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Chapter 1 1. Background 1.1. Background of the Organization 1.2. Goals, Objectives and Strategies 1.2.1. Goals 1.2.2.

Objectives 1.2.3. Strategies 1.3. External Environment Affecting the Organization 1.4. Internal Organization Constraints 1.5. Assumptions About Business Risks and Potential Consequences Chapter II 2. Information System Status 2.1. Inventory 2.1.1. Hardware 2.1.2. Software 2.1.3. Application System (Classify by functions) 2.1.4. Personnel 2.2. Anlysis 2.2.1. Hardware Utilization 2.2.2. Software Utilization 2.2.3. Personnel Utilization 2.2.4. Expenses 2.3. Status of Project in Process 2.4. Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses 2.4.1. Strong points 2.4.2. Weak points Chapter III 3. Forecasts of Development Affecting the Plan 3.1. Methodology 3.2. Environment 3.3. Software Availability 3.4. Technology Chapter IV 4. Specific Plan 4.1. HW/SW Acquisition schedule 4.1.1. Hardware 4.1.2. Software 4.2. Application Development Schedule 4.3. SW Maintenance and Conversion Schedule 4.4. Personnel Resources Requirements and Schedule of Hiring and Training 4.5. Financial Resources Required 4.6. Prototype

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