1 - Negative Feedback

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Feedback can be 2 types such as negative feedback and positive feedback .

When the feedback energy(voltage or current ) is out of phase with the input signal and thus opposes it is called negative feedback Negative feedback is also called as degenerative feedback. Positive feedback is also called as regenerative feedback.

The Block diagram of Negative Feedback is shown in below figure :

Advantages of Negative Feedback

Gain stability :- The voltage gain of an amplifier with negative feedback is given Af = A / 1+ A If A >> 1 then the expression becomes , Af = 1 / i.e. overall gain of feedback amplifier is independent internal gain and depends only on feedback gain A & in turns depends on the passive elements such as resistors . Resistors remain fairly constant and so the gain is stabilized .

2. Reduced Non-linear distortion:- A large signal has non-linear distortion which is reduced by factor (1 + A) when negative feedback is used . 3. Reduced Noise :- There is always a noise voltage in the amplifier which is reduced by a factor (1 + A) when negative feedback is used .

4. Increased input impedance :- The input impedance of the amplifier with negative feedback is increased by a factor (1 + A) . 5. Reduced output impedance :- The output impedance of the amplifier with negative feedback is increased by a factor (1 + A) .

6. Increased Bandwidth :- As feedback is usually obtained through a resistive network , therefore , voltage gain of the amplifier is independent of signal frequency . The result is that voltage gain of the amplifier will be constant over a wide range of signal frequency . The negative voltage feedback , therefore improves the frequency response of the amplifier .

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