a gem. It contains powerful tools for excelling in life. I
thoroughly recommend it. David McNally, author of Even Eagles Need a Push
PhotoReading is literally eye-opening... The goal: Let your unconscious
take a snapshot, imbibing a whole page in a glimpse... It may well be the
standard equipment for 21st Century SuperLearners. Sheila Ostrander and
Lynn Schroeder, writing in SuperLearning 2000
leading authors rave about photoreading
Learning Strategies 1-866-292-1861
The frst is superlearning; it is also called accelerated learning, integrative
learning, or suggestology. It was developed by Dr. Georgi Lozanov in Bulgaria in
the 60s and 70s primarily for the rapid acquisition of language. Peter Kline, one of
the nation's top accelerative learning experts, worked with Paul Scheele in 1985 to
integrate accelerative learning into the PhotoReading program.
The second technology of human development is neuro-linguistic programming,
or NLP. This was developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. Among other
things, NLP says that if one person performs a particular task he or she must click
a certain set of neural circuits in a particular order. If another person is to perform
basically the same task, this person must also click those same circuits in that same
particular order. With NLP you can fgure out how one person is clicking and teach
another to click the same way.
That is what Paul Scheele did with PhotoReading. He trained with Bandler and
Grinder in the late 70s and early 80s, and he used his expertise in NLP to fgure
out how natural PhotoReaders were clicking their circuits. He then developed a
program to teach everyone to click the same way, so that everyone gets the same
results, so that everyone can PhotoRead.
The third technology is with preconscious processing, which involves learning below
the threshold of conscious awareness. Subconsciously. Learning with the unconscious
mind, the inner mind. And that is what PhotoReading is all about because we bypass
the conscious mind and dump the information directly into the other-than-conscious.
photoreading leaves speed reading in the dust
About the only similarity between speed reading and PhotoReading is the word
reading. Speed reading is basically regular reading hastened up. Instead of
going for words you are going for phrases, complete lines or paragraphs. It's still
primarily a conscious-mind, left-brain function.
PhotoReading, on the other hand, is an other-than-conscious, right-brain process.
You learn how not to rely on the words that are on the page, but on what goes on in
your head. It's not about moving your eyeballs really fast; it's about using your brain
more effciently. Speed reading is about getting comprehension of the words on the
page while PhotoReading is about getting comprehension of the meaning of the page.
brainwave activity changes
immediately with photoreading
You can see in the chart to the left how brainwave activity
instantly changed when a student began PhotoReading during a
special session taped for a United Film & Television documentary
called Genius.
The dark areas show brainwave activity while the student was
regular reading. The lighter area shows activity while the
student was PhotoReading. Notice how the change happened
immediately. It is like plodding through a dense forest and then
running through an open feld. Mental chatter disappeared as the
PhotoReader instantly expanded the capabilities of his mind.
This highlights yet another way that PhotoReading is
different from regular reading and different from speed reading.
PhotoReading allows you to process information in a way that is
more compatible with the tremendous powers of the human brain.
Electroencephalograph provided by IBVA Technologies
We live in an age when
too little time and too much
information compete. If we
are to succeed, we require
new skills for processing
and learning from
information. PhotoReading
is about working with
the greatest information
processing device known to
mankind: the human mind.
Paul R. Scheele, PhotoReading
Developer and Chairman of
Learning Strategies Corporation
3 leading edge technologies make photoreading
easy, effective, and enjoyable
Learning Strategies 1-866-292-1861
Regular Reading
You begin on the frst CD PhotoReading the dictionary and fnish
the course by getting through any books, magazines, newspapers,
emails, web pages, memos, reports, even business and technical
information, three times faster than you can now.
8 CDs - PhotoReading is fast, easy, and systematic. Paul
Scheele packs techniques, advice, and activities into eight CDs
to help you read with speed, comprehension, and enjoyment.
Just start with the frst CD and Paul will guide you from there.
68-page course manual - Your manual contains a wealth of
support material, summaries, and quick reference pages to
help you get full and complete beneft from the PhotoReading
whole mind system. You also receive the mind-boggling Star
of Wonder which demonstrates blocks to learning and unlocks
the key to successful PhotoReading.
Dictionary. On the frst CD you will PhotoRead a dictionary,
think of any word, and know where it is on the page. You will
begin using words that you didnt know you knew, and youll
be able to look them up to verify you used them correctly!
Memory Supercharger. One of the most popular Paraliminal
recordings of all time, Memory Supercharger, will help you
greatly increase your ability to concentrate and remember
what you read. Simply listen with stereo headphones and relax
as your brain learns new strategies for remembering facts,
principles, details, and theories.
Natural Brilliance. Almost 120,000 people have purchased
this book by Paul Scheele to overcome any challenge at will.
You will PhotoRead this book, too, as part of the course, so its
powerful message will become a natural part of your approach
to life and learning.
The PhotoReading Whole Mind System. You receive a copy of
Pauls defnitive book on PhotoReading to make sure you learn
PhotoReading from every conceivable angle.
Free Telephone and Online support with a trained
PhotoReading Coach. No other reading improvement
company will give you the support available from us. If you
ever need help, call or write and well do our best to help you
master PhotoReading so that you can process, understand, and
use large volumes of information quickly and effciently.
Free Bonus with Deluxe Course...
Get the PhotoReading Activator Paraliminal CD when you order
the Deluxe Course. This special Paraliminal session is normally
only given to participants in the live seminar. Paul Scheele guides
your inner mind to wire PhotoReading into your genius mind for
consistently stronger results.
Gain more knowledge, improve your skills and ease your workload
with the PhotoReading self-study course
Learning Strategies Corporation 2000 Plymouth Road, Minnetonka, MN 55305-2335 USA
From the frst CD you will see improvements in your reading speed and
comprehension. Finish the course and enjoy performance at least three times better
than what you can do now.
Begin with the Classic Course...
Supercharge with the Deluxe Course...
When youve fnished the Classic Course continue with the
three DVDs of the PhotoReading Results Supercharger to soar
to higher levels of reading and learning performance.
You will view three one-hour television documentaries
that follow real-life PhotoReaders during the advanced 5-day
PhotoReading Retreat.
Watch the PhotoReading challenge where folks are each given
thirty minutes to get through a thick book and be grilled on stage
in front of a live audience. See exactly what they do. Hear Paul
Scheele describe how they do it so you can do the same.
how to PhotoRead multiple books on a single subject all at
the same time
how to free yourself from emotional tension that
limits learning
how to energize your body from head to toe
how to use brainstorming to vastly improve
your comprehension
how to take notes to dramatically increase retention
how to use PhotoReading in school
how to stimulate brain activity ...and so much more!
order photoreading today!
30-day, money-back
satisfaction guarantee
with FREE Success Coaching
Call right now for immediate service!
Toll-Free Ordering: 1-866-292-1861
mention customer code e910v-1 to save 59%!
Within hours you will be zipping through information at three times faster than you
can now with the best-selling PhotoReading Personal Learning Course.
And today, you can upgrade from the Classic Course to the Deluxe Course. You
will receive everything in the classic course, plus you will receive...
PhotoReading Activator Paraliminal CD to master PhotoReading
Listen daily with your eyes closed to wire PhotoReading into your genius mind.
This special CD is normally only available to students in our seminars. It is
offered as a bonus with the Deluxe Course for a limited time. It is never offered
with the Classic Course.
PhotoReading Results Supercharger 3-DVD pack
Watch these three DVDs to soar to higher levels of reading and
learning performance.
You will see three one-hour television documentaries that follow PhotoReading
students who take their accomplishments to the next level.
Watch six students do the PhotoReading challenge on TV. They will each be
given thirty minutes to get through a thick book and be grilled on stage in front
of a live audience. See what they do. Hear Paul Scheele describe how they do it
so you can do the same.
Youll also receive 11 Special Features on the DVDs that show you

how to PhotoRead multiple books on a single subject all at the same time

how to free yourself from emotional tension that limits learning

how to energize your body from head to toe

how to use a creative form of brainstorming to vastly improve your

comprehension of books

how to take notes to dramatically increase retention

how to use PhotoReading in school

how to gently tap your body in a unique manner to stimulate brain activity
...and so much more!
With the Classic Course you can get through your reading three times faster;
with the Deluxe Course you can do even better!
The PhotoReading Results Supercharger 3-DVD pack and the special PhotoReading
Activator bonus will help you fnally get control of your reading, whether for
business or school, science or gardening, sports decide! PhotoReading
works on all material from fuff to highly technical.
Supercharge your PhotoReading course with the
3-DVD PhotoReading Results Supercharger Pack

2005 PhotoReading is a worldwide

trademark of Learning Strategies Corporation.
Order your Deluxe PhotoReading course today At a 59% savings. Call toll-free
1-866-292-1861 or order securely online and mention Customer Code E910V-1.
PhotoReading in the Media
PhotoReading has appeared nationally on hundreds of radio and television shows:
CBS News
Science Frontiers, which aired on TLC
Spotlight America, with Robb Weller, and American Breakthroughs which aired on many channels,
including Discovery, The Learning Channel, Home & Garden, The History Channel, and, of all
places, Comedy Central
Heres a note from world-renowned
achievement coach, Anthony Robbins...
I have seen Paul Scheele help countless numbers
of people to discover a faster, more effcient path
to success through his PhotoReading system. No
matter what you need to read, he can teach you to
get it done in a third of the time.
Anthony Robbins
Author of Awaken the Giant Within and
Unlimited Power
Jack Canfeld
writing in his New York Times
bestselling book The Success Principles
30 books a month every
month since I learned
PhotoReading 1-1/2 years
-Mike Kilgore
Clearwater, FL
Reading had always
been a struggle, but life is
different now.
-Dave Lambert
Pacifc Palisades, CA
I wrote a novel in
three days, thanks to the
PhotoReading whole mind
-Ron Cypers
Denton, TX
After PhotoReading a
series of books, it is like
sitting in front of a panel
of experts and being able
to shoot questions to them
-Huy Nguyen
St. Paul, MN
PhotoReading will show you how
to get through your reading
three times faster than you can now!
And famed author, Jack Canfeld writes...
If you read more slowly then youd like,
consider taking a course to increase not only
your reading speed but also how fast you absorb
the information. The best resource Ive found is
the PhotoReading course by Paul Scheele.
CLICK HERE to watch 2 videos on PhotoReading including a TV news report.
These comments come from PhotoReaders at the
Discussion Forum at
Dan G - Member
This year I have a college level AP US
History class. We were given several textbook
reading assignments, on which I used the
PhotoReading system. The night before the test
I converted all my notes into a giant mind map,
which I studied from.
We took our frst unit test, and I scored 100
percent! It was great! I feel like I have very
solid comprehension of the subject matter.
I hope to have continued success with the
PhotoReading system.
Andy030 - Member
I could say PhotoReading has changed my
life but it hasn't really changed my outward
life at all but it has changed a lot of things
inwardly. I've always slow-read a lot of books
and was always in the habit of trying to read
to GET THINGS and now I read to see what
will come to me.
I have a whole wall full of books I have
never had the time to get to and I'm cranking
through them.
My normal habit of reading every word of
everything I read is GONE and when I read a
magazine I now automatically do the steps and
fnd myself subvocalizing very few sentences
and getting to the useful information very
At work last week the managers came
out with a new employee handbook and at
the meeting I PhotoRead the whole thing in
about 30 seconds and before all of them were
even passed out to everyone I said short term
disability pay is 60% but you didn't say for how
many weeks that would last and everyone just
stared at me.
Then everyone fipped to the page and I was
right! I didn't focus on anything and only did the
PhotoReading step. I THINK I picked that up
because I knew a coworker was going to have
hip surgery in a month and she had asked me if
I knew about that weeks before. So, something
is clicking in my mind and maybe when we
PhotoRead we answer questions we don't
consciously know we have at the moment.
I'm impressed. I will probably go to the
seminar when it comes near me.
ckerins - Member
I have used PhotoReading on graduate
level texts in electrodynamics (Classical
Electrodynamics by Jackson), mechanics
(Mechanics by Landau and Lif****z) and
quantum mechanics (Quantum Mechanics by
Merzbacher). I have found the system to be
very useful in absorbing the material in these
texts, and none of these texts is for the faint-
hearted. That being said, remember that these
are graduate level texts in a specifc feld, and
that I already held an under-graduate degree in
physics. I had some familiarity with the subject
matter and was at a level where I was prepared
to absorb the material contained therein. If I did
not have the foundations in that area of study,
I would have had to have started with more
elementary texts.
In my opinion, the Photo-Reading system
does work on any and all kinds of material. It
does not auto-magically endow the PhotoReader
with instant understanding of what they have
PhotoReadif you are not intellectually
prepared to absorb the material in a technical
text via regular reading, I do not think that
PhotoReading will make it happen for you.
However, PhotoReading does dramatically
increase the speed with which you CAN absorb
information, allowing you to more readily

master written material. I went from staying up
until 1 or 2 AM studying and working problem
sets to getting to bed by 10 PM while using the
PhotoReading system for my graduate courses
(and I maintained a high G.P.A.).
Ryan - Member
The PhotoReading system really does
work! I used it to pass a college algebra course
last semester and made a B from using the
system. I was impressed because I had a lot
of anxiety about whether the system really did
work. After that I gained confdence about it and
now I am a profcient PhotoReader. I read about
four or fve books a month just pleasure reading
on my spare time. Sometimes more.
Michael Saikali - Member
PhotoReading is a brilliant method devised
to help people like ourselves to become the
natural learners that we were meant to be but
were molded to the contrary by our educational
systems that in my opinion are completely
My opinion is based on observations of my
two young boys. Everytime they see or hear
something new I notice they go into this blank,
relaxed stare. Its as if they have tuned out the
conscious and tuned in the sub-conscious for
long term remembering.
PhotoReading helps us relax and once again
become the natural learner we were meant
to be.
mgrego2 - Member
I hated Pauls regular comments to just relax
and play with it. It wasnt the way my conscious
mind worked. Now I can fnally understand
what hes saying. If we dont relax, we get in
our own way.
Internet Stories
More information can be found on the Internet at
2010 photoreading
Schedule USA/Canada
Weekend seminars generally
meet 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on
Friday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm on
Saturday, and 9:00 am to
6:00 pm on Sunday. These
intensives are indicated on
this schedule with (INT).
Weekend seminars with
different times (generally three
full days) are indicated with (SP).
Tuition is $750 with a
60-day guarantee.
Ask about the early
bird discount. Credit
cards are accepted.
Graduates may repeat
in most cities for a
non-refundable $80 tuition.
PhotoReading is a
worldwide trademark
of Learning Strategies
Corporation, a private
school licensed by the
Minnesota Offce of Higher
Classes are taught by
instructors approved
by Learning Strategies
Corporation 2010
Call to verify class dates for
all seminars.
ca, la-pasadena (SP)
November 12, 13, 14
ca, san francisco (INT)
November 5, 6, 7
il, chicago (INT)
September 24, 25, 26
to enroll in a seminar call 1-888-800-2688
Be sure to mention your customer code e910v-1
30-day money-back
satisfaction guarantee
You can return the course within thirty
days for a refund, less shipping and
handling, if not completely satisfed.
And remember, the course comes with
FREE coaching.
All prices in US dollars US funds only
Check* Money Order* VISA MasterCard Discover American Express
* Payment plans available for credit card payment only.
Day Phone ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________________________________
(For updates from us only and FREE coaching emails from Paul Scheele.)
Credit Card # ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature _____________________________________________________________ Exp. Date _____________________
Full Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________________________________________________________________________
Country _________________________________________________________________________________________________
$12 USA shipping, plus MN and WI residents add sales tax to the total of product and shipping (5% WI, 6.9%
for Hennepin County, MN shipments, 6.75% for Anoka, Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington County, MN ship-
ments, or 6.5% for remaining MN counties). For delivery outside of USA add $33.00 for Airmail, or call for
expedited shipping costs. Client is responsible for any duties/taxes.
I want to open my whole mind
to new ways of learning!
2006 Learning Strategies Corporation PhotoReading_E910V-1.indd
i prefer the new deluxe edition for better results!
Send me the Classic Edition AND the new PhotoReading Results Supercharger
3-DVD Pack AND the new bonus manual AND PhotoReading Activator CD that in
the past was only available to seminar attendees. The DVDs were flmed at the
advanced PhotoReading Retreat so that real PhotoReading students and three of the
worlds best PhotoReading instructors show me how it is done. I know it is worth it,
because faster readers earn 2-1/2 times more money.
Regularly $530. For the next 14 days, only $218.95. Save 59%!

yes! rush me the classic

edition of photoreading!
Id like to learn how to get through my reading
3 times faster with PhotoReading. Send me the
Classic Course with the Memory Supercharger,
course manual, and books that over 200,000
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Regularly $245. For the next 14 days, only
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