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World History Syllabus


The primary content for this course pertains to the worlds earliest civilizations to the ancient and classical civilizations of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Students will be exposed to the multiple dynamics of world history including economics, geography, politics, and religion/philosophy. Students will study methods of historical inquiry and primary and secondary historical documents.

Textbook: McGraw-Hill Companies: Discovering Our Past; A History of the World Early Ages Course Outline: 1 Quarter Topic 1: Foundations of Geography Topic 2: Think like a Historian Topic 3: Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution Topic 4: Mesopotamia 3 Quarter Topic 1: Ancient Greece Topic 2: Ancient Rome Topic 3: Rise of Christianity Topic 4: The Americas Materials needed for class: (Daily) What you can expect in this course: 1. Cooperative learning groups 2. Shared readings 3. Class Discussions Grading Policy: Categories: 1. Daily Class Assignments 2. Assessments/Tests 3. Homework/Study Guides 4. Skill-work/Participation Campus-wide Rules: Gum: Is not allowed on campus. Talking on cell phones is prohibited during the school day. Follow all adult directions the first time they are given. Walk to classes and be on time. Avoid all physical contact. Percentage: 40% 40% 10% 10% 4. Notes & Lectures 5. Weekly Writing Pieces 6. Activities 7. Homework 8. Quarterly Assessments 9. Final Exam
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2 Quarter Topic 1: Ancient Egypt/Nile Civilization Topic 2: Israelites Topic 3: Ancient Greece 4 Quarter Topic 1: Ancient India Topic 2: Ancient China Final Exam


1. Writing utensil.

2. World History Binder (notebook).


In addition, the following will be monitored in my classroom... 1. No students in designated teacher-only areas. (Storage closet, planning room, desk area) 2. Use of appropriate language at all times. 3. RESPECT of all school materials- books, equipment, electronics, etc... 4. Following of all classroom procedures. 5. Obeying of all aspects of the Code of Conduct for Seminole County Public Schools.

Mr. Rappaport

World History Syllabus


What Mr. Rappaport expects from his students: Be prepared and ready to work. Do not miss class. Work to your full potential. Use social skills. Take pride in your work. Follow all rules and procedures.

Behavioral Consequences: Any offense may warrant a seat change, removal from class or discipline referral. 1 Offense: 2 Offense: 3 Offense: 4 Offense:
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Verbal Warning. Parent Contact: Parent Contact Form, phone call and/or e-mail. Verbal Warning / 2 Referral to Dean.

Parent Contact

Special Circumstances: Cell phone / electronic device policy violation: In addition to the consequences listed above, the following will occur st 1 offense: Device confiscated and returned to student at the end of the school-day. nd 2 offense and any thereafter: Device confiscated and turned into the office. Parent will be required to come in and claim the device from the office. Tardy to class: In addition to the consequences listed above, the following will occur rd 3 tardy in a semester and any thereafter in the semester: Student receives an automatic referral. Procedures: Hallway procedure
There is NO running in the hallways...especially to and from lunches. Walk on the right side of the hallway. Stay OFF the grassy areas in-between the hallways & buildings and DO NOT walk on top of the knee walls. Be courteous to your fellow classmates- keep your feet and arms to yourself. You will line up outside the room along the wall and quietly wait for me to direct you to enter. When told to go in, you are to enter the classroom quickly and quietly. Students who do not do this will be asked to leave the room and reenter as expected. As soon as you enter, go directly to your assigned seat and get settled in. Cell phones should be out, turned off, and placed under your desk along with your book bag.

Entering the classroom

Arriving late
If you have a pass, place it quietly in the black tardy bin on top of the back table... Do not interrupt class, but sit down quietly and join in the activity in which we are involved. Three (3) unexcused tardies in a semester will result in a written referral to the Dean of Students.

Most days you will have bell-work on the screen to do. You will be graded on bell-work completion at the end of each topic. You should start working on the bell-work as soon as you are able.

Mr. Rappaport
Coming to attention

World History Syllabus


When I need to quiet the class I will put my hand up and say hi-5. When you hear/see this, you are expected to stop your conversation and focus attention on me.

Exiting the classroom

Do not leave your seats until you are dismissed. The teacher...NOT the bell dismisses you~~ (Only when everyone is seated and quiet will I dismiss the class). Walk out of the classroom quietly.

Answering questions
Please raise your hand and wait to be called on. (Unless I indicate otherwise) Students should not shout out answers without being called on first.

Asking for help / sharpen pencil / get Kleenex or hand sanitizer

Please raise your hand and wait for me to call on you. When called on, just tell me what you need. If you need help, I will come over or have you come up to me.

Asking to use the bathroom / get water / going to clinic

No passes will be issued during the first 10 minutes of class, or the last 10 minutes of class. Please raise your hand and wait for me to call on you. When called on, you askMay I: use the bathroom?, get some water? or go to the clinic? I will either say yes or no. If I say no--I will give you the reason and tell you when you can go. If I say yes--Follow the procedures for signing out / in. If you leave during instructional time (notes, reading, etc) and miss any work or discussion you will not receive full credit for the class that day.

Signing out / in
BATHROOM / WATER- YOU HAVE 10 PASSES PER QUARTER!! Go to the back desk and find your class period. If it is your first time: fill out an empty section on the page by writing your name. (That will be yours for the quarter) Mark the box for the number being used and fill in the proper line with sign out time. Take appropriate pass (boys or girls) and exit the room quietly. Upon returning to class, hang up pass, write the in time and go quietly back to your seat. CLINIC / OFFICE / MEDIA CENTER Go to the back desk and turn to the first page of the binder. Fill out the information: name, destination, time out, and period. Take office pass and exit quietly. Upon returning to class, hang up pass, write the in time, close binder and go quietly back to your seat.

I will normally give two to four assignments per topic. (Due on Test Day) Workbooks will remain in the class. We will remove pages for homework when needed. st If completed before due date- write your name on the 1 page and place it in your periods tray in the homework cubby. Late homework will only be accepted for one week following the due date (Unless I say otherwise). Late homework will only be worth 50% of the possible grade. Work not turned in will result in a zero. You will need to log onto to print out homework, including study guides.

Working on a Topic or Semester Assessment

Clear desk of all materials except: a writing utensil, paper, copy of assessment. All students should be working quietly. All students will remain seated (Only getting up to turn in material). All students should have eyes on their own papers. If caught cheating a grade of 0 zero will be given. If you have a question, follow procedure listed on previous page.

Mr. Rappaport
Reading Center

World History Syllabus


The books in the reading center are my personal books...please treat them respectfully! The books are color-coded and are not to be taken out of the classroom.

Makeup or missed assignments

You are required to make up any missed assignments or class notes. When you return from an absence you need to see me before or after class to see what you missed and when its due. You will either receive the exact assignment missed or another assignment determined by me. You will have the number of days you were out, plus 1 day. Unless it is an assessment week then all work is due by assessment day. (Normally a Friday or Monday) Once I have given you your note I WILL NOT remind you again until the day its due. If the work is not turned in by the due date- the 0 grade will stand in the gradebook.

Fire Drill
Immediately stop working. Get up, move quickly and quietly to the door and form a line. Once outside: move quietly in single-file (Staying together) to designated area. (Fence behind bldg. 9) Remain quiet and in line facing away from the school. (Toward pond or library) I will then take class roll. (Remain quiet) When the all clear is sounded, proceed back into the school the same way you came out. Once back in the classroom: go directly to your assigned seat quietly and resume working.

Visiting the office

There are 3 acceptable reasons to visit the office: - You have been called up by a member of the school Administration. - You need to make arrangements for parent pickup or need to call home. - You need write a witness statement. [Do not ask to see the Principal, Asst. Principal, Dean, or Guidance Counselor during class- You must make an appointment or go up during the class change] A phone call WILL BE made to the office to let them know you are on the way there.

Online Book
You are required to have online Internet access for this course to view the textbook online for homework assignments. The web address is If you do not have Internet access please see me for accommodations (I will speak to your parents). Your log-on will be your student number followed by the letter s Your password will be your year of birth, month, and then day followed by the letter s. YYYYMMDD s (no spaces). If there is an online video or homework assigned, it is up to you to log-in, before the due date, and complete the activity. The website sends me a report letting me know which students participated and which did not.

Group Work
You will be in groups almost every day so you will need to stay on task. Your group depends on you. You will be required to get up and move around during certain activities. Everybody WILL participate. Discussions and/or group talking is only permitted during appropriate points during the class. When in discussion situations, you are expected to keep discussions centered on task at hand (No off-topic discussions). At certain times in an activity you may be required to write, speak or present your groups material to the class. Anyone not on task (after warning) will be removed from the group and will be responsible for ALL the work on their own. Each student in the group will be assigned a number (mat in the middle) Each student will be assigned a job by their number (1-4). Jobs are subject to change. 1. Put binders on back bookshelf by group and class period. 2. Make sure all materials in the pencil box are accounted for before your group leaves. 3. Make sure textbooks are returned to the table at the front of the room before your group leaves. 4. Make sure your area (desk & floor) is cleaned up before your group leaves.

Students initial (in pen) _________

Parents sign (in pen) _______________________________

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