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Events in Second stage of Labour

Second stage is from full dilatation of the cervix to the expulsion of the fetus. Duration - 1 hour in nullipara - half hour in multipara

1. Bearing down pains 2. Membrane status 3. Descend of Fetus - Fifth formula 4. Maternal signs 5. Vaginal signs 6. Fetal Effects


Transition from the first stage to second stage is evidenced by; - increased intensity of uterine contractions - bearing down efforts - urge to defecate - complete dilatation of cervix

To assist in the natural expulsion of the fetus slowly and steadily To prevent perineal injuries

Genaral Measures
Patient should be in bed FHR monitoring Analgesics Vaginal examination

Preparation for Delivery

Position Gowning and gloving Toileting the external genitalia Catheterise the bladder

Conduction of Delivery
Delivery of head Delivery of shoulders Delivery of trunk


Clamping and ligature of cord Receive the baby in a clean try covered with dry linen Clear the air passage by gentle suctioning APGAR rating at 1 mt and 5 mt Quick check to detect any abnormalities

Events in Third stage of Labour

Stage of placental separation and expulsion Duration - 15 mts.

Methods of Placental separation

1. Central Separation / Schultz method - formation of retroplacental hematoma 2. Marginal Separation / Mathew Duncun - most common

Management of 3rd stage

Steps of Management
Expectant managemnet Active management

Expectant management
Placental separation and its descend to vagina are allowed to occur spontaneously A hand is placed over fundus - to recognise signs of placental separation - to note uterine activity - to note signs of inversion of uterus Massage uterus to make it hard ( Inj.Oxytocin 10 U or Inj.Ergometrine 0.2 mg IM ) Examination of placenta and membranes Inspection of vulva, vagina and perineum

Expulsion of Placenta
- Controlled Cord Traction ( modified Brandt Andrews method )

Mechanism of Control of Bleeding

- Living Ligatures

Active management
Principle - to excite powerful uterine contractions following birth of the anterior shoulder by parenteral oxytocin which facilitates not only early separation of the placenta but produces effective uterine contractions following its separation

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