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OK : spelling, uses and origins

Spelling: this word can be spelled either OK, O.K. or okay . All of them are considered equally correct.

Uses: OK is probably the most versatile word in English. It can be used as:

- A noun: They need your OK to issue the ticket. - An adjective: The party was OK. - A verb: Can you OK these documents before you go? - An adverb: She did OK in her exams.

Origins: The word OK comes from the American English and it first appeared in writing in 1839 in the newspaper Boston Morning Post. But there are many theories about its origin. These can be classified into three types.

- It comes from some initials like, for example, Old Keokuk (an Indian chief) or Old Kinderhook (President Van Burens nickname). - Its a word adapted from some English dialect or foreign language, such as the Finnish word oikea. - It comes from the expression Oll Korrect, which is supposed to have been used by President Andrew Jackson, who was obviously only semi-literate.

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