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- Colin GRAY, The Arms Race Phenomenon ,in George H. Quester, ed., American Defense Policy , P. 146147.


. "
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doctrinales . ) (RMA 1992

. .
" "Owens " "
War and Anti War
1993 Alvin and Heidi Toffler
" ".
" "

- Jean-Christophe ROMER, La pense stratgique russe au XXe sicle, p.47.

- Philip A. KARBER, The Tactical Revolution in Soviet Military Doctrine , Carlisle Barracks, US Army
War College, 1983.


" "FM 100-5 " " .1FM 100-6

" ".
" "
. Edward Warner

2 .
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- Michael D. Stany and Charles W. Arneson, FM 100-6: Informations Operations, Military Review,1996.
, P.32.- In, Janes Defense Weekly, 30 1997 ,
- Richard J. Harknett, Information Warfare and Deterrence , ed., Parameters, 1996, P. 93.
- Barry D. Watts, Clausewitzian Friction and Future War , Washington, National Defense University, 1996.


: " ."
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"" .

"" .

" "
" "
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1 "" Institute for National Strategic Studies
" .
- Jacob W. KIPP, Confronting the RMA with Russia , Military Review,1997.


Sun Zi ":

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" ".

1 " " .99




Europasche Sicherheit
Europasche Wehrkunde
Militrwissenschaftliche Rundschau

sterreichische Militrissche Zeitschrift

Revista espaola de defensa

Revista general de Marina
Revista militar


Air University Review.

Armed Forces and Society.

Arms Control Today.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

Comparative Strategy.

Defense Intelligence Journal.

International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence.

International Security.

Military Review.

Naval War College Review.

Non-Proliferation Review.


Small Wars and Insurgencies.

Strategic Review.

U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings.


Forces ariennes franaises.

La Revue des forces ariennes de 1929 1933, la Revue de larme de

lair de 1934 1939.

Journal des sciences militaires.

Revue maritime.


Revue militaire franaise.

Revue militaire gnrale.

Revue des forces terrestres.

Revue de dfenses nationale.

Strategic Analysis.


Informazioni della difesa.
Rivista Marittima.
Rivista militare Italiana.
Strategia globale.

Strategic Dialogue.

Anais do Clube Militar.


Revista Militar.

Les Champs de Mars, Cahiers du Centre dtudes en sciences sociales de

la dfense.

World Politics.

International Organization.

Cooperation and Conflict Resolution.

Journal of defense and peace Cconomics.

Etudes polmologiques.

Cultures et conflicts.

- Etudes internationals ( Canada).

- Foreign Affairs.
- Foreign Policy ( U.S.A).
- International Affairs ( U.K)
- International Studies Quarterly ( U.S.A).

- Orbis (U.S.A).
- Politique trangre ( France).
- Politique internationale ( France).
- Politica exterior ( Espagne).
- Revue internationale et stratgique.



American Neptune.

Command Magazine.

Diplomaciy History.

Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporaines.

The International History Review.

The journal of Strategic History.

The Journal of Slavic Military Studies.

Relations internationales.

Revue internationale dhistoire militaire.

War and History.

War and Society.

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9. Frederick the Great on the Art of War, ed. and trans. by Jay Luvaas, New
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faut recourir Liskenne et Sauvan).
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48 ........................................................... .
49 ...............................................
Jomini............................................................................................ 49
Clausewitz......................................................................................... 50
New- clausewitziens.......................................................................... 51
53 .....................................................
53 .....................................................................................
56 .............................................................
: 57 ..........................................
58 ....................................................


59 ..............................................................................
1 60...........................................................
2 62 ..............................................................................
3 62 ..................................................................................
63 .....................................................................
1 63 ....................................................................................................
2 Doctrine ..................................................................................... 66
68 .................................................................
1 69 ........................................................................................ .
2 69 ......................................................................................... .
3 /70 ................................................................................ .
4 71 .........................................................................................
5 71............................................................................................ .
6 72 ......................................................................................... .
7 72 .......................................................................................... .
74 ................................................................................
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77 .......................................................................

80 ........................................................................................

1 80 ....................................................................................................
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83 ....................................................................
2 84 ...............................................................................
3 86 .....................................................................................
86 ....................................................................
90 ...........................................................................................
4 93................................................................................
" "93 ................................................................
" "94 ...............................................
" "95 ................................................
97 ............................................................................................
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100 ...........................................................................................
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