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Introduction to GEOMETRY OT By the Same Author CROMETRY i a i i Preface 1 am gratetul tothe readers ofthe rat edition who have made suggestions {orimprovement. Apert fom some minor conertons, the principal change se a fllows The equation connecting the curvatures of four mutually tangent els, ov Loot atthe Deserts Cirle Thorens (p i paved along the Fines Suggested by Mr Beecroft on pp. 91-96 of “The Ladys and Gentleman's Diary forthe year of our Lord 1842, being the second after Bisex, de signod prinspaly fr fe gana aa satin of Skagen a Mo tates: comprising many useful and entertaining particulars, intresting 0 Allpertons engaged i at delightful pursuit Fo smarty the playa teatent (pp, 79-76) was ouggsated by ALL. Stper when he was sophomore at tne Universit’ of Toroto, For Smarty in space, a eiferat treatment (p. 103) way siggsted by Professor Marla Wonenburger. A new evercive on p90 snroduees che wet eonuept So imersve dice Another hac heen inserted om p. 127 to exhibit R KKeasnodgbek's drawings of symmetrical loxodromes. Pages 205-20 have Deon rose so 38 clay the treatment of apouies (ohich presren collinearity) and equlainion (which preseroe seen) The ‘ew material includes some chaleaging exercises. For the discovery of finite {fometrics(p. 237), credit has been given fo Yon Slauat, who antepated Fano by 36 years Page 395 records the completion, in 1968, by G. Ringel and J. W. T. ‘Youngs of project bein by Heswood in 1990. The result i hat we a0 Seno, for every kind of surface xcept the sphar (or pane), the minimal numberof colors that wll ufc for coloring every map on the surface. "Ansrs ate now given for practically al the exetlpes: 2 separate booklet ia no longer needed. One of the prtitot answer (p 453) wa kindly sup lied by Professor P. Suir of Budapest. HSM. Coxeter Preface to the first edition Forth lan hiny ony yet att Asians hove somehow" lst in terest in ezometrs, The present book coastictes an ailempt to revitalize this sadly neglected subject. he tour pars coreyponl vouphly Uke fous scar of ollgs work However moat of Pat I ci be read before Part i, and most of Part 1V before Pat IIL The ist eleven chapters (tha is Parts Tand 1) wil pro- Vide a course Tor students who bave soue huowindge of Dust and Imemtoty anlgtic genmetry ut have not et made up their minds to spe- ‘Gale in mathematics or for enterprising high schoolteachers who Wisk {Se what Is happening Just beyond tier usual wsicalum. Part TH dss ‘Sorte tountione af geometry insane projstive weometey and Byber- folic non Euclidean geometry.” Part TV datroduces diferent geometry. Combinatoncl topology and four-dimensional Fuclican geonety Tn spite of the lrg mumbor af era vfernces each of the Cent 80 chapters is easonablyself-comtained: any of them can be omitted on fst reading without spoiingone' enjoyment of the rest. For instants, Chaptes Taser8, De and 17 woald makes gond short course There are relevant Cheeies at the end of almost every section; the hardest of them are pro- ‘Sided with hints for their olution, (Answers to some of the exercises te TER ihe end ofthe books Aniwers to many af the remaining exrcises Ste provided in 4 separate booklet, availabe ftom the publisher upon re- {Guent)The unifying thread that rune through the whole work 1s te nea Sta poup of transformations ori a single word, symnerny ‘The castomary emphasis on analyc geometry is likely to give students the impression that geometry is merely & part of algebra or of analyss. It [s‘cteshing to observe thet there are come important instnoes (eich 8 the Arvand diagram described in Chapter 9) in which geometrical idea are ineded a8 csetial tools inthe development of these other branches of in his Erlanger Programm (Eslanuen program) o fet that, besides pane and solid Euclidean geometry, there are many other feouietiee lly won of atinon, Por notanse, many of Euc'sn ‘propositions belong to the wider Red of fine geometry, which i ald not

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