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The Northern Public Services Alliance

Health Conference and Rally
10.00am Registration (finishes 12.30pm with lunch)

In Defence of the NHS

Saturday 21 September 2013, at County Hall, Durham

The NHS was built to care for Britain and is what makes our country great.
As the NHS turns 65, we are facing a fight to expose the cuts and privatisations that threaten to break it up. The Northern Public Services Alliance is raising awareness of the impact the Coalitions policies is having on the NHS and the subsequent impact it will have on health in our region. This conference will be a chance to find out more and have your say in the next steps of the campaign to defend the NHS.

Grahame Morris
MP for Easington


Clare Williams

Chair of PSA & Unison Regional Convenor

Martin Wright

Jill Barker

Chartered Society of Physiotherapists

Joanna Adams

999 Call for the NHS

BMA Speaker (TBC)

To register your interest or book a place at this event, please contact Melanie Lowden Email: Telephone: 0191 232 3175

Northern Public Services Alliance

United to Protect Public Services

Defending the NHS

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