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Crew Manning System (CMS)

CMS Developed by: Fahmi Rojak

Technical Specification
Operating System Client (Compatible): Windows Xp/ Windows 7 32bit Database Connector: Mysql Connector (ODBC) v5.0 or latest Database Server: Mysql Server 5.5.23 or latest

CMS Feature
Track complete crew information such as personal info, medical history, licenses, training, allotment, etc. Tracks all expiring documents (passport,semanbook,etc..) Ability to customize resumes Search crew data within seconds Source crew requirement by position, experience,vessel,etc.. Store unlimited crew documents Generate multiple reports and government forms Network ready allows the program to run on multiple computers for information sharing Multi-user allows simultaneous authorized office personnel to have different access to information. Online checking vessel database & Indonesian seafarer certificate. Online vessel tracker/position with google map (in development)


Searching Filter (green circle) by fullname, seafarer code, category, position apply, experience,availability,etc
Category - Deck Officer - Engine Officer - Deck Rating - Engine Rating - Galley - Offshore Position Apply/Experience - Master - Chief Officer - Chief Engineer - 2nd Officer - Etc Availability: ALL/YES/NOT Application Track: NEW/PENDING/APPROVED/CANCELLED/DENIED Previous Employer: List of any available previous employer Vessel Type/Flag: List type of vessel / Flag Nationality of master: List of any Nationality of master

Online Checking Certificate

Online Checking Vessel

Personal Contact Data

Certificate & Medical

Employer History

Sample CV

Maintain CURRENT & FUTURE crew onboard

Onboard Crew Document

Easy maintain crew document, store/view/print/email on the one screen

Onboard Document Checklist

Crew document checklist, easy track by color & sign

Onboard Official Letter

Easy print official letter with standard format (LG, Medical letter,Signon Passport,etcc..)

Sample Official Letter

Onboard Data
Onboard data: Crew contract on/off, flight on/off, Crew Bank account record per onboard

Wage List Form

Crew wage list form to print on standard government letter

Project Management



Official Letter
Official letter in central, avoid repetitive task

Official Letter
Issued Official Letter of Gurantee, Medical, Signon,etc..

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