Dragon Keeper Chap 11-20questions Without Answers

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Dragon Keeper Questions

Chapter 11
1. Find an example of personification on p. 152. 2. Write an extensive answer about how you think Danzi is feeling. Also, how do you as the reader feel/respond to the events happening in the story. 3. Why doesnt Danzi answer Ping when she speaks to him? 4. Do you think it was Danzi who saved Ping from drowning in the lake? 5. Find as many contractions as you can from p. 154 in one minute.

Chapter 12
1. What is the simile used to describe how the news of a dragon sighting will spread? 2. Can you rewrite the sentence and insert your own simile? (Avoid using the word wildfire) 3. How does the dragon encourage rain to fall? 4. What theme does the end of chapter 12 bring up? 5. Why does Ping feel lonelier than she ever did at Huangling Palace?

Chapter 13
1. What word could replace shu on page 178? 2. What food did Ping collect to feed the ailing Danzi? 3. After Ping has sewn Danzis damaged wing, what does it look like? 4. Find a simile on p 180. 5. Find the adjectival phrase in this sentence: The warmth from the fire made the rat steam. 6. Find an adverbial phrase in the following sentence: She ate a little of the meat and one of the oranges, then banked the fire and lay down beside it.

Chapter 14
1. Find a proper noun that is not a persons name on page 184. 2. There is a time limit to the trip. What is it? 3. Why does Danzi want the boatman to give up his living quarters? 4. Why didnt Ping like the river? 5. Do you think that Ping should have told the boat woman that they are heading to the ocean? Why, what could happen? 6. Find 10 nouns on page 196.

Chapter 15
1. What was the only thing that Ping didnt like about the river journey and why? 2. Find a simile on page 200. 3. Why is Wucheng a dangerous town? 4. Why does Danzi want to go to the horrible town of Wucheng? 5. What type of rock is used to build the wall around Wucheng? 6. How does Danzi want Ping to search for the stone? 7. What was the only sound the pair could hear in Wucheng? 8. What people should Ping fear and why? 9. Try to list 20 things that could be purchased at the Wucheng markets.

Chapter 16
1. Describe the tattoo on the mans cheek as Ping saw it on page 218. 2. A horrible crying sound fills Pings mind. Describe the dragon stones cry. 3. Write synonym for the following words: (a) foul (p 221) (b) talons (p 225) (c) sinister (p 220) (d) tools (p 220) 4. Describe the mans eye on page 220. 5. What were the 6 people barring Wuchengs exit and what was one really strange thing about them? 6. How did Ping finally escape from the necromancer on the boat? 7. Find a metaphor on page 230.

Chapter 17
1. Why do you think the stone has stopped screaming? 2. Write one thing that Hua did to help save Ping. 3. Find an antonym for these words on page 238. (a) start (b) hinder (c) throw (d) asleep (e) lost (f) short (g) easy (h) northern (i) downstream 4. What do Chinaberry leaves do to a dragon? 5. Write a synonym for melancholy. 6. What valuable lesson did Ping learn in this chapter?

Chapter 18
1. What did Ping find among the boatwomans belongings? 2. Write a synonym for belongings. 3. If Ping concentrates her Qi, what should she feel? 4. What does Danzi search for when they anchor at night? 5. Write an antonym for calm on page 248. 6. Find a compound word on page 248. 7. Find a simile on page 248. 8. What is a second sight? 9. What is a synonym for foretell? 10. How does Ping convince the guards not to harm Danzi? 11. Describe the Emperors slippers. 12. Find a proper noun on page 257.

Chapter 19
1. Match the adjectives with the correct nouns: cherry guards terracotta arm clean roof rejuvenating tables beautiful trees bleeding floor craggy drink imperial rocks carved garden stone straw

Chapter 19 continued
2. Find a simile on page 265. 3. What was the first course served when Ping had dinner with the young Emperor? 4. What was the panther breast served with? 5. What sort of a mood was the Emperor in after dinner? 6. What sort of a mood is Danzi in when Ping visits him after dinner? Why do you think so?

Chapter 20
1. What is the Emperors name? 2. How does Ping know that the dragon is not enjoying the walk? 3. Define discordant. 4. What animal is associated with the north. 5. In your own words, write what you think a pavilion is. 6. What was the name of the first pavilion? 7. Find out what colour would a bolt of ochre cloth be?

Chapter 20
1. Correct the following sentences: a) It isnt a gift, Ping, its yours bye rite. b) My mother had pore health and found my childish games to noisey. c) The servants, who was never far a way, steped forward. d) The enormous dinner that she had just eaten were lieing heavily in his stomach. e) Thats the perfect color to symbolize my rain.

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