Principal Appointment Process: Merit Programme Awards

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15th August, 2013 Phone 07 889 6629 Email


Principal Appointment Process

The Morrinsville Intermediate Board of Trustees is about to begin the process of appointing a School Principal to lead our school for 2014 and beyond. To help us through the process, we have engaged an education consultant to guide us, Mr Trevor Kilpin. Mr Kilpin is an experienced and respected consultant and former Intermediate Principal himself. We are keen to hear your views with regard to what skills and attributes you feel are important for our future Principal to possess. On Monday 19th August at 7.00pm we will hold a community consultation meeting in the School Hall. We would like to encourage parents and guardians to come along. This invitation is extended to families of the Intermediate and also to families from the network of contributing primary schools who will be our future Intermediate families. Ng mihi nui ki a koutou - Greetings to you all, Tonight is our Budding Musicians Concert which showcases our talented students who have been learning an instrument through the Out of Schools Music Programme. This is always a great evening of entertainment from the talented musicians who dedicate many hours to music practice, both in school and at home. The concert starts at 7.00pm in our school hall and a gold coin donation on entry would be most appreciated by our Music Department. Bus Behaviour We know bus behaviour is an age-old problem; however this week we seem to be dealing with a steady stream of issues that have generated from incidents happening on buses, involving both our students and students from other schools. Students who travel on the school bus may continue to do so while they behave in a safe and a reasonable manner. We have expectations, which students and caregivers are made aware of, and these follow the exact same expectations set by the Ministry of Education for safe travel on school transport. If a student behaves in an inappropriate or unsafe manner the school takes steps to manage this; at Morrinsville Intermediate School we will investigate incidents and make decisions based on the facts and seriousness of each case. We will liaise with other schools if other students are involved, and all our local schools take similar views on bus behaviour. All students from Morrinsville Intermediate School are expected to up-hold our school vision Kia U Ki Te Pai Whatever you do, Let it be your best. For us, this includes taking responsibility for your own actions, rather than the actions of others. If a student is repeatedly not meeting the expected behaviour standards, students risk losing their place on the school bus either temporarily or permanently. Where a students behaviour is an on-going or serious problem, the school and the bus operator may decide to withdraw the privilege of a place on the school bus. On the back page of this newsletter are the behaviour expectations set for the bus students and we would appreciate our whanau and parents reinforcing this at home. I spoke with Mike Blackstock, from Morrinsville College, who is the Bus Co-ordinator, and he has also spoken with a number of the bus students this week and reinforced the expectations. Principals Chat Friday 16th August at 11.00am I am looking forward to catching up with whanau tomorrow for a cuppa and a chat about what is happening around school at the moment. Nku noa, Vicky Marshall (Acting Principal)

Merit Programme Awards

Merit Awards
Cassandra Pavlovich Leen Gorissen Ben Mathews Laura Gilchrist Cultural Cultural Civics Civics

Excellence Awards
Daniel McQuoid Ben Mathews Sports Academic
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the school library from Monday 26th August to Wednesday 28th August. Students will be given more information next week.

During the term break, selected MIS rugby boys played in the annual Gwynne Shield Competition in Cambridge. They played every day during the first week. They had a slow start to the week but managed to turn things around on Wednesday, when they bet the previously unbeaten Cambridge team in the curtain raiser to the Ranfurly Shield Challenge held at Campbell Park. From then on, they marched into the quarter final beating Matamata and then played Te Awamutu in the semi-final. After a hard grind, and some great skills, our boys managed to overcome them and make the final for the first time in about 8 years! They played the Tritons (Tokoroa) in the final and the excitement from the boys marked a special achievement. Morrinsville were behind at half time 12-5 and, unfortunately, the Tritons went on to win 29-12. Our boys gave their all and making the final was a huge achievement. Well done to everyone involved!!

Morrinsville Gwynne Shield Team for 2013

Kyle Barker displayed some mature leadership skills as captain throughout the week and all boys played with courage and pride. Thanks to all the support that was given to all the team throughout the week. Kaya Barrett, Pacey-Che Walker and Kyle Barker must get extra congratulations for being selected for the Waikato Country Team (Roller Mills trial squad). Unfortunately they missed the final cut, but well done on making the initial squad. Thanks again, James Higgins (Gwynne Shield Manager)

Black Ferns Rugby Trip

On the 16th July a group of Morrinsville Intermediate girls went to Waikato Stadium to support the Black Ferns for their 2nd of 3 test matches. We enjoyed seeing the skill level of professional sports women and maybe one day we will find ourselves in this team. Many thanks must go to all the parents and Mr Higgins for giving up his time to organise this trip. We had fun and it was awesome to see the Black Ferns win right on the final buzzer. MIS Girls at Waikato Stadium Please ask you child to the check the lost property if they are missing any uniform items, our cupboards are overflowing! Also, please name all clothing so it can be easily returned.

A reminder to bus students about behavioural expectations

Students who travel on the bus may continue to do so while they behave in a reasonable and safe manner. The following behaviour is expected of students using buses to help ensure the bus is a safe place for everyone: Seated passengers sit down straight away and remain in their seats for the whole journey. Standing passengers stay behind the driver at all times, stand quietly, and do not push or move around the bus. Passengers do not eat or drink on the bus. Passengers do not throw things inside or out of the bus. Passengers use socially acceptable language when talking to the driver or other students, and speak quietly so they do not distract the driver. Passengers respect the bus operators property at all times (eg: refrain from standing on the seats or vandelising the bus in any way. Passengers do not harass, bully, or abuse other passengers or the driver in any way, whether verbal or physical. Passengers respect others property and do not interfere with it in any way. Passengers listen to and follow the requirements and instructions of the bus driver and the teacher on duty at all times. Passengers do not engage in any behaviour that could put other passengers, the driver, or themselves at risk.

Students who choose to behave in an unsafe and / or unacceptable manner risk losing their place on the school bus.

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