08 - Mechanical Design - Pressure Containment Part1

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ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering

Lecture 08: Mechanical Design Pressure Containment: Part 1

Shawn Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng. Assistant Professor Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Memorial University of Newfoundland spkenny@engr.mun.ca

Lecture 08 Objective

To examine pressure containment requirements for mechanical design

2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment Parameters

Pipeline Section Response

Internal Pressure, Pi External Pressure, Pe Nominal Internal Diameter, Di Nominal External Diameter, De Nominal Wall Thickness, t



2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Wall Tension

Pipeline Example
D = 1.0m, Pi = 10MPa and Pe = 0MPa 1,000 tonnes wall force
Pe H Pi Pi H

2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng. ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Hoop Stress


Free Body Diagram

2 h t pi Di + pe Do = 0


Thin Wall Theory

Mean circumferential stress Uniform wall stress Tangential stress constant Valid for D/t 20 t 0.10 inner pipe radius
H Pi H

2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng. ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Hoop Stress (cont.)

Code Requirements


h =
h =

External pressure credit Product type, density Elevation profile, water depth Pressure reference No specific technical argument Historical use Simple, conservative Code inertia Safety and cost implication Wall thickness

pi Do SMYS 2t
pi Di pe Do SMYS 2t

Design factors

Design factors and parameter variation

Nominal versus minimum Fabrication tolerance Corrosion allowance Nominal, outside, internal



2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment


Section 5 D200 plx pli during operation or

plx pe

pb ( t1 )

m sc

plt during system test (Sec.3 B300 and Sec.4 B200) pb pressure containment resistance (Sec.5 D203, Eqn.5.8) t1 characteristic wall thickness (Sec.5 C202, Table 5-2) m material resistance factor (Sec.5 C205, Table 5-4) SC safety class resistance factor (Sec.5 C206, Table 5-5)

2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Design Process

plx pe Safety class m sc Sec.2 C200, C300 and C400 Partial factors inc Sec.3 B304 m Sec.5 C205 Table 5-4 SC Sec.5 C206 Table 5-5 U Sec.5 C206 Table 5-5 Loads (Demand) Local pressure (Sec.4 B202; Sec.5 B203 & D203) Resistance (Capacity) Wall thickness tolerance (Sec.7 G307 Table 7-18) Material derating (Sec.5 C300 Figure 2)
2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng. ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

pb ( t1 )

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Safety Class

Sec.2 C200

2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Safety Class (cont.)

Sec.2 C300


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Safety Class (cont.)

Sec.2 C300


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Safety Class (cont.)

Sec.2 C403


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Partial Factors

Incidental to design pressure

Sec.3 B300 Pressure control and pressure safety systems


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Partial Factors (cont.)

Material resistance

Sec.5 C205
Table 5-4

Safety class

Sec.5 C206
Table 5-5


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Partial Factors (cont.)

Material strength

Sec.5 C306 Table 5-6


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)


Pressure definitions

Sec.4 B200


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Loads (cont.)

Local Incidental Pressure

Operations, pli System test, plt


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Loads (cont.)

Local incidental pressure


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)


Sec.7 G307 Table 7-18


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Resistance (cont.)


Sec.5 C300
Figure 2


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Pressure Containment (cont.)

Pressure Containment Resistance, pb

Sec.5 D203

2t 2 pb ( t ) = fcb Dt 3

plx pe

pb ( t1 )

m sc

Wall thickness Sec.5 C202 Sec.5 D203 Sec.6 D203 Diameter D nominal
outside diameter Sec.1 D200


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Engineering Design

T. Zimmerman, C-FER PRCI R&D Forum April 2003


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Probabilistic Basis


Demand Capacity


Target Safety Levels


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

DNV OS-F101 LRFD Format

Risk Basis for Design

Sec.2 C100-500


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

DNV OS F101 Traditional Codes

LRFD versus Working Stress

Sec.13 E400


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Example 8-01

Calculate the minimum wall thickness to meet pressure containment requirements using DBNV OS-F101 (2007) for a subsea oil pipeline beyond the 500m platform excursion limit.


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Example 8-01 (cont.)

Pipeline System Parameters

PIPELINE SYSTEM PARAMETERS Nominal Outside Diameter Initial Selection Nominal Wall Thickness (Sec.5 C203 Table 5-3) Fabrication Process (Sec.7 B300 Table 7-1) [SMLS, HFW, SAW] Corrosion Allowance (Sec.6 D203) Elastic Modulus Specified Minimum Yield Stress (Sec.7 B300 Table 7-5) Speciifed Minimum Tensile Stress (Sec.7 B300 Table 7-5) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Poisson's Ratio Pipeline Route Length Linepipe Density Concrete Coating Thickness Concrete Coating Density Do := 324mm tnom := 15.9mm FAB := "SAW" tcorr := 3mm E := 205GPa SMYS := 450MPa SMTS := 535MPa T := 1.15 10 := 0.3 Lp := 0.75km tc := 50mm s := 7850kg m c := 3050kg m
3 5 1


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Example 8-01 (cont.)

Operational Parameters
g Concrete Coating Density OPERATATIONAL PARAMETERS API Gravity Product Contents Density cont := 1000 kg m

tc := 50mm

c := 3050kg m

API := 30

141.5 131.5 + API

cont = 876.2m Pd := 12MPa SC := "M" h ref := 10m T := 75 C h l := 120m



Design Pressure (Gauge) Safety Class (Sec.2 C200-C400) [L, M, H] Design Pressure Reference Level Temperature Differential Maximum Water Depth Seawater Density Hydrotest Fluid Density

w := 1025kg m t := 1025kg m


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Example 8-01 (cont.)

DNV OS F101 Partial Factors

DNV OS-F101 PARTIAL FACTORS System Operations Incidental/Design Pressure Factor (Sec 3B 304) System Test Incidental/Design Pressure Factor (Sec 3B 304) Material Resistance Factor (Sec.5 C205 Table 5-4) Safety Class Resistance Factor (Sec.5 C206 Table 5-5) Material Strength Factor (Sec.5 C306 Table 5-6) inc_o := 1.10 inc_t := 1.00 m := 1.15 SC := 1.138 U := 0.96


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Example 8-01 (cont.)

DNV OS F101 Wall Thickness Tolerance

WALL THICKNESS FABRICATION TOLERANCE (SEC.7 G307 TABLE 7-18) tfab := 0.5mm if FAB "SMLS" t nom 4mm "SMLS" tnom > 4mm "SMLS" tnom 10mm "SMLS" tnom 25mm tfab = 1.000mm 0.125 tnom if FAB 0.125 tnom if FAB 0.100 tnom if FAB 3mm if FAB 0.4mm if FAB 0.7mm if FAB 1.0mm if FAB 0.5mm if FAB 0.7mm if FAB 1.0mm if FAB 1.0mm if FAB

"SMLS" tnom 30mm "HFW" tnom 6mm "HFW" tnom > 6mm "HFW" tnom > 15mm "SAW" tnom 6mm "SAW" tnom > 6mm "SAW" tnom > 10mm "SAW" tnom > 20mm
ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Example 8-01 (cont.)

DNV OS F101 Material Derating


( T 50 C) 30MPa if 50 C < T < 100C 50 C 30MPa + ( T 100 C) 40MPa otherwise 100 C ( T 50 C) 30MPa if 50 C < T < 100C 50 C 30MPa + ( T 100 C) 40MPa otherwise 100 C

SMYS = 15.00 MPa


SMTS = 15.00 MPa

fy := ( SMYS SMYS ) U fu := ( SMTS SMTS ) U

fy = 418 MPa fu = 499 MPa


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Example 8-01 (cont.)

Engineering Analysis
PRESSURE CONTAINMENT (Sec.5 D200) Local Incidental Pressure During Operations (Sec.4 B202; Sec.5 D203) Pli := inc_o Pd + cont g ( h ref h l) Local Incidental Pressure System Test (Sec.4 B202; Sec.5 B203 & D203) Plt := inc_t Pd + t g ( h ref h l) if inc_t Pd + t g ( h ref h l) Pli 1.03 Pli if SC 1.05 Pli if SC 1.05 Pli if SC "L" "M" "H" Plt = 15.03 MPa Pli = 14.32 MPa

External Hydrostatic Pressure Pe := w g h l Pe = 1.21 MPa


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Example 8-01 (cont.)

Engineering Analysis (cont.)

Characteristic Yield Resistance (Sec.5 D203) fcb := min fy ,


fcb = 417.60 MPa

Wall Thickness Requirement - Operations (Sec.5 D202 Eqn.5.7) t1_o := 1+ Do SC m ( Pli Pe) 2 2 3 fcb t1_o = 5.66 mm

Minimum Wall Thickness -Operations (Sec.5 C202 Table 5-2) tmin_o := t1_o + tfab + tcorr Wall Thickness Requirement - System Test (Sec.5 D202 Eqn.5.7) t1_t := 1+ Do SC m ( Plt Pe) 2 2 3 fcb t1_t = 5.97 mm tmin_o = 9.66 mm


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Example 8-01 (cont.)

Engineering Analysis (cont.)

Minimum Wall Thickness - System Test (Sec.5 C202 Table 5-2) tmin_t := t 1_o + t fab Minimum Wall Thickness Requirement for Pressure Containment tmin := max( tmin_o , tmin_t ) Wall Thickness Check tmin_chk := "WALL THICKNESS OK" if tnom > t min "INCREASE WALL THICKNESS" otherwise tmin_chk = "WALL THICKNESS OK" t min = 9.66 mm t min_t = 6.66 mm


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

Reading List

Section 5 DNV (2007). Submarine Pipeline Systems. Offshore Standard, DNV OS-F101, October 2007, 240p.


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08


DNV (2007). Submarine Pipeline Systems. Offshore Standard, DNV OS-F101, October 2007, 240p.


2008 S. Kenny, Ph.D., P.Eng.

ENGI 8673 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Lecture 08

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