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Audio-Technica CS2000 Surround Sound Power Speaker System. Estos son los esquemticos del amplificador de potencia solamente.

Son todos los que tengo. Repar un sistema de estos que no sonaba y daba un gran golpe en las cornetas cuando el sistema se encenda. (si esto ocurre, recuerden apagarlo inmediatamente ya que puede estar fluyendo mucha corriente por las cornetas y se pueden quemar rpidamente). Encontr tres amplificadores operacionales NE5532 averiados, as que decid reemplazarlos todos (U1, U2, U3 , U6, U10 y el que est dentro de la corneta inalmbrica). Despus de removerlos, recuerden soldar bases o scalos dip8 paras los ICs nuevos. Espero que esto les ayude.

These are the schematic for the power amplifier only. They are all I have. I repaired a system of these that it didn't sound and gave a great kick in the speakers when I power the system on. (if this happens, remember to turn the power off immediately since a lot of current can be flowing for the speakers and they can burn very quickly). I found three operational amplifiers NE5532 damaged, so I decided to replace all of them (U1, U2, U3, U6, U10 and the one that is inside the wireless speaker). After removing them, remember to weld dip8 sockets for the new ICs. I Hope this helps you. Sorry for bugs in my English.

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