Hoop and Axial Stress in A Cylindrical Shell

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Hoop and Axial stress in a cylindrical shell

Consider the forces acting on the Shell from Pressure From pressure Area = D x L Here is the pressure P D

L Force = Pressure x Area F =PxLxD = PLD

This is resisted by the internal stress Area = 2 x t x L Stress S

Stress S

L Force = Stress x Area F=SxLxtx2 = 2SLt t

For equilibrium - Forces must be Equal From pressure : F = PDL F = 2SLt PDL = 2SLt Sh = PD 2t

From internal stress: Equating therefore : Finally :

This is known as the HOOP STRESS Sh

Consider now the Axial or Longitudinal Stress Force = Pressure x Area Area = .D2 4 P..D2 F = 4


Consider now the Axial or Longitudinal Stress Force = Stress x Area Area = .D.t (approx) F = S..D.t Equate F =S..D.t = Thus SL = P .D2 P. 4 Stress

P.D 4t S

This is kown as the Axial or Longitudinal Stress

Comparison of Hoop and Longitudinal Stress

SL =

P.D 4t t

PD Sh = 2t What is the relationship between SL and Sh ? Sh is twice SL or Sh = 2.SL

True Stress - Lame Theorem We have assumed the stress is like this: PD Sh = 2t Greater than Sh In reality it is like this:

According to the Lame Theorem (Thick Cylinder Theory) ( Ro2 + Ri2 ) S= P. ( Ro2 - Ri2 ) S > Sh ( (simple p theory) y) S Sh Ri


We now have two formulae for the hoop stress Simple Theory P.D 2t Accurate Lame Equation ( Ro2 + Ri2 ) S= P. ( Ro R 2 - Ri2 ) Notice the similarity Let us now look at the ASME Division 1 Equation q P.( R + 0.6. 0.6.t ) t P.( D + 1.2. . .t ) 2t

S =

S =

We now have three formulae for Hoop Stress

This is how the three formulae look

---- Lame (Accurate) ---- ASME (Less Accurate) ---- Simple Si l (Very (V Inaccurate) I t ) P/S

Only half the stress - bad! Ro/Ri

Simple versus ASME formulae t = P.R S P.R t = S - 0.6.P 06P

This little term makes all the difference

Consider the cylinder - ASME Code This is the formula per UG-27 in the code: P.R t = S.E - 0.6.P P = Pressure psi

R = Radius inches S = Design Stress psi E = Welded Joint Efficiency

Calculations are done the the CORRODED condition

Effect of the Corrosion Allowance

R+c R

All calculations are performed in the CORRODED state

Effect of the Corrosion Allowance

R+c R

Equation becomes: Fi ll Finally:

t =

P.(R + c) S.E - 0.6.P

P.(R P (R + c) t +c= +c S.E - 0.6.P

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