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Topic 1.

1 Realm of Physics Estimation

Fermi Question
Estimation Estimation is a process where, instead of a measurement or calculation, we estimate the value of a physical quantity. In an order of magnitude estimation we estimate the value of a quantity as a power of ten. In many cases, estimation provides an eective way of acquiring quantitative information about the subject being studied without complicated analysis. Fermi Question Fermi question (named after Italian physicist Enrico Fermi (1901-1954)) is an estimation problem designed to teach estimation, and logical reasoning. In a Fermi question we estimate the values of quantities that may initially seem impossible to know, and answer the question by using the estimated values in the calculation.
Kari Eloranta 2013

Topic 1.1 Realm of Physics Estimation

Fermi Question (cont.)

Examples of Fermi questions include Estimate the number of hairdressers in Jyvskyl. Estimate the mass of water in Lake Jyvsjrvi. Estimate the national gross product of Finland. Estimate the weight of the Earths atmosphere.

Kari Eloranta 2013

Topic 1.1 Realm of Physics Estimation

Example of Fermi Reasoning

Estimate the number of hairdressers in Jyvskyl. There are about 130000 inhabitants in Jyvskyl. About 80000 of those go to hairdressers. A person goes to a hairdresser six times a year. It takes half an hour to cut persons hair. Total time needed for the work is thus 80000 6 0.5 = 240000 hours. A hairdresser works 220 7 1500 hours in a year.
200. The number of hairdressers in Jyvskyl is thus N = 240000 1500

Kari Eloranta 2013

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