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The importance of English in our society

Prepared by

ngel Gmez Uriarte Misael De La Cruz

Type of Project



Improve listening skills making use of a consecutive interpretation. Improve speaking abilities through the process of interpreting. Make use of interpretation techniques such as: Note taking. Prove the concentration ability for making a good interpretation. Increase our English vocabulary for specific

purposes. In this case businesses vocabulary.

2- DESCRIPTION This project will consist in interviewing an English teacher about the importance of English in nowadays. Moreover, the purpose of this project will consist in giving some consideration about the impact that English is having in our globalized world. This project has Nicolas Kraft as a principal participant who is an experienced English teacher in Go Missions International School; a school dedicates to teach English and theology. Finally, this project will be developed with professionals who are interested in learning English in order to travel abroad and have more job opportunities.

3- Budget

Two Microphones speakers A table transportation A video camera A photographic camera Total

S/. 20.00 S/. 30.00 S/. 10.00 S/. 20.00 S/. 60.00 S/. 40.00 S/. 180.00

4- Customers Go Mission international school

5- Completion day

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