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People come from all walks of life to America to make a living but I am here to make a change and difference. I come to bless America, raise a family for God; to fulfill my destiny. This is where my future lies. I don't care how you paint me, a sojourner, slave, visitor, and a man who is shying away from his identity. You are not God to decide my fate. I am not African, neither American. I am Michael Joyland Truth. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, therefore He can decide where I settle or the nation's name I bear until the second coming of Christ. Till then America is my home, nation, country, and motherland. I will fight to see the righteousness of God established in this land before I return to my maker in peace. I and my household will hold on to the faith of God and US of A will rise in the glory of Jehovah. My nation America; Truths salute you with the righteousness of our Lord God Almighty. I love America the land of my generation. The God of Michael blesses US of A.

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