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Chapter 9

After the durations have been adjusted, the estimated hours adjusted for productivity, if required, are distributed over the new durations to develop a revised peak staffing and construction progress curve.

The revised preliminary execution plan promotes thinking andraises questions that must be answered in order torefine the plan and prepare an accurate appropriation cost estimate.

Can the plantfacilities absorb the peak construction andsupervisorystaff without impairingthesafetyofthe productionactivities? Can so many workers performefficiently in thedesignatedconstruction areas?If not. extended overtime or shift work must be considered. Otherwise the schedule must be extended.
Note: Many contractors consider that a labor density of 5 workers per thousand sq. ft. based on total construction area is a reasonable allowance for good productivity.

Could a single local contractor handle all thework efficiently? If not, consider national general contractors and/or break construction into discrete portions thatcould be handled by the available local contractors.

Can the Owner come up with sufficient qualified personnel to perform the Phase 1 design in a reasonable time - say 3 or 4 months? If not. Phase 1 must be contracted or extended to match the available resources. Since the engineering hours are well beyond the range of the small project a full-service approach, the execution plan should be based on retaining engineering firm with construction management capabilities. Based on the anticipated peak engineering staff, the contractor screening should be limited tofirmswithstaffsrangingfrom 150 to 400 (2 to 5 timesthe expected peak). The preliminaryexecutionplanprovidessufficientinformation to permit the project team to conduct a meaningful survey of available local construction contractors andestablish a viable contracting plan.

Master Project Schedule

The masterproject schedule (MPS), like the appropriation estimate, is a standalonedocument that must be completed before a firm execution plancan be

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