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Nirmal S Kartha 13M48 Analysis: The Team That Wasnt

Assuming that the case study is self-contained and theres no information withheld from the reader, the team failed to achieve its objective on account of the following factors: The objective was not rigorously defined and not tied to any performance metrics. Without any sense of urgency or strictly defined goals, the team discussion was pretty much aimless. Periodic submission of MoMs (Minutes of Meeting) was not expected by the CEO and hence, not done. The only metric assigned was the 6-month deadline, which was useless in mobilizing the group. The perception of inequitable distribution of power in the group by the members was disastrous. Randy wasnt assigned power by an authority but used his personality to belittle and influence the group to his whims. Plus, Ray had an unsubstantiated inferiority complex and Maureens runins with the management earlier had caused her to believe that her ideas wouldnt be considered seriously. Randys ego was too big for the group. Firstly, he opined that a team decision is always mediocre. Secondly, he belittled team members and did not even have the common courtesy of valuing others time. His core values made him incompatible with team participation. The CEOs blissful ignorance and insistence to keep Randy in the team helped Randy to steal power from Eric, even though Eric was given the authority. There were no rewards or recognition systems in place for the individual team members. If the project would have ever been successful, Randy would most probably get the credit. There was no mutual understanding or trust between the team members, except for the single counterproductive instance when they gave a piece of their minds to Randy at the end of the case study. It was a textbook every man for himself mentality. In my opinion, Eric could have been a better leader if he o was more active than passive in the power struggle. o Enforced the agenda he had set for the team. o Refused to be dominated by Randy.

The following changes can be implemented to improve the effectiveness of the team:

The CEO should clearly elucidate the objective to Eric. Performance metrics of the progress of the project should be discussed with the team and an overall consensus should be arrived at. Giving due consideration to his hectic schedule, the CEO should proactively demand MoMs of team progress from Eric, which can be employed to create a sense of urgency. Every team member should have specific goals and a clear understanding of their individual responsibilities. Individual accountability must be introduced. This is basically to propagate the philosophy of there is no team success without individual success among the team members. The perception of inequitable power distribution should be destroyed. Randys core values are incompatible with the fundamental principles of team discussions and hence, I opine that he should be taken away from the team and made an independent consultant. Eric still gets insights from Randy, who can work more effectively in the setting he belongs to. The team members should be suitably rewarded for completing their individual objectives and the accomplishments should be communicated with the rest of the organization. The team discussion environment should be an open and trusting one where the team members can express their ideas without fear of ridicule.

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