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1st chakra The 1st chakra is also referred to as the "root" chakra.

The Sanskrit name for it is "muladhara" which means root/base. It is located at the base of the spine. There is an energy stored under this chakra which is often referred to as the "coiled serpent." Kundalini yoga focuses on stimulating this energy. The 1st chakra is the one that helps to keep you grounded and centered. It is associated with survival, instincts and basic communication. The concerns associated with this chakra involve food, clothing, shelter - practical things. The emotion associated with this chakra is fear. The less we are connected to the earth, the more fear we have. To ground yourself, go for a walk, be out in nature. The organs and glands associated with the 1st chakra are: * Adrenal glands * Organs of elimination (kidney, skin, colon), bones, hair, nails, legs o If the 1st chakra is sluggish, you might have constipation. o If the 1st chakra is overstimulated, you might have diarrhea. The colors associated with the 1st chakra are red and black. Red is the color of blood, of life. Black, the secondary color, helps to reground us with the earth. Having black stones nearby helps to reground. If your 1st chakra is sluggish, wear red to stimulate it; black will pull it down. Very often people who live in cities will wear black; it helps to ground them. The sense associated with the 1st chakra is the sense of smell. The element for this chakra is earth. This chakra grounds us to the earth. The foods for this chakra are protein-rich foods and red foods. If the 1st chakra is congested, we may have a tendency towards hoarding things, being materialistic. To get the energy moving, let go of things, give them away, and release them. This pertains to mental and emotional things as well as material things. Holding on to things keeps the energy from flowing freely. In yoga, standing poses balance and strengthen the 1st chakra, which helps the body become more grounded.

2nd chakra The Sanskrit name for the 2nd chakra is "Svadhisthana." This word means "dwelling place of the Self."

The 2nd chakra is located in the lower abdomen, about an inch below the navel. The 2nd chakra is associated with creativity and procreation. It also governs emotional and sensual aspects of our lives. The emotion associated with the 2nd chakra is passion. If you grew up in an environment where emotions were repressed or denied, this chakra may be deficient. Some signs of deficiency are fear of pleasure, being out of touch with one's feelings and resistance to change. Signs of an excessive 2nd chakra may be overly emotional behavior, sexual addiction or poor boundaries. Excessiveness can be caused by living in an environment where there is a constant need for pleasurable stimulation, such as entertaining or partying. Frequent emotional drama can cause excessiveness also. The organs/glands/parts of the body associated with this chakra are: * Reproductive organs * All liquids in the body - the circulation of blood, urine, menstruation, tears * Hips, sacrum, low back * Kidneys The element for the 2nd chakra is water, thus the association with the liquids of the body. Water flows, moves and changes. A balanced 2nd chakra allows us to do that also. The color for the 2nd chakra is orange. Orange is a very stimulating color because of its vibrational energy. The sense for the 2nd chakra is taste, especially a sweet taste. The foods for the 2nd chakra are orange foods, sweet foods and liquids. In yoga, backward and forward bends and squatting strengthen the 2nd chakra.

3rd chakra "Manipura" is the Sanskrit name for the 3rd chakra. This word means "lustrous gem." The 3rd chakra is located in the area of the solar plexus, navel and digestive system. It is associated with power, self-esteem and vitality. It is the seat of the intellect. Glands/organs associated with the 3rd chakra: * Pancreas, organs of digestion (small intestine)

o When the 3rd chakra is imbalanced, there may be digestive problems. The element for the 3rd chakra is fire. When there is too much heat in this part of the body, there can be digestive problems. All of the "itis" diseases begin in this chakra when the fire gets out of control. Bikram yoga (hot yoga) stimulates the 3rd chakra. Be sure that this chakra needs stimulation before participating in Bikram yoga. The colors for the 3rd chakra are yellow and gold. The emotion for the 3rd chakra is anger. The sense for the 3rd chakra is sight and cognitive thinking. Remember, the intellect lies here. Sometimes people refer to a "gut feeling" when they are trying to figure something out. When the 3rd chakra is excessive, anger, hatred, too much attention to power, status and recognition can be present. In yoga, passive backbends are good for calming an excessive 3rd chakra. When it is deficient, one can have digestive problems, eating disorders, low selfesteem and a feeling of powerlessness. In yoga, do Sun Salutations, half boat pose, warrior and twists to energize the 3rd chakra.

4th chakra The Sanskrit name for the 4th chakra is "Anahata." This word means "unstruck" or "stillness." This seems to imply that deep beneath our brokenness and pain, wholeness abides. The 4th chakra is located in our heart center. It governs our intuition and love. It is also known as the heart chakra. Glands/organs/parts of the body associated with the 4th chakra: * Thymus, heart, lungs, chest, arms, breasts The primary color for the 4th chakra is green and the secondary color is pink. The element for the 4th chakra is air. Pranayama practice helps to balance this chakra. The sense for the 4th chakra is touch, feeling, clairsentient. The emotion of the heart chakra is compassion and joy. The 4th chakra feels the suffering of others. The foods for this chakra are air, vegetables (especially green ones), and love.

When the 4th chakra is deficient, you may experience feelings of shyness and loneliness, an inability to forgive or a lack of empathy. Physical conditions can include shallow breathing, asthma, and some lung diseases. When the 4th chakra is excessive one may experience co-dependency, possessiveness, jealousy, heart problems and high blood pressure. In yoga, poses that stimulate the 4th chakra are backward bends (anything that opens the chest). A powerful way to energize this chakra is to love ourselves and others. 5th chakra The Sanskrit word for the 5th chakra is "Vishuddha" which means "purity." This is the first of the chakras that focuses primarily on the spiritual plane. The 4th chakra is spiritual, but it is also the bridge between the lower chakras that focus on earth and the upper chakras that deal with spirituality. The emotion for the 5th chakra is faith and understanding. Because the 5th chakra is located in the throat and governs higher communication, speaking, hearing and listening, it helps us to understand our inner truth and convey it with our voice to the outside world. The sense for the 5th chakra is hearing. Chanting, singing, speaking, reading aloud are all good for the 5th chakra. The vibrations of all these things affect the body down to the cellular level. The glands/organs/body parts associated with the 5th chakra are: * Thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, throat, tongue, larynx The element for the 5th chakra is ether/space. It is connected to the cosmos, which consists of these elements. Deficient energy in the 5th chakra can cause neck and shoulder problems, jaw disorders, throat problems, an under active thyroid and a fear of speaking. On the other hand, excessive energy in the 5th chakra can cause hearing problems, inability to listen, excessive talking and an overactive thyroid. The color for the 5th chakra is blue, as the color of the sky. The food for this chakra is fruit and prana (air). Yoga poses that are good for the 5th chakra are neck and shoulder stretches, Camel pose, Bridge pose and Plow pose. 6th Chakra "Ajna" is the Sanskrit word for the 6th chakra. It means "beyond wisdom." It has also been translated to mean "the perception center."

The 6th chakra is located between, and just above, the eyes. It is often referred to as the "third eye." This chakra deals with visualization, intuition, imagination and telepathy. Organ/parts of body associated with the 6th chakra: * Pituitary gland, eyes, head, lower brain The emotion for the 6th chakra is "knowing", an intuitive type of knowing. When this chakra is dominant, one may have clairvoyant abilities...being able to see things that others can't. The color is purple/violet, both spiritual colors. When the energy in the 6th chakra is excessive, it can cause headaches, hallucinations, nightmares and difficulty in concentrating, but when the energy is deficient, there may be eye problems, poor memory, inability to visualize. Yoga poses for the 6th chakra are supported forward bends and also eye exercises. Doing positive visualizations can also strengthen this chakra. 7th chakra The Sanskrit name for the 7th chakra is "Sahasrara", meaning "thousandfold." The 7th chakra is represented by a 1000-petaled lotus, which symbolizes the infinite nature of this chakra, connecting us with the Divine. The 7th chakra is located at the crown of the head and serves as the crown of the entire chakra system, symbolizing the highest state of enlightenment. The function of the 7th chakra is connection with the infinite. In art, Christ is depicted with a halo around his head. This could represent the awakened spirituality of the 7th chakra. The element of the 7th chakra is thought/cosmic consciousness. The mind creates our belief systems that control our thoughts and actions. Gland/part of body associated with the 7th chakra: * Pineal gland, upper brain The 7th chakra is sometimes associated with the color violet, but it is usually referred to as the color white, a combination of all colors. This is in line with the chakra also being a culmination of all the other chakras. Excessiveness in the 7th chakra appears as being overly intellectual. Deficient energy manifests as difficulty thinking for yourself, apathy, spiritual skepticism and materialism. Meditation is the yogic practice best for the 7th chakra. Meditation clears and quiets the mind, in preparation for experiencing the Divine.

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