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Vocabulary List from Hansen and Quinn

Chapter 1
o , , -- marketplace
o , , -- brother
o , , -- man, human being
o , , -- book
o , , -- gift; bribe (especially in the plural)
o (prep) + accinto, to; for (purpose)
o , (prep) + genfrom, out of
o (prep) + datin [on, at]
o , , -- work, deed
o , , /-- god, goddess
o -- (conj) and; (adv) even
o ... (conj)bothand
o , , -- word, speech, story
o , , -- battle
o , , -- island
o , , -- the, often shows possession
o , , -- road
o , , -- Homer (epic poet)
o , , -- art, skill, craft
o , , -- land, country
o , , -- soul
o -- interjection used with the vocative
Chapter 2
o , , -- messenger
o (prep) + genfrom, away from
o (particle)introduces a question
o (postpositive particle)for (explanatory)
o (postpositive conjunction)but [and, usually indicates a change of subject in poetry]
o (numeral)-- six
o (adverb)-- well
o , , -- animal
o (conj)-- or
o ... (conj)eitheror
o , , , , , (to) order,
o , , , , , (to) unbind, free, release; dissolve,
destroy [middle: ransom]
o ... (postpositive conjunctions)one the one handon the other hand
o (adv)-- now
o , , -- guest-friend, host, stranger, foreigner
o , , (adv)-- not

o , , , , , (to) educate,
o (prep)
o + genfrom (the side of
o +datat (the side of), at the house of
o +accto (the side of , beside; contrary to
o , , , , , (to) send
o (numeral)-- five
o , , -- war
o (prep) + genbefore; in front of
o , , -- crown, wreath
o , , -- friend
o , , -- friendship
o , , -- gold
Chapter 3
o , , -- prize
o -- but
o (prep) + geninstead of
o , , -- excellence, virtue
o , , -- will; council
o , , , , , (to) write, draw
o (postpositive particle)in fact, of course
o , , -- the people
o (prep)
o +genthrough
o +accon account of
o , , -- peace
o , , -- assembly
o (conj)after, when since
o (conj)after, when, since
o , , , , , (to) sacrifice
o , , -- sacrifice
o (conj)in order that
o (adv)-- not
o , , -- victory
o (conj.)in order that
o , , -- eye
o , , , , , (to) make stop, stop
o (prep)
o +genconcerning, about
o +dataround
o +accaround, concerning
o , , , , , (to) guard

o (conj)in order that

Chapter 4
o , , good
o (particle)used in some conditional sentences
o , , worthy, worth (+gen)
o , unworthy (+ gen)
o , , -- beginning; rule, empire
o , , -- bridge
o , , , , , (to) teach
o , , -- justice; lawsuit
o , -- unjust
o , , just
o , , , , --, -- (to) be willing, wish
o -- if
o if
o , , -- day
o , , -- sea
o , , , --, , (to) bury
o (particle)and further, and yet
o , , bad, evil
o , , beautiful, noble, good
o (prep)
o +genwith
o +accafter
o , , -- fate [portion]
o , , -- muse
o , , -- young man
o , , -- tool; (pl.) weapons
o , , -- hoplite, heavy-armed foot soldier
o (adv) long ago
o , , -- poet, author
o , , -- citizen
o , , -- soldier
o (prep) + datwith
o , , , , , (to) draw up in order, station, appoint
o , , dear, beloved, ones own
Chapter 5
o , , -- silver
o , , -- small coin; money
o , , , , (to) rule, command (+gen)
o , , , , , / (to) hurt, harm
o , , -- earth, land
o , , -- teacher

, , -- expectation, belief; reputation, glory

, , -- death
, undying, immortal
, , holy, sacred to (+gen)
, , -- shrine
, , sufficient, capable
, , / -- horse, mare
, , -- danger
, , -- stone
, , long, tall
, , -- small
, , , , , (to) persuade
, , hostile (+ dat)
, , , (trans.) / (intrans.), ,
(to) do; fare
o , , -- first
o (prep.)
o + genby (personal agent); under
o + datunder, under the power of
o + accunder (with motion); toward (of time)
o , , -- fear
o , , -- fearful
Chapter 6
o , , / -- goat
o (enclitic particle)emphasizes or limits preceding word; at any rate, at least
o , , -- old man
o , , -- opinion, judgment
o , , fearsome, marvelous, clever
o , , -- slave
o , , -- slavery
o , , , , --, -- be a slave (+dat)
o , , free (+gen)
o , , -- freedom
o , , -- a Greek
o , , -- hope, expectation
o (prep)
o + genunder; against
o + accaccording to
o , , , , , hinder, prevent
o , , -- night
o , , (relative pronoun)who, which
o , , old, aged, ancient

o , ,, , , ,
government; (pass) be governed
o , , -- deed, affair, thing
o , , wise, skilled
o , , -- wisdom, skill
o , , (pl. or )stade (=ca. 600 ft)
o , , -- body
o (enclitic conj.)-- and
o (enclitic particle)let me tell you, you know
o , , -- line of battle, phalanx
o , , -- guard
o , , -- grace, favor, gratitude
o (prep) + preceding genfor the sake of
o , , -- dance; chorus
o , , , , , dance, take part in a
o , , -- choral dancer
Chapter 7
o , ,
o , ,
o , ,
o , ,
o , ,
o ,
o , ,
o , ,
o , , , , ,
o , ,
o , ,
o , , , , ,
o , ,
o , ,
o , ,
o , , , , /,
o , , ()
o , ,
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

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