Grade 3 Scriptv2

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Image 1 - 2013 BPS Production


Narrator 1 (DSOP): Bom Bom Bom. The earth shuddered. Trees shook, dropping leaves on the dinosaurs nest. Narrator 2 (DSOP): As the eggs rolled around, their mother steadied them with a claw. (Dance) Izzy (DSP): What on earth is that racket? Narrator 3 (DSOP): A dinosaur appears through the trees. Chris appears through the crowded stage Izzy : Who are you? Chris (DSC): Im Chrisosaurus, Ive come to live here. Call me Chris if its easier. Izzy : Well Chris, could you please tiptoe. Chris: Alright. Chris takes two steps. George enters George (DSP): I cant sleep Izzy: Its Chris here, hes just a little heavy footed. George: Cant you tip-toe Chris: I am tip-toeing George: Hmmph! What a racket, I hope hes not staying. Chris: Oh please let me stay, Ive been alone for ages, I want to live with other dinosaurs (Trees slump and say ohhhhh) Izzy: Give him a chance George! Hes only a plant eater (Trees say argh!!) (Dinosaurs say yes!) (Trees hide behind a dinosaur) George: Hmm, alright! Only if you remember to tip-toe. Narrator 1: So Chris settled into his new home. He liked the other dinosaurs but he wasnt really happy. He worried about making too much noise. Narrator 2: His footsteps make the earth tremble. All the dinosaurs blocked their ears. Page 1 of 2 George: Tip-toe! Bom Bom Bom (sound effect) Dance (Suzie song)

BPS Production 2013

Please maintain the correct font type (Verdana) and size (10). You will have to rename the document before you save it. Do not change the Header. Please remember that all dialogue must be delivered at either DSOP, DSC or DSP with the actors facing the audience. US (Upstage) OP (Off Prompt) C (Centre) DSOP P(Prompt) DSP

DSC (Downstage) Audience

Stage Manager

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