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EDUC 629

Michael E. Post Public School

Educational Technology Plan 2012 -2017

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Table of Contents
Vision, Mission, and Goals .. 1 Needs Assessment . 3 The Planning Process .. 6 State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures . 6 Environment .. 6 Engagement . 7 Application .. 7 Tools . 8 Results .. 9 Implementation: Timetable and Budget for Goals, Objectives and Strategies .. 10 Executive Summary .. 15

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Vision, Mission, and Goals of Imaginary County Public Schools

Mission: The chief mission of this fourth grade classroom technology is to share the use of technology
and use it to improve our tasks when applicable and beneficial.

Vision: Classroom technology in my classroom will be an accessible model and example to our district,
school, administration, staff, parents, and students encouraging the use of technology as a valuable tool in the process of todays education. The desire is for the community involved in district education to incorporate technology to guide our students as lifelong learners.

Goals and Strategies: All students will have access to Classroom technology will especially allow
access for lower income students, who may not have computers at home, dont have internet access, or who need a printer to complete an assignment. This goal applies as needed across multiple standards throughout the fourth grade. It will also assist second language learners to use technology to expand language by visual word usage, auditory access to the pronunciation, and keyboard practice to create the words in documents. This goal will be met with the use of Accelerated Reader, Raz Kids, and Spelling City. This goal connects to English Language Development and language arts standards. All students will learn and teach other students to create power points, excel graphs, internet research and to develop creative projects to guide in the classroom learning. All students will use this technology either independently or with the assistance of a teacher or GATE student who has shown mastery. This goal will connect with language arts, math, science, and social studies standards.

Needs Assessment

Strengths What are the current strengths? My classroom is a technology center in itself. Currently, I have 13 desktop computers, two laptops, a promethean whiteboard, and a document camera. The computers have been retrieved from the outdated storage center. I have the ability to network and maintain these computers at a basic level. This allows my 25 students to function at a two to one computer ratio versus the one to five in the other classrooms at my school. I have completed level three CTAP training for our district, support the
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fourth grade team as a whiteboard coach and have served on the district technology team. Frequently I am asked to pilot technology pieces for my school site. Many flipcharts, technology links, and technology resources are being used in my classroom. I am able to assess using the classroom technology and we will also be adding Accelerated Reader to my classroom. My students can access and use the computers to assist with homework after school, GATE students can work more independently on projects that might require research. ELD students can access programs one on one, which read and helps pronounce vocabulary. This allows them the privacy to consider their personal needs rather than the shyness of asking for help with a partner who might be more proficient. I access various media tools from groups like Edutopia to learn, share, and consider new ideas. I have a desire to use technology and that shows in my room, thereby I can share ideas from a valued perspective. I was able to find reasonably priced standards based science experiments and videos for the entire school. My former principal asked me to accompany him to the district as a technology expert to share my thoughts from which we stepped into whiteboard technology to at least start to advance out districts technology efforts.

Weaknesses What are the current weaknesses? Many of the current computers are old, and arent supported by the district technicians. The technology team is a small group of two technicians and a technology director, serving six elementary and one middle school. If something needs to be repaired quickly, it rarely happens swiftly. Promethean whiteboards and projectors need bulbs which are expensive to replace, and the down time while waiting can frustrate students and me. The current desktops are conventional monitors that consume more space than the modern flat screens now being incorporated throughout the school. Our audio headphones are in rough shape and we dont have enough for all computers. The web filters we use are frequently degrading the quality and access of educational materials. Some administrators dont value the technology standards as a part of the curriculum and also have their own technology agendas which may not be practical in our school or community. Students who move on to fifth grade are disappointed at the access they have to technology resources. We should record information using digital cameras, and record our voices for practicing oral language skills. Access to websites for alternative language is a current weakness. Dry erase board space has been consumed with whiteboard screen which also limits access to actual maps that use the wall as well. We are limited in platforms at our school focusing on PC formatted computers. Expense is always a concern as everyone wants to spend the schools money for many important causes.

Opportunities What are the future opportunities? Recently we upgraded laptops, there are several old laptops which may not serve as full computers, but could be used as word processing computers at the least. We may also try to incorporate netbooks in the class, small more modern versions of the older laptops. Previously, as a known technology assistant, the school has offered me a stipend to assist with technology problems at
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the school level, if funding permits, I may be able to assist others. New websites with helpful access like the Jason Project are useful, but now are no longer free of charge. Client computers which work like older mainframe computers are a future possibility as well. Use of streaming video demonstrations, experiments and discussions, anticipating reaching connections to the modern world, for many lower income students who may not have access out of the community to expand their worldview. Students to become experts, gain experience and share ideas about educational tools that interested them as they evaluate and present reasons to incorporate these ideas into the classroom. Opportunities to connect with grants, samples, testing and evaluating new technologies in the classroom can also be a potential consideration. Teachers who enter programs to better their technological awareness can strengthen our district and classroom. Technology should be used to promote invention and inventiveness in the classroom.

Threats What threatens those future opportunities? Some at my school believe that I am receiving favoritism since I have so much technology in my classroom. I have been threatened with removal of the excess technology in the concern of classroom equity. If funding isnt available to assist, I either have to decline, or use my own time sparingly to assist technology concerns onsite. Funding issues for access to useful websites have increased and wont be fiscally viable for this next year. Complacency can be a weakness when we get too stuck in methods without the risk of trying something new. Client computers can lag or stutter causing glitches which make confuse a student. Technology support from the district to maintain items, like digital projector bulbs, can also affect the future opportunities and expenses. Stagnation can threaten technology usage in our district. Financial consideration can also be a great concern to the future of technology, and those who consider programs to continue to advance technological objectives through higher education.

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The Planning Process

State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures

Goal: Create a congenial, supportive technology district and educational community The technology environment needs to change at our school. An attempt at a technology environment where peer tutors peer, supported by funding stipend to reward the efforts. The environment will attempt to be helpful and informative rather than condescending. Teachers with a desire to learn may request help and mentor with offer training based on needs of staff and their desire to learn and gain technology support. This environment will include access to current useful technology hardware, a technology library of information and software. Perhaps a plan where teachers buddy up and share an idea that has worked for them Ideally, technology support to maintain, update, and encourage more usage in all classroom. . As a technological consideration we need to assess materials to help those exceptional students from SDC to GATE students. The technology support team could acknowledge technology issues and leave notes of work completed. Open technology forums once a month to discuss concerns, problems, questions and successes. These will also be attended by technology coaches and district technology support personnel. County support could also be available with advance planning, on various useful topics. Also consider Adult education to show parents the value of learning technology taught by teachers in the district to further community involvement. Students can present technology ideas to consider implementing into the classrooms, through their evaluative reasoning. An open door policy with media to share our efforts with the world, as well as giving students exposure to media technology to expand to a variety technology considerations. Overall, we all want our community to be strong, intelligent digital citizens who incorporate technology in education. We would like to see more people involved and supporting technology in our district. The result we are attempting to acquire here is to improve from an overall rating of acceptable to move to favorable in the survey rubric result as a district.

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Goal: Implement Educational technology from the community through the students The engagement of this plan will require the efforts, support, and integration of our community, district, staff, technology team, parents, and students. The community should value and encourage technology in many aspects of life and be willing to collaborate with the schools. The district should remain flexible and appreciate of the support it receives from the community. The staff must be patient knowing that it takes time to implement, learn, and maintain technology. Technology team should appreciate the usage of technology in the classroom and when not supported efficiently, frustration and neglect of technology can occur. Teacher/tech liaisons could tag priority concerns and update the request with information so the technician would be able to come better prepared. Parents should support the use of technology as a new trend in education that will prepare for the future schooling and employment of their children. Students should embrace technology as a part of the whole learning process, it involves more than just playing, but creating and working to produce quality efforts. A pre-survey with SurveyMonkey will gather unbiased data to use in the results section as well. The desire is for the community to collaborate and work together to the creative process to guide educational technology. Overall we would like to see technology implemented by at least every teacher and student, and shared at the class, district or community level through Dropbox or other presentation means.

Application Tools
Goal: Incorporate various applications for achieving our technology objectives. The needed items include a wishlist of content we would use to complement our technology plan. Needed: Educational technology sites for personal growth with memberships funded by district. ISTE, Edutopia, and ACET Use of Dropbox for curriculum and information sharing among grade level teachers and others SurveyMonkey- evaluative research tool
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Weekly kudos for successful tech innovation noticed by other teachers-Starbucks card reward. This will be done through a school blog, district online newsletter, and potentially the local newspaper. Netflix- for sharing educational media experiences Staff development using online and personal meeting to add to the technology rapport. Skype to share lesson with other classrooms Fiscal support to add more technology support personnel or a stipend for those who would be able and qualified to assist. Video/Web conferencing hardware and software for classroom connections for students, teacher, and district usage New computers, laptops, tablets, servers, and cables to create at least a 3 to one ratio for students to computers. Upgrading networks to support more machines networked. Laser printer hubs to save ink costs

Currently on-site Outlook to share, communicate and inform Technology work desk program to facilitate repairs Microsoft Office Suite Prezia-an updated presentation software Five Computers in most classrooms Wired and wireless networks Inkjet printers Grade 4-8th white boards and projector Digital presenter/overheads all classrooms

Goal: Evaluate and research our results as we continue to improve technology throughout our school district. Results will be considered by all vested individuals all a special technology development board meeting. We will have all parties present the benefits, successes, needs and concerns during the meeting. Each group will present examples of the technology plan in action. A group of community technology experts will be selected and asked to consider membership on a technology committee. This committee of technologists from each group including students will constructively evaluate the examples with a report shared with the schools at the board meeting when scheduled. A technology survey from SurveyMonkey will be distributed to see comments and objective numerical data to compare with presurvey results. These results will be used to update the technology plan as we proceed into the
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educational technology age in our classrooms. It is here that technology helps in various aspects of research and results. We would like to see more integration of technology in the curriculum as well as better support for those who use technology with students. Overall, we would like to see a 5-10% increase in technology lesson incorporation across the district.

This aggressive plan of implementation of this technology plan will take place from 2012-2017. The budget for this plan will be $6,000,000. That will become 1,000,000 for each year of implementation. This will also allow for steps to take place to slowly add the technology so the network and systems can be expanded gradually rather than impatiently wait for all incorporation of tools in a quick and rushed manner which could lead to more concerns overall. This may seem aggressive in monetary amount, but we need to stay current or catch up in many areas of technology for our schools. Funding of this project will be provided by grants, low cost materials and installation through e-rate, and use of the Microsoft settlement funds. The district will continue to contribute its annual supplement for technology concerns in the district budget. The district financial personnel will update us quarterly with a budget spreadsheet to monitor progress and spending with these categories Categories Hardware: Desktops Laptops Tablets Servers Laser Printers Web cameras Software and Usage Fees: Skype Netflix DropBox Surveymonkey Accelerated Reader Maintenance and Support: Additional Personnel Paper Ink for Printers Network Planning Professional Development and Support: Technology Stipends: 2012 250,000 2013 250,000 2014 250,000 2015 250,000 2016 250,000 2017 250,000



















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Hardware/Software Trainer Technology Times Writer Technology Memberships Extra-hours fund for staff Forums for new suggestions

The annual budget of 1,000,000 will be divided up in categories including hardware, software, maintenance, support and upgrades, and professional development and support. If the fund isnt completely used for each year it will be rolled over into same category for following year. This additional may also be added to a discretionary fund that could be moved into areas of shortfall with approval from site director, technology director and district superintendent.

Professional Development Plan Several software products include online and on-ground training. We will use these whenever possible to help with staff development. Staff development may also include video presentations with a rolling laptop cart, so teachers can try with hands-on ability We will try to use current staff experts to deliver trainings as well, since the known staff may allow more freedom of discussion. We will have professional development once a trimester using Wednesdays since they are teacher work days. October 17 th, January 16th, and April 17th will be the first years training days, the flowing years will be determined based on the calendar developed by the district. At the end of every technology training event, an evaluation using Surveymonkey will be submitted. Staff will be encouraged to comment using constructive suggestions, rather than ambiguous ideas that dont allow for future improvements.

Lesson Plan for Implementing NETSSTemplate I

(More Directed Learning Activities)
Template with guiding questions Teacher(s) Name Position School/District Michael Post 4 Grade/GATE teacher Glen City/Santa Paula Elementary School

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E-mail Phone Grade Level(s) Content Area Title for Lesson 805 933-8800 ext. 1027 4th Language Arts Presentation Skills A day to start and present on the next, with a lifetime to develop and enjoy.

Time line Essential Questions (What essential question or learning are you addressing? What would students care or want to know about the topic? What are some questions to get students thinking about the topic or generate interest about the topic? What questions can you ask students to help them focus on important aspects of the topic? What background or prior knowledge will you expect students to bring to this topic and build on?) Essential Question(s) and your thoughts on the above questions: The essential question is to interact, create, share, and publish with peers with various media and technology tools. How do students make choices? Purchase ideas, foods to eat, shows to watch etc. I expect that students with access to television, radio and the internet would have experience listening to, watching, and reading information that is presented.

Standards (What do you want students to know and be able to do in relation to the essential question or essential learning? What knowledge, skills, and strategies do you expect students to gain? Are there connections to other curriculum areas and subject area benchmarks? ) Your statement about what students should know and be able to do. (Be sure it related to your essential question/learning.): Students will be able to create, design, share and present a media presentation using power point or Prezi in front of the classroom with oral comments. They should be able to field questions to further inform fellow students. The presentation and speaking skills will be gained as well as meeting the standards of grammar and oral speaking. Evaluation skills are useful from this project. This skill could be used for any subject that a presentation and evaluation could be useful, which in my opinion is every subject.

Content Standards (Pick the main ones rather than giving a laundry list of all possible standards.): Written and Oral Language Conventions- California 1.1 Use simple and compound sentences in writing and speaking. Analysis and Evaluation of Oral Media Communications 1.10 Evaluate the role of the media in focusing attention on events and in forming opinions on issues.

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NETS*S Standards (Pick the main ones rather than including the whole list.): ISTE: Creativity and Innovation: Using creative thinking and innovative technology the students demonstrate and develop models and simulations to explore and identify complex systems and forecast possibilities as well as they use existing knowledge to generate new ideas and creative thoughts.

Overview or Project Sketch (Give a short summary of the lesson or unit including assignment or expected or possible products. Consider whether the learning outcomes will warrant all the steps and work. This is a good time to get feedback on your ideas.) Students will use power point or Prezi to create a presentation from a story from our Macmillian/McGraw Hill anthology. They will also evaluate the presentation of others using a rubric. This activity will be the culmination project after completing the theme unit.

Assessment (What will students do or produce to illustrate their learning? What can students do to generate new knowledge? How will you assess how students are progressing (formative assessment)? How will you assess what they produce or do? Who will be the audience for a digital product or presentation? How will you differentiate products/outcomes?) Students will present their efforts to the class with oral, written and visual presentation on the white board screen. The students will evaluate presentations using a teacher generated rubric. Comments will also be written in addition to the rubric to help and encourage students efforts. Students may share their work in another language with a translator to help those who need clarification.

Resources (Has technology had any impact on the content area(s) related to the essential question(s)? Does the essential question suggest a final product that is part or all digital? Does the question(s) suggest a task or tasks where technology tools are used to gather, analyze, organize information or data? How does technology support student learning? What digital tools, and resourcesonline student tools, research sites, student handouts, tools, tutorials, templates, assessment rubrics, etc help elucidate or explain the content or allow students to interact with the content? What previous technology skills should students have to complete this project?) Computers, pencil, paper, anthology, workbook with recorded and corrected material to aid in presentation preparation. Students will need to use a keyboard or an assistive technology keyboard for those who have difficulty with traditional keyboard. Students will have worked with sentence creation, power point, and oral presentation skills previous to this lesson; however this will pull all the standards together in a project. Students will need to recall the story and its key elements. This project will require a project that is mostly digital. Alternative tools will be available for the exceptional learners, who might need assistance.

Instructional Plan Preparation (What student needs, interests, and prior learning provide a foundation for this lesson? How can you find out if students have this foundation? What difficulties might students have?)

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Students will select a story from the theme that they would recommend to their friends, family or classmates. The students will have read the story several times, once to familiarize themselves with text, another time to acquire new vocabulary and finally to note important details such as characters, plot, and setting. This will also lead to comprehension of the story as well. The students will have created a power point or Prezi to have an idea of what can be done with this presentation software. Students will assist those who might need language support, and assistive technology will be available for who may need the support it might bring to the project.

Management (How and where will your students work? Classroom, lab, groups, etc? Students will work in their desk to develop idea, join into small groups selected by random name generator to determine what looks useable and what might need to be added. Small groups will be mixed to include language learners and exceptional students. Students will then combine ideas onto paper and submit to teacher for approval before moving onward to the computer stations.

Instruction and Activities (What instructional strategies will you use with this lesson? How will your learning environment support these activities? What is your role? What are the students' roles in the lesson? How can the technology support your teaching? What engaged and worthwhile learning activities and tasks will your students complete? How will they build knowledge and skills? Will students be expected to collaborate with each other and others? How will you facilitate the collaboration?) The instructional activities we will use will include samples, teacher modeling, scaffolding, evaluation by peers, and technology incorporation and presentation. The classroom we will use has room enough for every group to have an area to work and access the computers. Students will create a slide for title, characters, plot and setting. A slide containing details regarding the author and illustrator of the literature. We will separate groups so they will work independently without commandeering ideas from other groups. My role is to share, present, monitor, facilitate, and observe groups who might need extra attention or structure. Students will be creating, designing, with a small group of three students. They will monitor progress and time. If they wish to continue efforts, recess will available for additional efforts if needed. I will record, time, present and open the class to comments and suggestions. I will also assist as needed. I will provide additional materials as needed. Computer Technology will be used to take the paper ideas and transform them into a power point or Prezi. Technology will be used to present the slideshow, along with a microphone for those who need vocal support. Students will be expected to have main tasks to assist the group as well as several secondary supports to assist if completed with their task. Support tasks can include translating; preparing to speak with the presentation, assisting those who need technology support, and proofreading the slides. Practice with a camera to possibly share their project with others through Dropbox or live via Skype. We also may attempt to share with parents at open house. The students will help each other, discuss ideas for best presentation, practice and rehearsals.

Differentiation (How will you differentiate content and process to accommodate various learning styles and abilities? How will you help students learn independently and with others? How will you provide extensions and opportunities for enrichment? What assistive technologies will you need to provide?)

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My entire school is Title one and all qualify for free lunch so all are considered economically exceptional. Speech students may defer to write rather than read a presentation or record and edit any difficulty they have with vocabulary or pronunciation. Students will adjust group dynamics to meet the needs of exceptional needs students. The exceptional students may also receive assistance from an aid or tutor. This may include assistance with writing, recording voice to share with digital recorder. A braille reader is available as well. GATE students may choose to complete their own presentation. Migrant students may work together and present the information in Spanish. They will need to have a translator for those linguistically challenged, like the teacher.

Closure and Reflection (Will there be a closing event? Will students be asked to reflect upon their work? Will students be asked to provide feedback on the assignment itself? What will be your process for answering the following questions? Did students find the lesson meaningful and worth completing? In what ways was this lesson effective? What went well and why? What did not go well and why? How would you teach this lesson differently?)

This section will be completed after the lesson has reached completion.

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Executive Summary

Crosswalk of Goals A goal comparison of the National Educational Technology Plan, the Educational Technology Plan for your state, and the Imaginary County Public Schools Strategic Plan.
National Educational Technology Plan Educational Technology Plan for (your state) Imaginary County Public Schools Strategic Plan

Learning: Engage and Empower Assessment: Measure what matters Teaching: Prepare and Connect Infrastructure: Enable and Access Productivity: Redesign and Transform

Communication and Collaboration Assessment and Evaluation


Designing Implementation

Educate: Involve all aspects of education in Technology Measure: sincere, honest and applicable Teach: Inform and Demonstrate the Educational Community- Teach and be Taught Facilitize: Connectivity and sharing with districts, schools, and the world Capacity: Use and Improve Technology for the Future

The goals of the technology plan are aggressive to assist in bringing the district, schools, and classrooms up to the standard of modern and current technology. This plan should motivate the community, district, staff, teachers and students in the benefits and assistance that technology can afford. We have goals and that will meet or exceed the national and state standards. National Standards include: to engage and empower, measure what matters, prepare and connect, enable and access, and redesign and transform. My county technology plan includes: educate, measure, teach, facilitize, and capacity. My specific goals were to include the whole educational community in the technology plan. Educate the community and all involved with education, in the value and appreciation of technology and educational usage. This should engage and empower technology usage in our community. Information and reminders, along with access, helping to see the students abilities which should include the newsblog as well as other tools to educate the entire school community.

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The district will measure the efforts using surveys and compare results from previous consideration. Collaboration is necessary to measure and evaluate with honest comments to allow efforts to adjust to the needs of technology. What matters is that we are able to adjust needs to accomplish our goals, and honest forthright comments and survey results will help us measure what matters. Survey monkey is just one part which has assisted our growth in this arena. Teaching in the goals involves not only teaching the students but the staff and community. An important reminder is that implementation of technology takes time and maintenance. Teaching the technology support personnel the consideration of response times to assist the people who are working with the greatest quantity of individuals. This is connected with the prepare and connect on the national plan. We will incorporate sessions to inform and practice the new tools available for the community and district. Enabling and accessing is met with internet usage and beyond. Access allows for instructional programming to be streamed in the classroom, connection to other classrooms and teacher from around the world using Skype and web cams. Web depositories will allow sharing and collaboration with home and school. Currently, white board usage is a beginning of enabling and accessibility. Netflix will be added and regular updates to encourage technology usage to help our community and classrooms. Capacity relates to how much something will hold. Our goal is to increase capacity and usage. This means we will need to expand and improve our technologies for the future. Nationally this is referring to redesigning and transforming in productivity. We will have achieved this goal with additional servers, network laser printers, and more classroom computers to increase our capacity. These goals that we have mesh with the national and state goals in technology and education. This plan will benefit, guide, and direct all participants. Lets make a difference!

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References California Technology Assistance Program. (2010). International Society for Technology in Education. (2011). National Education Technology Plan [Educational Standards]. (2010). Retrieved from U.S. Department of Education: Solomon, G., & Allen, N. J. (2003). Toward Digital Equity: Briding the Divide in Education. G. Solomon, N. J. Allen, & P. Resta(Eds.). new york: allyn and Bacon. Spector, J. M., Merrill, M. D., Van Merrienboer, J., & Driscoll, M. P. (Eds.). (2008). Strategies for Designing Embodied Curriculum. Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (3rd ed., pp. 97-110). New York: Routledge. Technology Proficiency for California Teachers. (n.d.).

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