Delta Ielts S&L Pp21&22

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Leisure interests


In Part 1 of the Speaking test, the examiner may ask questions about your free-time activities and entertainment interests. Questions of this type may begin the interview, or they may follow on from other questions, for example questions about your occupation or the place where you live. Its a good idea to prepare some ideas for speaking about these things and the other typical Part 1 topics which you will meet later in this book.

Try it rst!
Try talking about your leisure interests as if you were doing Speaking Part 1. If you are working with a partner, take it in turns to play the roles of examiner and candidate. Here are some typical questions.

Examiner (perhaps following on from questions on another topic): Lets talk about your free-time activities. l What do you do at the weekends? l What is it that you like about [one of candidates leisure activities]? l How often do you get the chance to [one of candidates leisure activities]? l How important a part of your week are your free-time activities? l Do you enjoy your free time more now than you did when you were a child? l What free-time activity would you like to try in the future?

2 Leisure interests


Spotlight 1 Useful language for talking about your leisure interests

Grammar: gerunds and innitives
Gerund The gerund ends in ing. I love reading. Im not very interested in watching sport on TV. For activities, the gerund can often follow go. I often go swimming at the weekends. Im going shing next weekend. Innitive The innitive is the form of the verb found in the dictionary, and is often preceded by to. I dont get much time to listen to music. I hope to have more free time from next year. Im planning to take my children to the zoo next Saturday.
1 Put each of these gerunds and phrases with gerunds into the correct column of the table below.

camping gardening ice skating mountain climbing playing computer games playing football reading running skiing walking in the countryside walking the dog watching TV
can follow go
Tip rn the Make sure you lea r all your fo sh gli En in s word re su lei d an free-time em in interests. Write th tebook, no y lar bu ca your vo or ry na tio and use a dic nd out to h arc se et ern int llow go. which ones can fo

do not normally follow go

2 Choose the correct form (gerund or innitive) in these sentences.

1 2 3 4 5 6

I always enjoy to see / seeing my friends. Im going to see / seeing it in the cinema as soon as it comes out. We try to go / going to the theatre at least once a year. We had a great time to play / playing silly games on the beach. Im planning to buy / buying some roller skates. Id like to have / having more free time, but its impossible at the moment.

Tip if a If youre not sure cally phrase is grammati o an int it ter en ct, rre co gine. internet search en e from Youll probably se whether the search results is on rsi ve or not your works for correct. This also spelling, of course.

Both forms are possible with like, love and prefer. The second is more commonly used in American English. I like going to restaurants. / I like to go to restaurants. I dont really like going shopping. / I dont really like to go shopping. We love cooking. / We love to cook. Do you prefer watching sport live or on TV? / Do you prefer to watch sport live or on TV?

3 Write two sentences about your free-time activities using a gerund form. 4 Write two sentences about your free-time activities using an innitive form.


2 Leisure interests

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