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Terms Aryan: German race, blonde hair and blue eyes, the superior race Boycotts: A protest Book

burning: Nazis burned all books by Jewish authors Einsatzgruppen: Mobile death squads Final solution: The plan to mass exterminate the Jewish race Gestapo: German police Nuremberg laws: Laws against the Jews Warsaw ghetto: Ghetto located in Warsaw, Poland Wannsee conference: Came up with the "Final Solution" Kristallnacht: 200 synagogues destroyed... 2,000 Jews killed... 815 businesses destroyed and the Jews were fined 1 billion reichmarks Genocide: The intentional attempt to exterminate an entire race SS (Schutzstaffel): Nazi police Yellow Star: Star of David; Jews were forced to wear them Zyklon B:

Chemical used in gas chambers Antisemitism: Hatred of Jews Concentration camps: Camps used for forced labor and extermination 6 Death Camps: ... Chelmno: 152,000 killed... Only 2 or 3 people survived the camp ... Belzec: 500,000 killed... Only 2 known survivors ... Majdnek: Over 79,000 killed ... Sobibor: 250,000 killed ... Treblinka: 850,000 killed ... Auschwitz-Birkenau: 2,000,000 killed Death march: From Poland to concentration camps in Germany Monotheism: Belief in one god People: Adolf Hitler: Leader of the nazi group Heinrich Himmler: Ran the SS, carried out the final solution Rudolf Hoess: The SS officer in charge of Auschwitz Herman Goering: In charge of the German air force, and founded the Gestapo Joseph Goebbels: Minister of Propaganda Joseph Mengele: Did experiments on Jews at Auschwitz Reinhard Heydrich:

Ran the SS, and carried out the final solution Adolf Eichmann: Came up with the final solution Julius Striecher: Anti-Semitic propagandist Anne Frank: Wrote a diary about her experiences during WWII as a Jew

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