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Normalization : It is the process of decomposing a relation with anomalies into a well structured relation.

Basic Terminology of Normalization:Well-structured relation : A relation with minimum redundancy and no anomalies Anolamy : is an error during either of insert update or delete operation Primary key attribute: An attribute(column) on which Primary key constraint is applied - so as to avoid duplicate and null values - Primary key attribute assists to identify rows uniquely in a relation : Non-Key attributes : All other columns apart from primary key attribute are called Non key attributes: multi-valued attribute : An attribute that contains more than one value per instance Functional- dependency: - IF a non-key attributes completely rely or depend on Primay key attribute it is termed as functional dependency Ex: EMP (eno ename job sal) - here eno is Primary key attribute and all other are Non key attributes if eno is known - corresponding ename job sal can be identified - Hence i say - ename job sal are the non key attribute which completely rely on primary key attribute called eno; Partial - functional dependency: if a non-key attribute partially depends on primary key-attribute - then tat kind of dependency is called Partial functioan dependency. Transitive dependency: if a non key atttribute depends on another non-key attribute then that kind of dependency is called transitive dependency multivalued dependency : Consider a relation with A B C as columns - the term multivalued dependency states that for each value of A there exists a set of values for the column B and a set of values for the cokumn C - but B values and C values are independent of each other Normalization is achieved through stages and each stage corresponds to normal form- WE have basic normal forms and higher or advanced normal forms Under basic 1NF : A relation is said to be in 1 NF - if it does not contain multivalued attributes 2NF : A relations is said to be in 2 NF - if it does not contain partial functional dependencies 3NF- A relation is said to be in 3 NF - if it does not contain transitive dependecies Advanced BCNF : Every determinant is a candidate key 4NF: A relation is said to be in 4NF if it does not contain multivalued dependencies 5NF - Domain key normal f orm - if any of the remaining anomalies have been removed

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