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P.O Box 2344-00900 KIAMBU


The Office of the Governor, Kiambu County, wishes to recruit competent and qualified persons to fill the following positions under Article 235 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and the County Government Act, No. 17 of 2012. specific boxes provided for each designation on the ground floor at Thika Municipal Council Building; Applications should reach the Governors Office on or before 20th September 2013; Dropping hours are between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. during week days excluding public holidays; Shortlisted candidates will be required to produce their original Identity Cards, Academic and Professional Certificates, testimonials and other relevant documents in support of their applications. Applicants should produce clearance from: Credit Reference Bureau; Kenya Revenue Authority; Higher Education Loans Board; Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission; and Criminal Investigation Department (Certificate of Good Conduct) iv. Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution. Duties and Responsibilities The County Chief Officer shall be the authorized person in the exercise of delegated power and shall be responsible to the respective County Executive Member for:i. The administration of a County Department; ii. Implementation of policies and development plans; iii. Development and implementation of strategic plans; iv. Formulate and implement effective programmes to attain Vision 2030 and sector goals; and v. Promote national values and principles of good governance and values and principles of public service. Additional qualifications for County Chief Officer in-charge of Finance and Economic Planning: i. Must be a CPA (K) holder; ii. Hold a Masters Degree in Business Administration, Finance or Economics; iii. Be in possession of extensive experience and training in Public Finance; iv. Demonstrate progressive advancement and increased responsibility over financial decision making process in public finance; and v. Must be conversant with computerized accounting packages. Terms of Service: Contract.



Requirements for Appointments I. Be a Kenyan Citizen; II. Be a holder of at least a first degree from a university recognized in Kenya. A Masters Degree will be an added advantage; III. Have knowledge and experience of not less than ten (10) years in administration and management; and IV. Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution. Duties and Responsibilities The County Secretary shall be the Head of the County Public Service and will be responsible to the Governor for: I. The County Public Service; II. Arranging the business, and keeping the minutes of the County Executive Committee subject to the directions of the Executive Committee; III. Conveying the decisions of the County Executive Committee to the appropriate persons or authorities; and IV. Performing any other duties as directed by the County Executive Committee. How to apply All applications together with curriculum vitae, copies of academic certificates and professional qualifications should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the reference number for position applied for and addressed to: THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR P O BOX 2344 00900 KIAMBU Email applications can ; be forwarded to:



The nine (9) posts will be for each of the following Portfolios:I. Finance, Economic Planning and ICT ; II. Water, Environment and Natural Resources; III. Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock; IV. Education, Culture and Social Services ; V. Lands, Housing and Physical Planning; VI. Health Services ; VII. Public Works, Roads and Transport; VIII. Office of the Deputy Governor; Trade, Industry, Tourism and Cooperative Development; IX. Office of the Governor; Sports, Youth, Women and SME Development; X. Office of the Governor; Chief Officer Administration; Requirements for Appointment i. Be a Kenyan Citizen; ii. Be a holder of a first degree in the relevant field from a university recognized in Kenya. A Masters Degree will be an added advantage; iii. Have knowledge, experience and a distinguished career of not less than ten (10) years in the specific area; and



The Office of the Governor, Kiambu County, wishes to recruit competent and qualified person to fill the position of the Director of the Kiambu County Alcoholic Drinks Control Directorate as per the Constitution of Kenya 2010 under Article 176 and the Kiambu County Alcoholic Drinks Control Act, 2013. Requirements for Appointment i. Be a Kenyan Citizen; ii. Be a holder of a Bachelors degree in Commerce (Finance or accounting) from a recognized

Hand delivered applications should be dropped in

iii. iv.


university . A Masters Degree will be an added advantage; Be a holder of CPA (K) or equivalent qualification; Have knowledge and experience of not less than ten (10) years in administration and financial management; and Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.

Duties and Responsibilities The Director shall be the head of the Kiambu County Alcoholic Drinks Control Directorate and will be responsible for: I. Advising the County Executive Member on county policy and laws to be adopted in regard to the production, manufacture, sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks; II. In collaboration with other county and national government departments strategize and plan for implementation of the Kiambu County Alcoholic Drink Act, 2013 and control of alcohol abuse and any other relevant legislation and coordinate and support their implementation; III. Facilitate citizen participation in matters related to alcoholic drinks control in accordance with the framework for citizen participation established under the County Government Act, 2012 the Urban Areas and Cities Act, 2011 or any other relevant written law; IV. Carry out public education and research on alcoholic drinks control in the county directly and in collaboration with other public or private bodies and institutions; V. Facilitate and promote in collaboration with other county and national government institutions the establishment of treatment and rehabilitation facilities and programmes; VI. In collaboration with other relevant county departments, prepare and submit a bi-annual alcoholic drink status report; VII. Support and facilitate the Sub-county committees in carrying out their functions; VIII. Supervise and control the administration of the Alcoholic Drinks Control Fund; and IX. Prepare in each financial year a statement of account relating to the Alcoholic Drinks Control Fund in accordance with the Public Audit Act ,2003. Terms of Service: Contract 4. SUB-COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS: (12 POSTS) REF: KCPSB/08/2013/01/004/SCA

to the relevant County Chief Officer for:i. Coordinating the management and supervision of the general administrative functions in the Sub-County unit; ii. Developing policies and plans; iii. Ensuring effective service delivery; iv. Coordinating developmental activities to empower the community; v. Providing and maintaining infrastructure and facilities of public services; vi. Managing the Sub-County Public Service; vii. Facilitating and coordinating citizen participation in the development of policies, plans and delivery of services; and viii. Exercising any functions and powers delegated by the County Public Service Board under section 86.

Duties and Responsibilities A village administrator shall be responsible to the relevant Ward administrator for: I. Coordinating, managing and supervising the general administrative functions in the village; II. Ensuring and coordinating the participation of the village unit in governance; III. Assisting the village unit to develop the administrative capacity for the effective exercise of the functions and powers and participation in governance at the local level; and IV. Exercising any functions and powers delegated by the County Public Service Board under section 86 of the County Governments Act. How to apply All applications together with curriculum vitae, copies of academic certificates and professional qualifications should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the reference number for position applied for and addressed to: SECRETARY COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD P O Box 2344 00900 KIAMBU Email applications can be forwarded to: jobs@; Hand delivered applications should be dropped in specific boxes provided for each designation on the ground floor at Thika Municipal Council Building; Applications should reach the Secretary County Public Service Board on or before 20th September 2013; Dropping hours are between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. during week days excluding public holidays; and Shortlisted candidates will be required to produce their original Identity Cards, Academic and Professional Certificates, testimonials and other relevant documents in support of their applications. Applicants should produce clearance from: Credit Reference Bureau; Kenya Revenue Authority; Higher Education Loans Board; Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission; and Criminal Investigation Department (Certificate of Good Conduct). NOTE ANY FORM OF CANVASSING SHALL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION; KIAMBU COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER; WOMEN AND PERSONS LIVING WITH DISABILITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY; AND ONLY SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE CONTACTED.



Requirements for Appointment i. Be a Kenyan Citizen; ii. Have a minimum of O level, C Plain in KCSE or equivalent; iii. Working experience of not less than five years in administration or management; and iv. Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution. Duties and Responsibilities The Ward Administrator shall be responsible to the Sub-County Administrator for the following: i. Coordinating, managing and supervising the general administrative functions in the Ward unit; ii. Developing policies and plans; iii. Ensuring effective service delivery; iv. Coordinating developmental activities to empower the community; v. Providing and maintaining infrastructure and facilities of public services; vi. Managing the County Public Service at the ward level; vii. Facilitating and coordinating citizen participation in the development of policies, plans and delivery of services; and viii. Exercising any functions and powers delegated by the County Public Service Board under section 86 of the County Governments Act, 2012.



Requirements for Appointment i. Be a Kenyan Citizen; ii. Be a holder of at least a first degree from a university recognized in Kenya; iii. Working experience of not less than ten (10) years in administration or management; and iv. Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution. Duties and Responsibilities The Sub- County Administrator shall be responsible

Requirements for Appointment I. Be a Kenyan Citizen; II. Have a minimum of O level, C Plain in KCSE or equivalent; III. Working experience of not less than three years; IV. Have qualifications and knowledge in administration or management; and V. Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.

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