Greats Educ630 Tourwrist Lesson Week 7

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My Homework Station by TourWrist By LeRhonda Greats Week 6-EDUC630

8th grade students will create a virtual, paranormaic tour of the place that they do homework once they leave school

Topic and Grade Level


This lesson incorporates the following National Educational Technology Standards for students (NETS-S) o Creativity and Innovation o Communication and Collaboration o Critical thinking, problem solving and decision making o Technology Operations and Concepts* Based on the 2007 International Society for Technology in Education, ISTE. Retrieved from: on January 27, 2013

Standards of Learning



The objective of this project is to use their iPad to share with the class their understanding of the app TourWrist.


List of materials

iPad 2 or greater that has the camera option TourWrist App Wifi connection


Description of class diversity and its connection to the instructional considerations. (Learning styles; male/female ratio; exceptionalities; cultural/social/economic diversities, etc.)
Our class is comprised of both male and female students, some with learning challenges, who are from various socio-economic backgrounds. The students in our classes come from a variety of cultural backgrounds and countries.


Technology inclusion (THE BIGGIE HERE)

The 8th grade students at our school are required to purchase the at least the iPad 2 for use in their classes. They have to go to the Apple App Store to purchase the TourWrist app and install it onto their iPad. This is a free app. Once at the place where they normally do homework they are required to take a series of pictures of the space that will be merged together to create a moving, panoramic view of their homework space. Once the Pano is created they will save it onto the TourWrist website and post the location of their individual tour onto our Schoology course page for this assignment so that everyone in the course can see what each student has designed.


Procedures (includes anticipatory set, direct instruction. Guided practice, and independent practice)

8th graders are very familiar with the need to create a space that is virtually free of distractions for homework. What that space looks like is a varied as the number of students that are in the class. In class I spend time demonstrating the power of TourWrist and we will install the app onto their iPad and the will create a tour of our middle school classroom and within the building. This helps to ensure that they are familiar enough with the app to create their own tour outside of school. I demonstrate and allow them to practice how to save the project as well making sure to focus on the proper way to title the pano and how it can be retrieved. In class we will visit the Schoology page that is set up for this assignment and review the reasons why we post our assignment locations. Students will be assessed based on the completion of the project as well as how and if they posted the location into Schoology as required. There will be special attention paid to the pano and whether or not the tour around the homework space covers a 360-degree look at the space and the pictures blend together at the start and ends of the pictures. The images should overlap as much as possible to give the illusion of a smooth panoramic picture rather than multiple pictures pasted together. TourWrist will only work if the student does not have web access so this is a requirement to complete this assignment. Merging the projects can be a challenge as well because they should be careful to take pictures at regular intervals and generally at the same height so that they can be blended together smoothly. The images can be taken floor to ceiling of their homework space and this will give a more clear view of the space.


Evaluation/ Assessment


Risk Analysis

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