English Language 2 - 2012/2013. Handout Lesson 1 - 21 February 2013

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English Language 2 2012/2013.

February 2013

Handout Lesson 1 21

Task A. Are both options (a, b) correct?

a. Mary doesnt seem an old-fashioned teacher b. Mary doesnt look an old-fashioned teacher a. Marys hair has become prematurely grey. b. Marys hair has gone prematurely grey. a. At first the students became bored very quickly. b. At first the students went bored very quickly. a. Mary handed a poetry book to each student. b. Mary handed each student a poetry book. a. The school aims to find good jobs for the students. b. The school aims to find the students good jobs. a. Mary explained the numeral system to them. b. Mary explained them the numeral system. a. The school costs 200 pounds to each family. b. The school costs each family 200 pounds.

Task B. Replace the verb become with fall, go, or make

Ms French died four months after she became ill. She will definitely become a wonderful boss. When Mr Pitt stepped in, the courtroom became silent. She became pink out of embarrassment. I doubt that Grillo will become a good prime minister. I think I may be becoming deaf! A swollen can is another indication that food has become bad. The world has become crazy!

Task C. Which pattern? Which answers are correct?

What happened to the poetry books?

Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary

handed handed handed handed handed handed

them to the students. the students them. those over there to the students. the students those over there. some to the students. the students some.

Task D. Which of the two frames can you apply to the following verbs? A, B or both?
(a) Sheldon _______________ something to/for his neighbour. (b) Sheldon _______________ his neighbour something. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. teach explain communicate tell purchase describe 7. show 8. reveal 9. suggest 10. advise 11. obtain 12. buy

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