T3 W4 Spelling A

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Term 3 Week 4 abiss abizmal abriviate absorbant absorbtion abundent acatemy acceptence acceptible accomidate adversary aesthetic affirmation

alacrity alienate aloof altercation ambiguous ambivalence amiable

1. Rule up correctly BUT before you copy these words into your spelling book there is something you need to know. The first ten words are all spelt incorrectly make sure you check your dictionary to make sure you write them correctly! 2. Find the meanings of the first10 words once you have spelt them correctly. 5. Write the second 10 words in syllables. 6. Select 10 words and write a FANTASTIC sentence for each one. 7. Design a crossword that includes at least 10 words and good meanings/questions. 8. See how many words you can interlock by sharing letters. See how close or how linked the words can be.

abundant b r e v i aloof t e

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