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About Brahmadanda

Brahmadana was the last punishment pronounced by the Buddha Tathagata against the Bhikkhu Channa.

A punishment must be just and proper for the charge of offence committed.

Now, one must know the meaning of the punishment a complete disassociation prescribed for the offence or offences committed by the accused monk.

Ordination or initiation of a woman or women to lead the temporary or permanent life of a samaneri-whether it is an offence at all or a pious duty entrusted upon or worthy monk to perform.

Question- Whether it is an obligatory pious duty of a monk to perform?

Question- where and when such duty has been banned or prohibited by the rules of Vinaya?

The alleged announcement or passing such order is absolutely without jurisdiction and competence. The established rules of the Vinaya-cannot be challenged by any Bhikkhu Sabha of any state or states.

Moreover the alleged order is barred by the principles of fair hearing. No show cause notice has been served by the alleged Mahasabha upon the alleged accused.

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