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14 15 16
Aug 15 8pm MT Aug 16 8pm MT Aug 17 To be determined

1. Chimamas

2. markkkkk xgideonx88 andybendy crepe arthas boosty26 6. Lodi Rozenbros likevvii ithunktwice ShutUpAnTakeMyLP 10. thegeektoyou Sparkst0rm Worst Farmer arguswins Helmetrez 14. blackafroman Mclovin25 Not a Real Ninja gravel pit Ryan the King

3. meowingtons MD

4. blackdeeps rucked zephyrGB xxthebishopxx SirRabidMushroom 8. CHO DAT ChrisMashy philled with joy tumblr IcyColdStare 12. Venerabie splatterk jestercarrots Poseidon592 Jessica Says Hi 16. Mushhhyyy Heinus Crisix Foofuh pickleyoinker

5. Diadact Oranosx BreadstickFTW Shorrt Neon Strike Vi 9. god mid Kiezer X ralphthewombat Shankimus Prime StinkySexBalls69 13. Nataxx VanillaHoneydew Shobi TheLolcats CaristinnQT

7. Ceejypeaches

11. Dufoso Trash Player BreakerOfLight habitforming Madskillz911 15. fuz3d hippoisskeptical dizeezboy play again kycco

Alternates- deathoflegends, d15ch0rd, shamonbabe, skeh, Cask iron Pan, tenguJPN, Jixxur, Schleopard, Liightning, RunImArab, Rush zR, I do even lift, s1medieval, philipapw, thelastzerling, Starfocks, sillocan, Spectro, Steve Maoki, terribadimus

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