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"Stand up for what you believe in!

Elect William Osborne for Pimicikamak Executive Council August 21, 2013

First Words
I wish to acknowledge Tapastanum for his great vision of our Pimicikamak homeland. He was able to 'get it' on paper, during the treaty signing era. I also want to acknowledge the great leader, Mr. Albert Sinclair, who loved the lands, the waters, and the trees. He said, "I leave my beloved northlands in good hands." I also want to acknowledge another great leader, Mr. Walter Monias, who listened to the Elders, he was knowledgeable in dealing with Provincial Manitoba and Manitoba Hydro in the early 70's when our lands and waters were being trampled on without our consent and against our will. It was through his leadership the NFA was born. I also want to acknowledge the people who stood up and declared themselves by signing the First Written Law, for it is the very basis of our law making process. I also want to acknowledge the 1998 Nednak, blockade it was the year we as a people stood up as our rightful place for our homeland. We said, "enough is enough". Our wolf cry was heard worldwide. In the Following Months The Pimicikamak people's stand and voice was so loud, and heard by council members at the time (late 90'), the Province of Manitoba and Manitoba Hydro started listening and starting implementing the NFA as they said they would do. Having said that, we as a people must rise up again, to stand up for what we believe in - our Pimicikimak homeland - by developing our own Resource (Aski) Management Law. If we do this together as people, we will have 1 in place our political power in law, and it must be adhered to and followed by the Four Councils, and especially by the elected executive council members. This is what we call Pimicikamak okimawan (people), represented by the four councils, and work for by the elected Executive Council members. This is our protocol process of traditional consensus.

Resource(Aski) Management Law

Once the Resource (Aski) Management Law is drafted and approved by the Four Councils it will create an stronger stance to define: NFA implementation process Meaningful Nation-to-Nation consultation Enact political and government power Spiritually awake the Pimicikamak Okimawan protocol structure and processes rather than flounder in the state defined Indian Act. Resolve disputed land issues Community led initiatives protect our lands and waters, etc. This is the vision of our great leaders of the time. My lifelong endeavor is to foster vision, hope and healing of our people, our lands, our waters, and especially to our Youth. Our Nation is at risk! We must do something now in the best interest of our Nation. We have no choice but to stand for what we believe in - ourselves - because no one is going to do it for us, but us, the people! Our Nation is at risk! The land, water, air, and fire are the very basis of our language, cultural identity, and values. They work in unity to sustain, define, nurture and heal our beloved Nation. We need to not just figure out our own identity as a Nation; we need to revive our ways of governance to reflect the current context in which we find ourselves. The 'band' system is the means by which the Canadian state assimilates Inninuwak peoples. It imposes a false identity which has eroded time-honoured values and philosophies, including self-determination. The 'band' does not define us. We must believe that We, the People are the ones adversely affected. We, the People are the ones who have Treaty and Aboriginal Rights.

representative and services for our youth and adults that reflects Pimicikamak values and philosophies. A collaborative and consultative holistic health services and program delivery for our people. Develop a workplan to construct a new communication building with Youth programming, including training and employment opportunities. This space can serve as a community-based journalism and broadcasting program.. A healing lodge for people at risk. Place to heal the nation. Resource Management Law

There are many opportunities our Nation can explore, including collaborative and creative methods to implement the spirit and intent of Treaty No.5 and the NFA. We need to do it together as a people! Let us stand for what we believe in on August 21 Vote for William Osborne Executive Council Our Nation. Our People. Our Youth!

Tangible Tasks & Goals

I specifically want to focus on the following tasks: Develop an alternative education program for youth and adults at risk. This will include land based education. Collaboratively develop community restorative justice systems, and legal counsel

Photocredit: D. Blacksmith (Facebook)

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