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Seventh Grade Language Arts Ms. Frissora and Mrs.

Welcome to Seventh Grade Language Arts. The four focuses of Language Arts class, as determined by the Common Core Standards, include Reading (Literature and Informational Text), Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language.

Basic School Expectations

You are here to learn. Keeping this in mind, we all learn best in an environment that is welcoming and runs smoothly according to expectations. Listed below are a few of GMSSs basic behavior expectations.
Come to school each day on time. Come to each class on time. Follow the school dress code. Use digital tools only in classes with permission. Treat others with respect and kindness.

When these behaviors are demonstrated, it allows you, the student, to focus on your academic growth. It also allows your teacher to focus on how to best teach and guide you in your journey.

Class Expectations
You are here to learn. Keeping this in mind, we all learn best in an environment that is welcoming and runs smoothly according to expectations. Listed below are a few of your teachers basic behavior expectations. Bring your needed materials to class. Follow CHAMP Take responsibility for o actions o attitude o learning o organization o words spoken to others (THINK) Commit to giving your best effort each day

When these behaviors are demonstrated, it allows you, the student, to focus on your academic growth. It also allows your teacher to focus on how to best teach and guide you in your journey.

Classroom Routines
The daily business of learning happens most effectively when routines are established and followed. As such, below is a listing of some of the routines you will learn and be expected to follow in Language Arts this year. This structure takes the guesswork out of how to handle many of the small daily actions and decisions that occur in a classroom setting. How to o enter class and begin working o wrap up class activities and exit class o bring ALL materials to class o ask for help o pay attention during presentations o participate in a class discussion o borrow books from the classroom library o act during lessons, stamina, and group work time (CHAMP) o transition and move between activities o monitor and control the volume of your voice o put a heading on ALL your papers o turn in and receive papers o get permission to use digital tools (phones, computers, iPads, ereaders) o behave during fire, tornado, and lockdown drills o be polite o be kind o respect others o locate information about this class (Weebly) What to do if o you are running late to class o you have been absent o you do not have your materials o you have not completed an assignment by the due date o you have to throw away something or sharpen a pencil during a lesson o you have finished your assigned work o you need to go to the restroom o you want or need to improve your score on an assessment

Content Focus
The theme for the first quarter is Journey to Self-Discovery. During this quarter, students will be involved in learning and growing in the following areas: Reading
o o o o o What do you know about your strengths, weaknesses, and preferences as a reader? Reading on a regular basis Strategies for being an active reader and improving comprehension Literary elements Compare a written piece to its film version

o o o o What do you know about your strengths, weaknesses, and preferences as a writer? Thoughtful and thorough responses to questions and prompts Generate writing on demand Memoir

Speaking and Listening

o What do you know about your strengths, weaknesses, and preferences as a speaker and a listener? o Class participation o Group participation o Book talks

o What do you know about your strengths and weaknesses in the areas of vocabulary, mechanics, and grammar? o Vocabulary o Mechanics o Grammar

General o What do you know about your strengths, weaknesses, and preferences in the areas of Organization Learning style Communication style

Especially for Parents

o There are several general avenues of communication available at GMSS. For building information, we now have a Twitter account (@1GMSS) and a Facebook page (Gahanna Middle School South) available in addition to the existing GMSS portal. To contact your childs teachers, you can email using the teachers last name and first initial. For example, Also, you can call the office and leave a message for the teacher. I have a website available for specific class information and handouts. It can be accessed most easily through classroom portals. From there, just click on the link to the Weebly website. The direct address to my website is It is a goal of mine to send out a weekly email with information pertinent to Language Arts class. I sent the first one out on Friday, August 16. If you did not receive it, let me know and I can add your email to the schools system.

Student absence procedure

o An absence sheet will be completed by all teachers if a parent contacts the school office requesting one. If no request is made, the student will be responsible for gathering missed materials upon return.

Office hours
o Office hours will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30 4:30 and Thursday mornings from 7:30 8:30. If a student needs additional help or to make up or retake an assessment, he or she should schedule with me to attend one or more of those sessions. This is also a good time to come in to make up missing work.

Absence work due dates

o If a student is absent, the work that was due on the day of the absence will be due upon return. In addition, if an assessment was scheduled for the day of the absence, the student should be prepared to take it upon return or schedule an appointment during the next office hours opportunity. For work that was missed during the absence, the student has the same number of days to complete the work that he or she was out of school.

Late work due dates

o Students will have homework in Language Arts as a result of an in-class task needed to be finished up, an opportunity to work on an extended project, study time for a graded assessment, or practice time for reading or writing. It is not given just for the sake of giving homework. Completion of the work is an important component of mastering the skills and content of the course. Work is due on the due date. If a student brings a note from a parent asking for more time to complete an assignment, another day will be given. In those instances that work is not turned in on time, there are a variety of consequences. If it happens rarely, extended time may be provided. If it becomes a more consistent issue, a student may be asked to stay in at lunch to complete the work, expected to attend an office hours session, or assigned an 8:00 detention. He or she may also be expected to contact a parent and discuss this growing problem. If the issue reaches a point where a student is frequently not completing work, he or she is referred to the office for a Saturday School or In School Restriction.

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Thank you for taking the time to read through the provided information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please sign below and return indicating that you have received this information. _____________________________ Students Name _________________________________ Parents Signature ___________________ Date

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