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B. KJERFVE (editor) COASTAL LAGOON PROCESSES ELSEVIER OCEANOGRAPHY SERIES ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Coastal lagoon processes / edited by Bjorn Kjerfve. p. cn, -- (Elsevier oceanography series ; 60) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-444-88258-8 (acid-free) 1. Lagoon ecology. 2. Brackish water ecology. 3. Lagoons. I. Kjerfve, Bjorn, 1944- . IT. Sertes. QH541.5.L27C63 1993 874.5'2636--dc20 94-1202 cIP ISBN: 0 444 88258 8 © 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers, Elsevier Science B.V., Copyright & Permissions Department, P.O. Box 521, 1000 AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the U.S.A.- This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), Salem, Massachusetts. Information can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the U.S.A. All other copyright questions, including photocopying outside of the U.S.A., should be referred to the copyright owner, Elseviar Science 8.V., unless otherwise specifie No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the materials herein. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Printed in The Netherlands. Contents PYOlOGUGss ¢ osc oo clea x eo EE aw a a at vii Bjorn Kjerfue_ CORED GUEHOEE cwis ae 2 x eau w 2 aera wow wea ww vee WO 8 oe xi CHAPTER 1, COASTALLAGOON PROCESSES. ...........-.0-5 1 Bjorn Kjerfue Introduction. ........- 1 Coastal lagoons ........ 3 A multi-disciplinary synthesis 5 References ‘ 7 CHAPTER 2. PHYSICAL SETTING AND GEOMORPHOLOGY OF COASTAL LAGOONS .... 26... 0. eee eee ee 9 E.C.F. Bird Introduction... 6... eee ees 9 Geological background 6.0... eee eee 13 Climatic and hydrological factors 15 Evolution of coastal barriers . . . 19 Lagoon entrances. ...... 25 Sedimentation in lagoons. . . 29 Swamp land encroachment . . 30 Rounding and segmentation . 32 Summary and conclusions . . 34 References... ......-- 36 CHAPTER 3. GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF COASTALLAGOONS....... 41 Louis Martin and José Maria Landim Dominguez Introduction... ee eee The origin and evolution of coastal lagoons . Sea-level history Shoreface dynamics Tidalrange .......... Geological history of coastal lagoons: Brazilian examples. Lagoons formed on a low-relief coastal plain during sea-level rise... . . 51 The Jequitinhonha strandplain mite ee aw 53 ‘The Doce strandplain . . . . 57 Lagoons formed on a low-relief coastal plain during sea-level drop... . 60 Lagoons formed on a high-relief coastal plain during sea-level rise .... 63 Summary ... ey 65 References . 66 CHAPTER 4, WATER, SALT, AND HEAT BALANCES OF COASTAL LAGOONS) os ve icc ee masa ee wie ee eo G ww SE WS 6 o 69 Ned P. Smith Introduction . . 70 Water balance . 71 Salt balance . . 85 Heat balance 91 Concluding remarks 98 References......----- 98 CHAPTER 5. MODELING OF CIRCULATION AND DISPERSION IN COASTALLAGOONS ... 1... ee 103 Malcolm L. Spaulding Introduction . . 103 Simplified circulation and pollutant transport models for inlet systems hydrodynamics ...........% ve 104 Simplified pollutant transport models 22.14 ‘Two-dimensional vertically averaged models of inlet lagoon systems hydrodynamics ........ . wee. 116 Pollutant transport models . .. 118 Model selection process . .. 119 Model application to assess management strategies . 121 Conclusions . . . oa . «+ 125 References . 127 CHAPTER 6, MASS BALANCE OF NUTRIENT FLUXES IN COASTAL LAGOONS 2... ee ee eee . 133 Stephen V. Smith and Marlin J. Atkinson Introduction . one ». 184 Computational model . see +. 135 Caveats to the application of this model . . . . .. 138 Considerations in site selection . 142 Alternative models for net nonconservative flux analysis .. 147 Nutrient dynamics in coastal systems .. 149 References . eee . 153 CHAPTER 7. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT PROCESSES IN COASTAL LAGOONS 20.2 ee eee ee ee eee ee . 157 Maynard M. Nichols. and John D Boon IIT Introduction . i ‘ . 157 Historical development . 158 General concepts . 162 Sources of sediment . 163 Pathways ..... . . 167 Sinks for sediment . . 169 Sediment dynamics in tidally-dominated leaky’) lagoons . . . ». 172 Basin morphology as a source of time—flow asymmetry . . 182 Textural patterns . 184 Particle modifications ...... Biological modifications ...... Response to sea level change. Lagoon equilibrium . ‘ Global distribution . Influence of climate . Storm effects Generalizations . . . Future research needs ...... References. ee eee eee meee eee CHAPTER 8. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY OF HEAVY METALS IN COASTAL LAGOONS ...........0055 oe rn Luiz Drude de Lacerda Introduction. 66... eee eee Sources of heavy metal input to coastal lagoons Fate of heavy metals in coastal lagoons .. . . . Heavy metal cycling in coastal lagoons Fate of heavy metals in the water column. . . . References... 0... vce ee eee CHAPTER 9. AQUATIC PRIMARY PRODUCTION IN COASTAL LAGOONS 2... tet et eee Bastiaan Knoppers Writradtictioth. ee ee ese ew es ee ete tne ‘The measurement of primary production in coastal lagoons oe Physical setting and the primary producers . ine ae Nutrient sources and sinks... .... 2.0.5 Nutrient supply by atmosphere and groundwater Riverine input. . . ‘Autochthonous supply .... . . Nitrogen fixation . Nutrient loss by denitrification Nutrient loss by accumulation in sediments New versus regenerated production... . . Autotrophic versus heterotrophic metabolism . Case studies on primary production .........-..-- Phytoplankto based lagoons "5 Macrophyte based lagoons . . . . Macroalgal based lagoons . . . Arid choked to leaky lagoons: algal mat based systems . . . . Global lagoon primary Production References . 4 v5 CHAPTER 10. SECONDARY PRODUCTIVITY IN COASTAL LAGOONS . . ‘Sauil Alvarez Borrego Introduction . Zooplankton productivity . . 209 . 221 .. 221 + + 222 » 225 . 231 +» 234 . 237 243, . . 243 .. 244 + 247 . » 256 . . 257 « . 257 . 259 . . 259 + 261 . 261 . . 263 . » 264 . . 264 » . 265 + 269 ». 271 » . 273 +. 274 . 275 287 xviii Nekton productivity ...... Benthic secondary productivity The pelagie-benthie coupling Concluding remarks References... . . CHAPTER 11. MACROFAUNAL COMMUNITY STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES IN COASTALLAGOONS .........-..---4- R.S.K. Barnes Nature of lagoonal organisms and communities ....... . Processes structuring the macrofaunal communities . . . ‘Supply-side ecology’: problems of recruitment and colonization Agents of mortality and their effects. .............. Competition . Environmental adversity . Conclusions ..........--+ Life histories of lagoonal animals Summary References CHAPTER 12. COASTAL LAGOONS AS FISHHABITATS........... Alejandro Yanez-Arancibia, Ana Laura Lara Domingues a and Daniel Pauly Introduction. . 5... 6.5.55 Which fishes use coastal lagoons? Which features of lagoon—estuarine habitats do fishes actually use? References... . . oo CHAPTER 13. FISHERIES IN COASTALLAGOONS ............. Daniel Pauly and Alejandro Yarez-Arancibia Introduction oo. « « § od Fd LOE 4ST WAG FE 2 BORA BEE om Fisheries catches from coastal lagoons — Fish population dynamics and its four factors Management of coastal lagoon fisheries... . . Discussion References... . . CHAPTER 14. AQUACULTURE IN COASTAL LAGOONS Donald J. Macintosh Introduction... . ‘The lagoon as an environment for aquaculture . Aquaculture practices in lagoo Aquaculture in pens ; Shrimp culture . . Mollusc culture . . Seaweeds ..... Socio-economic issues Conclusions References... 0... ee ee eee . 8iL - S31 . 314 - 316 . 317 . . 836 . 340 . 341 » . 842 . 345, . 346 363 . 363 . . 364 . 370 373 377 377 . . 878 . 879 .. 891 . . 895 . 396 401 . . 401 » » 403 . . 410 - 420 422 » » 424 » 431 » 432 - 436 . 436

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