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Rational Cloze 1 Pre Exercises

A. PRONOUNS Pronouns are words that replace nouns and noun phrases. Example : 1. I like tea and coffee. 2. He likes me. 3. This coat is mine. 4. Which is your favourite food? 5. Rosmah and I went to the market. Exercise 1 Choose the correct words from the box to fill in the blanks. us his Who them They We She my myself yourself

1. .. have rice and meat for dinner. 2. The men gave their food to . . 3. .. runs very fast. 4. The car in the porch is . . 5. These kittens belong to sister and I. 6. is the best student in your class? 7. I cooked this meal. . 8. Once a week, she visits . 9. You must do your homework 10. watch television every night.

B. Subject-verb-agreement We use is with a singular subject and are with plural subject. Sentences with subjects like each, everyone, one, nobody, everything , neither of, etc, take a singular verb. Sentences with subjects like all, both, many, some, etc take a plural verb. Example : 1. Nobody is allowed to enter the room. 2. Both of these tins are filled with petrol. 3. Neither of the pencils is mine. 4. Neela is tall but her brothers are taller. 5. That bunch of grapes is sour.
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with is or are. 1. They .. my classmates. 2. She going to Ipoh with her sister. 3. It .. a faithful dog. 4. Each of the girls given a cake. 5. Everyone present at the meeting. 6. All of the children tired after the picnic. 7. Either Gopal or Kim Seng wrong. 8. Mathematics .. my favourite subject. 9. These books to be kept in the cupboard. 10. This group of boys . noisy and mischievous. Exercise 2 : Fill in the blanks with has , have, do or does. 1. My mother .. gone to the market. 2. All the pupils completed their work. 3. He .. not want to go home yet. 4. . you know where he lives? 5. A lot of dust collected on the shelf. 6. they like to play badminton? 7. The food she bought. gone bad. 8. None of my friends .. come here before. 9. Some of the trees .. been cut down. 10. . everyone got a drink.



We use conjunctions to join words, phrases and sentences. Commonly used conjunctions are and but or because so although unless etc. Example : i) There are papayas and bananas for sale. ii) He tried hard but could not succeed iii) He slept early because he was tired. iv) He was not at home so I left. v) Although he was very sick, he refused to see a doctor. Exercise 1 Underline the correct conjunction. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. We were hot (but, and) tired. Ah Leng was intelligent (but, and) lazy. It was very expensive (so, if) I did not buy it. We could not enter (so, because) the gates were locked. You cannot go home (unless, if) you finish your work. He went out (because, although) it was raining heavily. He woke up late (because, if) it was a holiday. You must behave yourself (so, or) he will punish you. We sweated a lot (although, because) the day was hot. He switched on the lights (so that, or) he could read the newspaper.

ANSWER KEY (GRAMMAR REVISION) Pronouns (answer key) 1. We/They 2. us/them 3. She 4. his 5. my 6. Who 7. myself 8. them/us 9. yourself 10. They/We Subject-verb-agreement (answer key: Exercise 1) 1. are 2. is 3. is 4. is 5. is 6. are 7. is 8. is 9. are 10. is Subject-verb-agreement (answer key: Exercise 2) 1. has 2. have 3. does 4. Do 5. has 6. Do 7. has 8. has 9. have 10. Has Conjunctions (answer key) 1. and 2. but 3. so 4. because 5. unless 6. although 7. because 8. or 9. because 10. so that

Rational Cloze 1 Questions1 8 Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank. There are many ways a teenager who has problems can _________(1) help. He or she can see the school counselor and _________(2) him or her the problems. They can also talk to their friends, who may not be able to give much _________(3) but will help _________(4) listening to the problems. This helps a lot especially if the emotions are kept for a long time. Another way is to talk to their family members. They can either talk to their parents, brothers, sisters or relatives. Teenagers usually do not like to talk to their family members because they are either _________(5) or afraid. They do not know that these are the _________(6) people who will be able to help them. Whatever the problem, teenagers should understand that there is always a _________(7) and a person willing _________(8) help.

1. 2.

A fine B find A tell B tells

C found D finding C told D telling C advices D problems C for D with C brave D humble C worse D better C reason D confession C for D with

3. A worry B advice 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A to B by A shy B deaf A best B worst A problem B solution A to B by

Rational Cloze 2 Questions 1-8 Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best answer from the options A, B, C, and D to fit the numbered blanks. My family and I went to Pulau Langkawi last week. We took a bus from Ipoh to the jetty at Kuala Perlis. When we reached Kuala Perlis, we boarded ( 1) ferry to Pulau Langkawi. When I spotted the large statue of an eagle, I ( 2) excited. We stayed in a four-star hotel. It was (3) and the view was stunning. We could see the seaside (4) our hotel rooms. The water (5) crystal clear. The next day, we (6) shopping. Pekan Kuah is a shopping heaven. We saw busloads of people going there to shop. You can find household items, crystal ware, handicrafts (7) even beautiful silk material in Pekan Kuah. My mother felt at home here, as shopping is (8) favourite pastime. We left the island early the next morning. We will be going there again next year.

1 A that B the 2 A is B are 3 A comfort B comforting 4 A at B to 5 A look B looks 6 A go B goes 7 A or B so 8 A our B her

C one D an C was D were C comfortable D comforted C with D from C looked D looking C went D going C but D and C his D my

Rational Cloze 3 Questions 1 8 Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blanks. Future successes in school and in life depend very much on how you can think creatively. You can ..(1) computers , calculators and other modern equipment but they do not replace thinking. They are simply tools..(2) your mind, just like pencils and rubbers are tools to help you to write. Thinking creatively is necessary if you.. (3) to survive in a fast changing world of the present and future. We often think being creative..(4) producing work of art, literature and music. It is true..(5) creative thinking also means a way of generating ideas that can be applied to the world, anytime and anywhere. It means looking at problems..(6) a fresh angle. The value of creative thinking is..(7) it bends the mind to new ideas and possibilities. A student with a rigid mind will think that a paper clip can only be..(8) to clip papers. The creative genius however will expand his mind.

1. A. has B. have 2. A. from C. by 3. A. were C. are

C. had D. having B. with D. for B. was D. is

4. A. meant B. mean C. means D meaning 5. A. and C. while B. but D. although

6. A. by B. from C. through D of 7. A. those C. that 8. A. using C. uses B. which D these B. use D. used

Rational Cloze 4 Questions 1 8 Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blanks. Marisas family was very poor. When her father died, the family became even ______ (1). Her mother went out to work. ______ (2) school, Marisa and her brother washed dishes in restaurants to earn extra money. ______ (3) worked hard. They studied hard. They refused to give up and to______ (4) of school. Marisa did very ______ (5) in her STPM and qualified to study medicine in the university. ______ (6), the family had no money to support her. So, after class, she worked in ______ (7) supermarket. She also taught tuition. Her mother and brother ______ (8) extra jobs to support her. When Marisa qualified as a doctor, her photograph appeared in the newspapers. She was a role model for all poor children.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A poor B poorer A Over B Since A They B Them A drop in B drop out A well B good

C poorly D poorest C After D Among C Their D Themselves C drop off D drop away C best D better

A In spite of C Moreover B Therefore D Unfortunately Aa B the A take B takes C an DC took D taken

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